Was at my favorite club last night. A dancer I've never met before jumps into my lap still in her street clothes as she arrives for her shift. Tells me I'm just her type and wants to dance for me right now. At best she is a 4. I deflect her offer. She goes on to tell me that earlier in the day she just ended her eight-year relationship with her boyfriend. I just kept listening offering no comment. She then tells me that she caught him blowing another guy that day and continues to babble on and on about, also mentioning in the process that she was ADHD. Finally some other people she knows come in so she skips off to blather on to them. Did I miss my chance for some revenge sex from a chick feeling scorned? Under normal circumstances I wouldn't have considered couch time with this chick, just not my type. Her story was a buzzkill to start with but on reflection, she might have gone pretty crazy feeling a hard dick between her legs given the circumstances. My CF showed up shortly later, who I hadn't seen in a few weeks, so I stuck with her and the sure thing for my couch time.
I would have given her a go. It had to fuck her up to find her bf with another guy. She was definitely worth a round in vip - but my standards are very low...
Unless your rating scale works on a curve, and/or you were particularly hard up, the 4 rating is sufficient to justify you passing on this "opportunity."
Just for additional analysis, though, if her story is her boyfriend was bi on the down-low that's an enormous red flag. She claimed they were together 8 years, so it's impossible to imagine he wasn't still giving it to her at least occasionally, and who knows how safely he was playing with her or his boy(s) on the side?
It's also possible this is the gal's hustle - outlandish story that builds both sympathy and visions of freakiness dancing in your PL head, whereas a conventional approach you would've dismissed right off the bat.
The only potential up-side to engaging would be her openness to really get her freak on in that circumstance, but the most willing/horny/submissive 4 is still a 4.
Like it says below, everything a stripper says should be considered a work of fiction. I'd say you did right to pass and stick with the known quantity.
Well, if a girl jumps on you like that, you have no choice but to decide fast.
For me, if I want to go for the girl I'll find some way to turn it around, make it like I am chasing after her. The way to do this is to act like you are screening her. Talk to her some, ask a couple of questions, and if she seem to pass this sham test, then start coming on to her.
If you don't want to go for her, best to find a polite way to brush her off right at the start, some kind of an excuse, so it is not about what she looks like.
A 4? Well, for me that would not settle it, really it is about, "do I like her?"
For me I would skip a 4 and would bang a 6. 4s are girls I won't touch in the civvy world. 6s you bang if it's free but try not to get in a relationship with (unless they are amazing in many other ways)
For a 4 no. Anything below a 7 is not worth it. Especially with dancers, were often their rating drops if you happen to see them before they are all made up for the the club.
Let's see... The guy she's been fucking, has been fucking other guys. Yeah. Deal breaker for me right there. Chances of picking up a bug from her are infinately higher. No thanks, pass.. throw in the fact she's a 4? WTF dude I'd rather beat off
Yes, there are some really forward and some really talkative girls. I also have been turned off by obvious druggies.
@grand, might you elaborate about her being a '4'?
Face, figure, skin, age, weight?
How old, how heavy? In full stripper regalia, how do you think she would rate?
Of course the real issue is not what might have happened with her in the back room, but rather, would she be a girl you would like to know and be bedding down with?
Oh well, especially when pressed like that, one has to just trust their instincts.
Care to give us some idea where this was, and what the typical club mileage was like?
last commentIf she was hotter this wouldn't even be a discussion
The options seem to me to be:
1. Send her packing, or
2. Throw down a couple of shots hoping she starts looking better.
Geez man, I could have stopped reading after that :) Me personally, I don't go to strip clubs to fuck 4s, no matter how horny they are
Just for additional analysis, though, if her story is her boyfriend was bi on the down-low that's an enormous red flag. She claimed they were together 8 years, so it's impossible to imagine he wasn't still giving it to her at least occasionally, and who knows how safely he was playing with her or his boy(s) on the side?
It's also possible this is the gal's hustle - outlandish story that builds both sympathy and visions of freakiness dancing in your PL head, whereas a conventional approach you would've dismissed right off the bat.
The only potential up-side to engaging would be her openness to really get her freak on in that circumstance, but the most willing/horny/submissive 4 is still a 4.
You made a good call.
For me, if I want to go for the girl I'll find some way to turn it around, make it like I am chasing after her. The way to do this is to act like you are screening her. Talk to her some, ask a couple of questions, and if she seem to pass this sham test, then start coming on to her.
If you don't want to go for her, best to find a polite way to brush her off right at the start, some kind of an excuse, so it is not about what she looks like.
A 4? Well, for me that would not settle it, really it is about, "do I like her?"
Yes, I'm a cheapskate.
FWIW, I also have had dancers come onto me while still in their street clothes. I think they get some sort of self-affirmation from doing it that way.
@grand, might you elaborate about her being a '4'?
Face, figure, skin, age, weight?
How old, how heavy? In full stripper regalia, how do you think she would rate?
Of course the real issue is not what might have happened with her in the back room, but rather, would she be a girl you would like to know and be bedding down with?
Oh well, especially when pressed like that, one has to just trust their instincts.
Care to give us some idea where this was, and what the typical club mileage was like?
Tumbling Dice, live outtakes