Your real name in the club?

avatar for jaredlucas
I have always had a burner phone and in most cases use a burner name as well. Especially in a new club or traveling.

How many of you regulars on here give the young lovelies your real name or use a burner name?

I recently got "busted" when I ran into an old friend in a club. My CF was on stage so he joined me for a drink. Of course when CF finishes she plops on my lap and we began chit chatting amongst the 3 of us. She asked my friend how long we have known each other and before I could interject he says me and "real name" go way back to college days.

CF looks at me in disbelief and said what did he call you? Old dumbass repeats my name and says we even went to high school together. CF turns to me and says you always told me your name is "( fake name)". WTF ???

I should say I've been using a burner name and phone with her for more than a year before it became an issue recently. Only two of my longer term stripper friends know my real name but that was because I didn't have a clue when I started the PL life a few years ago b

Not too concerned if she gets over it if not. Just curious if you guys use your real names or not while in the club.


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I use a burner phone and only give out my real first name (it's relatively common).
avatar for Corvus
7 years ago
I never give my full name so using my real first name is no big deal for me. Never felt a need to try and remember what I told some dancer a minute ago or twenty minutes ago.

However, maybe I should come up with a real cool name to use? Francis or Dirk, or suggestions...
Not sure if I'd put 'Francis' in the cool name column, but whatever works for you, man.
Real first name. I'm vain and pretentious, so I don't have a last name.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
The burner phone is a good idea, just bc of the Facebook connection to phone numbers, but come on.. who cares if girls know you first name? It’s not like strippers go around stalking their customers.
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
I used to use a fake first name. But found it unnecessary to do so.
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
Corvus- My suggestion for you? Sterling ... now that's cool.
avatar for CouldBe
7 years ago
I use an app fir a phone number and my real first name.
avatar for CouldBe
7 years ago
*for, not fir. ^^
I use a stripper name. Years back, I had a reason for doing so. These days, it's partially out of habit, and partially because I like the karmic balance of neither of us knowing the other's name. No particular worries or anything, although it's definitely the case that if she's psycho, knowing your first name will help her hunt you down (BJ's scepticism notwithstanding, it's true), I just like it that way. I never ask her for her real name, but if at some point down the road she volunteers it, I tell her mine. The girls all know I've given them a stripper name, why hide it?

-->"CF looks at me in disbelief and said what did he call you? Old dumbass repeats my name and says we even went to high school together. CF turns to me and says you always told me your name is "( fake name)". WTF ??? "

So, dumbass is the right word to use, but it's applicable only to you. If you haven't briefed your buddy beforehand, he has no way of knowing. Regular people would not even guess that a PL might use a fake name at the strip club. Learn the lesson, take responsibility, and do a better job of prepping your wingmen.
avatar for Corvus
7 years ago
I don't know rh48hr, how about Marion?

Although I do like Sterling. I may actually use that one!

Would certainly prep a wing man if I had one .
In this case I Just happened To run into my old friend there. It had been about 5 yrs since we last conversed

I'll definitely make it a point to alert anyone I run into that I use a stripper name if we club together.

I might have been a bit tough on you ... anyone who doesn't SC regularly with a group of guys probably doesn't even think about goofy shit like this, much less if he just runs into someone at the club. We always prep our new guys on the trip up, going so far as to make him pick a stripper name that he'll use, too. Everyone gets coached how to act in general, and stripper names are one of the first things to discuss
Any dancer should understand and not get bent out of shape at a custy using a fake-name since the dancers also use fake names - perhaps you read more into-it and she may have been more surprised than upset
I use my real first name that way I don't make any mistakes
-->"Any dancer should understand and not get bent out of shape at a custy using a fake-name since the dancers also use fake names - perhaps you read more into-it and she may have been more surprised than upset"

On the other hand, if you ACT guilty and ashamed and trying to cover up something that you did wrong, people will treat you that way ... especially a stripper who is always looking for an edge to help control you. The way to handle this type of fuckup is to turn it into a joke and own it, "Ha ha, you fucker, I've only told her my stripper name! Dilly dilly!" *high five stripper* (everyone laughs). Seriously, just turning it into a joke is always the right way out of it ... especially if you really didn't do anything wrong, which he did not.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
I have such a common name, what difference does it make? Just suppose this...
A true scenario: My ATF knew my real name from the time I met her. Not long after we "discovered" we had mutual acquaintances. So when one of these others was with us both, no worries about a name slip.

Even if your name isn't that common, I doubt any one of you has an unique name from all others.
Real first name.
I've given one or two strippers my real business card, for specific reasons that were quite applicable each time. Otherwise I'm pretty much trying to stay anonymous, so I'll call myself by a common anglophone male name -- Chris, Charles, William, Fred, Bill, Dan, Dave, John, Mike, Larry, whatever -- and not even try to hide the fact that it isn't my name. "Let's see, who shall I be tonight? How about ... Charles? Is that a good one? OK, my name is Charles."
How much damage can they really do with a first name.
I never considered using a fake name. Most strippers don't believe my name is Thor anyway.
I use my real name, never have had any problems with that.
I use my real name, never have had any problems with that.
Thometimes I make her thor. Vewy vewy thor ...
real first name. and number. no problem.
I use my real first name and so do all of the guys that I frequently club with. Not likely that any stripper would want to stalk me and would be even less likely for her to succeed with just my first name. Same with a strippers real first names.
Thanks guys. I guess she got a little bent because I had her real name, b-day etc. Needed it for airline tickets on a few trips we took.
Just to re-emphasize, while I do give a stripper name in the club, I mostly do it on a whim. I don't think it's a big deal either way. Plus, many of the guys here don't have wives they might lose, and even for the married guys, I think it's pretty unlikely to get a stalker stripper with computer investigation skills. So not arguing with any of that, but it is worth addressing this:

-->"Same with a strippers real first names"

I always do a quick background check on strippers I OTC yes (yes, I may be insane). I found one CF's complete identity and I only knew 3 things about her: what strip club she worked at (obviously), who were some of her friends at the club, and her real first name. Without her first name, I wouldn't have found her... or at least, wouldn't have found her so easily. Happy to describe how those 3 things led to her, but the point is, I think some of you haven't tried this so don't realize how little information you need once you get a little practice. Yes, it's possible her real first name is all you need.

In this particular case: no criminal record, she was who she says she was, we met OTC, and there was a very happy ending :)
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
Corvus - Marion isn't bad, but I don't think you look like a Marion. :-)
Real name without hesitation. I've nothing to hide. Yet.
I use my real name "Jack". Strippers who meet me at my home also know my last name. I'm not worried. However, I don't have a wife, a job or a reputation to lose.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
^ lol
Dancers have kids; people with kids go to court; I earn my living going to court for people with kids; I see dancers a few times a month; I cannot hide what is so easily discoevered so I never bother.
Nobody cares who I am. So I just go by my real name.
I use a burner phone. But I use my real first name.

Although I’ve wanted to use LeBron - just to see the looks I’d get!

I was in a Target store in Pa once - and a mother was looking for her kid named LeBron. It was funny hearing her calling LeBron going through the toy section.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

You are correct has to how much one can glean from limited info. A lot depends on how much you really know to start with, AND your knowledge of using a computer and the net.
The shit that people worry about never ceases to amaze me. I have plenty to lose, but a first name is just a first name and mine, like many, is a common one.
I always use the burner app but use my real first name. My CF knows my full name, but she gave hers the during our first VIP session and her real phone number. I figured if she trusted me that much then I should trust her as well.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

A question, how did you verify her info?
PLs are usually the ones that get infatuated and tend to be stalkers - doesn't mean one can't run across a crazy dancer but it seems to usually be the dudes - a possible downside to using one's real first name is if in the unlikely event you're w/ your S.O. and run into a dancer and she refers to you by your real first name - at least w/ a fake name you may be able to deny knowing her.
I started using my real name. But then I saw that at our underground Mexican Bar table dancing circuit, it is not only the girls who have stage names, it is also the talent agents.

So after that, because I was married, I started using my middle name, just as an extra layer of insulation. But since I have gone back to my real name.

And in my future travels, I'll be using real name, business card, and even some additional papers.


And here now, a Lifeboat Forum, in case there are ever any temporary TUSCL outages. Go ahead and register now. At least keep the URL some place safe.

But warning, if there are troll posts, I can't be spending time dealing with that, so that member will be subjected to moderation if not a complete post prohibition. It is mostly for if there are any problems with TUSCL, to keep the community together. But people do have to limit their talk to the rules of the host, much different than the rules of TUSCL.…

Art of the Pimp, by Dennis Hof…

I don't think much of Hof, and you know his title is a play on DJT's book.

Nevertheless, I would probably enjoy reading this, just to try and understand him and where he is coming from. One thing Hof has said is that he "only dates prostitutes". That I have definitely come to understand.

Led Zeppelin, full concert, I believe Earl's Court. Awesome.…
part 2…

Do you like the blues influenced Led Zeppelin with its strong bass, or do you go with the progressive rock which though seemingly blues derived has lost the strong bass? I go with the former. No reason to give up the strong bottom end.
I have a fairly common first name as well. With one not so bright dancer to whom I had introduced myself on multiple occasions, I told her I would do VIP with her if she could remember my name. She couldn't for several times and I would always tell her, but wouldn't get dances from her. Finally about the 6th time she remembered it. She wasn't real bright. Plus her dancer name was Hazel. Who picks that for their stripper name?
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