

New York City
Hey , Im new to this website and I have alot of questions. I am 21 years old and from New York City. I am shy when I first meet someone but I'm overall a outspoken, out going and open minded young woman. I love to dance and I enjoy all kinds of music. I can dance to anything. I am slim, 5'6 , 125 pounds. I plan on gaining some more weight to add some more meat on to my booty. Thats the preferred look that I like personally. I am interested in becoming a "stripper", "exotic dancer" whatever you want to call it . Im 75% sure I want to do this. I wanted to know :

What is the process in becoming a stripper?
What was your first time dancing on stage like ?
How did you prep yourself? Mentally ? Physically and Hygiene wise ? ( I dont want to hear about drowning yourself in victoria secret body spray for prep , I want actual tips like how do you prevent vag sweating, keeping fresh and clean )
How much can you make on a good and bad day ?
Do strip clubs teach you how to do pole tricks? Or will you have to know how to do that coming in the door ?
What do the people hiring strippers look for in an ideal stripper ?
If you had any work done to enhance your apperence to make more money, can you recommend a good, affordable doctor who does amazing BBLs in your or someone you know experience ?
Can you recommend good clubs in New York City that has good cliente with money, safe eviroment and overrall good vibe , not too "hood".
What are your pros and cons of stripping/dancing?
Do the clubs provide make up artist or how does that work as far as apperance for on the stage goes ?
Can dancer offer private lapdances ?
I basically want to know EVERYTHING or at least things someone who is interested in getting into stripping. I also would like to make some friends who are currently or has dance before ! Im very excited and am all open ears. I plan on making money , saving up and becoming my own boss, using stripping as a stepping stone.


  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @DreamMuneca welcome to TUSCL! Please note that the majority of members here are strip club mongers, not strippers.

    I think a key question that you have to ask yourself is whether or not you are good being inappropriately groped on occasion and also sitting/dancing on a man's lap with his boner pushing up on your pussy. If anything is going to be a constant in your career as a stripper, these are it.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    This site is for customers and you won't get the information you're looking for here. However, any number of guys will ask you to show us your tits.

    I'm on board with that.

    Go to Stripperweb.com. That's where dancers hang out and talk about the things you want information about.

    Keep in mind, though, that some dancers at Stripperweb.com have some reality issues when it comes to how they believe clubs work and how they actually work. Meaning, there's a fair amount of bullshit.

    It's the same here, but customer bullshit instead of dancer bullshit.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    I wouldn't say this board is only for customers, although we do make up the majority here. There's still a lot of good advice that she can get from the PLs here.
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    What everyone else said. Id buy two dances from you minimum.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    You have many pertinent questions. It’s important for you to get honest answers from a dancer who is nearby. Each metropolitan area has its own standards - so it’s important to get the information from a dancer who knows the area and clubs.

    (I know you want to show us your tits...)

    You should take a look at StripperWeb (as @Ishmael mentioned), as that’s a site for dancers. There will be answers to many of your questions there. However, you should use a trusted dancer friend to provide specifics.

    (I’m know you need to show us your tits...)

    There is a lot of BS on both sites - and you should learn to discount much of it. Customers perceive clubs in a certain way - and dancers perceive the club in a certain way too. Most of the time they don’t see eye to eye - and that’s no surprise.

    (Show us those titties.... it will make you feel much better....)
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Dream, in any forum, you need to limit your questions to a more manageable topic. Your post basically amounts to "tell me everything you know about being a stripper" which most people here (except the loser from San Jose) could write a book about.

    I suggest that you go to strip clubs as a customer to learn about the environment. It would be best to bring a guy with you (some clubs might not admit a woman who is alone even though that might be illegal). Try Flash Dancers. It will be crowded and you might feel more comfortable there than at other NY clubs.

    Good luck and post again if you have more limited questions.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Show us your tits that’s a requirement of the TUSCL board.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Do you know how to take your clothes off? Then you know how to be a stripper. It's not complicated.

    As others have said, Stripperweb.com will be a more helpful site.
  • Digitech
    7 years ago
    I'm not a stripper, but I'll tell you what I know.

    Q) What is the process in becoming a stripper?

    A) You show up at a club and ask to work. If they say okay, that's it and usually you can start the same night. Typically you arrive for this "interview" during the afternoon. You just have to be good looking. Sometimes you call or email the club ahead of time to schedule this appointment. Make sure you bring bikinis and platform heels on your first shift. Most adult stores sell these items as dancer wear

    Q)What was your first time dancing on stage like ?

    A) Most first timers I've seen don't expect as many tips as they get. They see one dude put up some dollars and spend the entire stage set talking to him, even if other guys also tip. Try to be aware of everybody at the stage and split your attention among them.

    Q)How did you prep yourself? Mentally ? Physically and Hygiene wise ? ( I dont want to hear about drowning yourself in victoria secret body spray for prep , I want actual tips like how do you prevent vag sweating, keeping fresh and clean )

    A) A lot of dancers visit a few clubs and watch as preparation. You can try talking to those dancers to get a feel for things. Others have a friend or relative already in the game that they consult. For hygiene I know many dancers carry wet wipes, alcohol spray, breath mints etc in their purse. They freshen up periodically or after lapdances.

    Q) How much can you make on a good and bad day ?

    A) Depends on your skills, what your willing to do and how well you use your time. Fridays and Saturdays are the busiest nights. Other nights are slow. If you treat customers well, they will become your regulars and come on the slow nights to spend big on you.

    If you choose to perform sex acts (called extras in these forums), you can earn $1000-2000 on a good shift and $200--700 on slow nights. If you don't do extras, you can get $400--700 on a good shift and $100-300 on slow nights.

    Q) Do strip clubs teach you how to do pole tricks? Or will you have to know how to do that coming in the door ?

    A) They dont and it doesn't matter because customers don't care about pole tricks. It's good exercise though.

    Q) What do the people hiring strippers look for in an ideal stripper ?

    A) Girls that are good looking, show up on time, don't start fights or drama, and tip the club staff.

    Q)If you had any work done to enhance your apperence to make more money, can you recommend a good, affordable doctor who does amazing BBLs in your or someone you know experience ?

    A) Dr. Revis and Dr Pousti are two world reknowned breast augmentation surgeons. That's all I know.

    Q) Can you recommend good clubs in New York City that has good cliente with money, safe eviroment and overrall good vibe , not too "hood"?

    A) Haven't clubbed in NYC. Sapphire maybe?

    Q) What are your pros and cons of stripping/dancing?

    A) Pros: Easy money, gifts, opportunities to socialize with big money dudes, flexibility of schedule. You can travel anywhere and work a local club for a week or two. Just show up and do it.

    Cons: Messed up sleep schedule, no insurance benefits, no paid time off, if you get sick or injured you can be in trouble if money is tight and you can't work.

    Q) Do the clubs provide make up artist or how does that work as far as apperance for on the stage goes ?

    A) It's DIY as far as I know. Sometimes girls help each other with hair and makeup though.

    Q) Can dancer offer private lapdances ?

    A) What do you mean? At someone's home or hotel? Sure. But that's on your own time. Around here this sort of thing is called take-out or OTC (outside the club). You give a phone number to a customer and work out the time, place and cost. But usually theres an expectation of sex or sex acts with this. Some clubs don't like their dancers doing giving out numbers and you might have to be sneaky about it.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    5'6. 125 pounds. i bet you're perfect allready. i prefer slim, fit and natural.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Wow, Digitech has it mostly down, at least from my own observations of the dancer's side as well, and i tend to be curious of that aspect as well.

    What wasn't mentioned was that you will have to pay to work. Nights in NYC clubs are probably well over $100, even more on weekends. You are responsible for all outfits, shoes, perfume, most toiletries, props (if you use them; some girls do hula which isn't as cheesy as it sounds). Sometimes there are house vendors that sell overpriced outfits, shoes, etc. Some of the house moms are also cosmetologists or former dancers and do hair and makeup, but be expected to tip more for that. You also have to tip the DJ and sometimes security and/or valet if they start your car and escort you outside. Bouncers and floor hosts and even waitresses expect tips especially if they bring customers (often buying customers) to you. Things that have set prices and are overseen like private dances, VIP rooms will usually have a fee that you have to pay per transaction (often 20-50%), so you don't keep nearly all that a customer gives you, and that is still before taxes which is another story.

    I don't know about how much averages are for clean or naughty dancers, but i think Digitech was factoring NYC market rates, which "sound" about right to me. I wouldn't expect $1000-2000 (take home) in most areas no matter what you do. It's very hard to do even in upscale clubs, let alone dives or mid-level clubs. A good realistic goal (and sometimes the goal is met or exceeded, but sometimes it isn't as well) to shoot for is $100 an hour (your take) be it through stage, floor dances, private dances, or VIP or the more elusive front room tips. Some dancers give customers massages for money as a side hustle, but in some places, only licensed masseuses are technically allowed to give them.

    Additional pros would be: tax benefits as an unreported or under reported independent contractor. You rapidly learn sales techniques and socialization skills to offset your shyness. If the club serves food and good food at that, you can probably eat (and drink) off someone else's dime. If you're a very sexual person, you can probably quickly learn things about yourself and others while making a lot of money doing it.

    For the right person, this could work out. But for many people, the cons are pretty big. You probably have to live a secret life. It's harder to find a good boyfriend and especially husband if you want that. If you already have a boyfriend/husband, this job will definitely stress that relationship. You have to deal with the some of the worst level of customers (behaving badly with little to no consequence). If you're not comfortable in your own skin, you will feel sexually abused/harassed/assaulted etc. You'll need to have a thick skin to handle rejection, put downs for your appearance. If you are a WOC, expect to face discrimination and prejudice if not outright racism from hiring staff and customers (often with no consequence) even from your own ethnic/racial group.

    That's quite a bit, but it doesn't even scratch the surface for someone that wants to know "everything".
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    StripperWeb.com has a newbie section pre-populated with info.

    You seem to know very little - you should visit some clubs, and read reviews on here of clubs local to your area, so you can get a feel for what they're like and what custies expect; it's not really that easy to make $$$ as a stripper, there's lots of variables - and being AA often means you'll have a harder time getting hired at most non-AA clubs.
  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    >"What is the process in becoming a stripper?"

    Go to the club, tell them you're interested in auditioning and they'll tell you what you need to do from there. You'll need a 2 piece bra and panties and stripper shoes at a minimum.

    >"What was your first time dancing on stage like?"

    I'm a dude, a customer. This site is dedicated to the customer side of things so I unfortunately can't answer this question.

    >"How much can you make on a good and bad day?"

    A bad day you can easily be in the negative. You'll have to pay house fees before you start making your money, so your day will always start in the negative. If you don't make any money that day or night, you'll be worse off than breaking even.

    I've heard the average take home pay for a stripper is around $650 so anything above that would be a good day. Extras girls (giving sex or blowjobs) can probably make more, especially if they find a TUSCL guy in the club.

    Even if you're making $300 a day or more, you'll easily be making double what a girl your age could be making in any other reasonably attainable job (such as working Starbucks or something).

    >"Do strip clubs teach you how to do pole tricks? Or will you have to know how to do that coming in the door?"

    Never in the clubs I've seen. You've got to know your shit coming in and your audition process will filter out the girls that don't know how to use the pole. It's not too big of a deal as long as you do sexy shit on stage, you'll be fine. If there are additional poles in the club that are out of the way, some clubs will let their working girls practice a few tricks. There's also the possibility that you can pay a fee to the DJ and not be included on the list of girls that dance on stage. You lose the possibility of making stage money but you can generally make enough from just lap dances.

    >"What do the people hiring strippers look for in an ideal stripper?"

    Depends on the club. If you're exceptional in certain areas, you can probably find a job at clubs where your look is different.

    >"If you had any work done to enhance your apperence to make more money, can you recommend a good, affordable doctor who does amazing BBLs in your or someone you know experience?"

    You only spend up to about 30% of your life working but any cosmetic work you do you'll live with forever. Get surgery for yourself, not your job. I can't really say anything on the return of investment you make, but I do know that there are guys here that will turn down girls that have had work done. I prefer girls with breast implants, but I'll also take ones that don't have implants so there are additional opportunity costs you'll face if you do decide to get any surgery done.

    >"Can you recommend good clubs in New York City that has good cliente with money, safe eviroment and overrall good vibe , not too "hood"."

    Check the reviews for your city. Go with the clubs that have the most reviews.

    >"What are your pros and cons of stripping/dancing?"

    You make lots of money but it makes you grow up real fast. You'll probably discover your soulmate too but be too jaded to realize it.

    >"Do the clubs provide make up artist or how does that work as far as appearance for on the stage goes?"

    You do your own makeup.

    >"Can dancer offer private lapdances?"

    I assume you mean in the club. Usually you can but there might be a more public option of giving lap dances and if a guy will only pay for that, you either have to give him the dance or not get paid. You'll get used to being naked around strangers and the customers really won't care about your public nudity in the same way that you do.

    >"I plan on making money , saving up and becoming my own boss, using stripping as a stepping stone."

    Hire a financial advisor and make sure that your money gets invested or saved in ways that prevent you from accessing it (unless it's an emergency). You're going to make a lot of money; don't spend it and try to live very frugally.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    being able to work the pole is not necessary to be a stripper. i see a lot of strippers that just use the pole in a very simple way and don't even climb it.
  • georgebailey
    7 years ago
    It's a troll you idiots!
  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    >"It's a troll you idiots!"

    We're not on SW. If a troll comes on and asks simple questions, we'll politely answer them.
  • DreamMuneca
    7 years ago
    Hence the fact i said Im new to this website I didnt know this question shouldnt have been asked here. Thanks @Liwet , @Digitech and @theDirkDiggler !! I just made an account on StripperWeb thanks so much guys !! And again I wanted to know different outputs and experiences and to gather info ! I'm really excited ! Bless!!!
  • georgebailey
    7 years ago
    OK. Maybe not a troll.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Dream... Good luck. This isn't a bad place to be active if you want a perspective from the customers.
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