Hot or not: Rachel McAdams

Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
Her best days were probably around "The Notebook" era. Pic from there here (about 13 yrs ago)
She's still gorgeous though. I find her stunningly beautiful, one of my fave hollywood actresses in terms of beauty alone.
last commentnot. you’re hotter than her Nina. I’d get danced with you over her
She has always made me rock hard. Part of it of course is my adoration of redheads but there's something more about her. Part of it is her mischecious grin and sweet smile. She has that girl next door look which is exactly my thing. Finally something that I agree with Nina about. Except the getting rock hard thing.
Look up pictures of her when she was young like early 20s. Her face is angelic. For some reason I'm too high to be able to post a link. She is what I pay the big bucks for.
She's a pretty plain Jane to me. Girl next door pretty, but not hot. Amanda Syfried is so much hotter.
I think she is very pretty, but not exactly hot. Just as Mr. Pool commented, things might be different if I met her in person.
She's pretty attractive. I don't think that's the most flattering pic of her, though.
Hot. But Nina should have posted a slutty pic, which is what we want.
I'm going to say that she's brilliantly hot!
You want evidence?
Still hot.
Definitely a hottie
She's incredibly hot! She has an angelic face - and a great body too. She can pull off the good girl look - but she also can look a bit naughty (and very sexy).
Yup. Hot, hot, hot.
Definitely hot. "Good girl" features with eyes that scream, "You know you want this. Now come and get it!"
Pure kryptonite for me.
Hot for sure! I kinda go for the girl next door look.
She still has that cutie girl look going on and her smile makes her sparkle. Yes Hot
Mean girls was a great movie. Lots of classic lines came out of that.
Yes, Rachel McAdams is a hottie. Her best topless role was in "My Name is Tanino" (2002), which no one actually watched. She was also [briefly] topless in "The Notebook", (2004), beloved by chicks and their compliant boyfriends, and "To the Wonder" (2013). Here's a link to some nice GIFs:
Never really did it for me.
Not ugly but not hot either.
The pic in the OP didn't do anything for me - jackslash's pic I found pretty-sexy - I wouldn't lose-it over her but would probably get LDs from a girl that looked liked her
I looked at some images and didn't place her at all, but one I did seem to remember. I googled her movies and it hit me Wedding Crashers. Yeah, she was pretty nice in that movie.
Look out that window...
"Mean girls was a great movie. Lots of classic lines came out of that."
oh nice. pics. and girl.