
Should I be worried about this?

layin low but staying high
Should I be worried about this? All the stories about otc gone bad have gotten me paranoid.

I was with video girl a while back. We did our usual thing, nothing out of the ordinary sex wise. After I cum down her throat she usually takes off fairy quickly. She's not a DS, so there's no reason to cuddle afterwards, spend the night together, smoke weed, or any of that fun stuff.

But this time after she got dressed she came back and sat on the bed with me. We don't know much about one another's personal lives even though we've been fucking for quite a while. I've never quite trusted her enough to let her know much personal information about me. Nothing specific but I just get the sense that I'd be better to stay anonymous with her.

So this time, instead of promptly leaving, she starts telling me personal stories about her life. She tells me that she has a boyfriend, and they have been together for a while. Basically what this means is that she has lied to me in the past when she said she had no boyfriend. All of this strikes me as really strange because I don't care about her boyfriend, and I can't understand why she is telling me about him.

To be polite, I ask whether the boyfriend knows about what she and I do. She says yes he knows everything and he's fine with it. I ask if he knows about the other old guys that she fucks. She says that she only has two other regular otc customers and he knows all about them too. She says he is perfectly fine with what she does with customers because she has an open relationship with the bf. When I ask what that means she says that they have have threesomes and she fucks select customers with his knowledge. I ask if open relationship means that he is free to have sex with other women when she is not present. She seems disturbed by this question, hesitates, and then says no he doesn't do that. Yeah right, I believe that.

Soon after the boyfriend discussion she left. Afterwards, I started to wonder about why she would tell me about her loser boyfriend. And I started to get paranoid over the fact that this guy might know everything about our sexual dates, including when and where we meet.

Video girl has been a very reliable provider. She has never not showed up or been really late, and she has always done everything that she promises to do. She communicates reliably. I take good care of her although not nearly like I would with a DS. Still, I pay her a few hundred a session, usually take her to dinner, and I take her shopping for Christmas.

But like I said before there is something about her that is hard to describe but that has always made me not reveal any personal information to her. One thing that she always does which bugs me is to try to figure out who I am. She asks my last name, where I live, where I work, etc. Once she learned my last name when I wired her money but then several weeks later she said she forgot and asked me again what my last name is. I consistently refuse to tell her any personal information and change the subject.

She had an accident and is out of commission for a few weeks. But when she resurfaces, I'm wondering if I should be worried about her boyfriend showing up at one of our dates? Do these facts sound suspicious? She and I have done this for a couple of years now with no problem. We usually go to a hotel but if I'm in a hurry she just blows me in my car.

I don't usually take a gun on dates with her but I could change that if I need to. I do usually take a gun on dates with strippers that I don't know well.


  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    For me, one of the main attractions to fucking dancers instead of escorts is the anonymity. All she knows about me is my first name and that i have an unnatural craving for tits. Other than that, I've never felt the need to talk about my personal life outside of very general terms and descriptions.

    Having said that, I've never felt the need to carry a weapon to an encounter. I've picked up dancers in the heart of Long Beach, where I was probably the only white guy in a five mile radius, and still never felt threatened (and I'm hardly imposing at 5'10" and 160lbs). Personally, I feel if you or any others are truly carrying firearms to a sexual encounter, you're either overly paranoid or making very bad choices in your companion.

    In this instance, it sounds like she's definitely looking to get more info, for whatever reason I couldn't say. Personally, when they get this way, it's time to cut the cord and move on, no matter how good the pussy is. Once a session starts down the road of getting to be more talking than fucking, that's not what I'm there for and it lessens my enjoyment, which is my paramount reason for doing it.

    I wouldn't be overly concerned about the boyfriend, unless getting attacked by someone wielding a pair of drumsticks is a major concern for you. But really, for all you claiming to take a gun with you, you strongly need to rethink that strategy, and especially the end game if you actually believe you need to use it.

  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    If the concern clouds your enjoyment, then it's affecting the quality of your overall experience w her. If that's the case, move on and don't overthink it.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Are you high right now?

    I would say it's safe to say when starting OTC with ANY stripper, someone else knows where she is whether that be a friend, a relative or a husband/boyfriend.

    I agree with you, when doing OTC with someone that is there "just for OTC" they know two things about me, my first name and one of my phone numbers, that's it. No last name, what state I live in, what car I drive (since I almost always have a rental), not even what I do for a living other than some sort of vague response.

    I assume just about every stripper has a boyfriend even if they say they don't.
  • Htxx
    7 years ago
    I think all the weed you're smoking is making you paranoid. I've never had an OTC issue with anyone though so maybe I'm just lucky. While I used to smoke a lot of weed in my 20's I don't enjoy it as much now. It's stronger and makes me paranoid. I think it has hit you too.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    After two years, I probably wouldn't worry too much about it. Not sure I would put too much credence in her assertion the BF knows. Not much of a BF if he allows that but it is a bizzaro world.

    Out of the blue, I too recently had a honey just open up to me about her private life. Holy shit. In this culture where there is little stigma to being bi, promiscuous, porno, fucking for money...these young sexy honeys can get lost in this debauchery big time. Mildly interesting but TMI.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    I'm going with trust your gut.

    The trying to find out your last name thing sounds fishy, especially since it sounds like you're obviously averse to sharing that info.

    Otherwise, the reasons I can think of for bringing up a boyfriend would be as a countermeasure to a RIL situation or because for some reason she has gotten paranoid herself and wants to impress on you that someone knows where she is. Maybe she had a bad experience with another guy and is trying to work that into conversation with her clients. Maybe it's to plant a seed so she can break it off sometime in the near future by saying that boyfriend she already told you about and her are getting more serious and going to switch to monogamy.

    On the other hand, looking disturbed at your question about him seeing other girls might be because it was a made up boyfriend and she hadn't thought through that part of her cover story yet.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Of course I'm high. And yes that can make me a little paranoid. But video girl kinda worries me even when MJ is not with me.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    In general, I've learned to be cautious whenever a third person starts to get involved in one of my OTC relationships. If OTC girl depends on a ride, then either a GF or BF will be in the mix ... watching the clock.

    Trust your gut!
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    "And yes that can make me a little paranoid. But video girl kinda worries me even when MJ is not with me."

    Listen pussy, you have 2 kidneys and you don't need both of them. It's all good if she only takes one.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    Go with what your gut tells you when you're not high. But if you are constantly thinking about it when you're with her, you won't enjoy your time with her.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    JS69 - You should have gotten an NDA. :)
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    JS where are you hearing so many stories about OTC going bad? I must have missed that. Guys like you and I are vet's at this. Just choose your OTC stripper very wisely, I've never had a problem. There are some girls that are a little shady and I wouldn't do OTC with them. But as I said choose wisely.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I think you should carry your pistol.

    "She had an accident and is out of commission for a few weeks."
    I'm sorry I ruined her pussy.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I think she wants to be able to track you down in case she gets pregnant. She knows you can pay child support. Plus females are curious about that stuff. A guy might know nothing but a female will ask all kinds of questions.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    If I was worrying about a bf, I wouldnt want to continue an otc with whomever.
    I found out some females get very uncomfortable around you if they think you might have a gun. One of my female relatives told me she didn't want to spend the night at anyone's house if they had a gun. I guess she won't ever visit my younger sister. She's armed and ready. I found this out simoly by talking about buying weapons. I couldn't believe how naive she was when I heard her say she has never heard of anyone defending themselves from home intruders with a gun.
  • clubdude
    7 years ago
    I'm a small PL in a big PL ocean. However with your track record I believe you let her go, and get a replacement (if you so desire). She appears to getting too interested in your personal history.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    I've got two guns, one is for protection and the other is for fun.
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    I've noticed girls tell their life story as a sign of trust. Whether consciously or not.

    What you do with that information is up to you.

    I think you're just paranoid, especially if it has been years. You don't have to open up to her just because she has opened her life to you. Relax.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    You should all be in ninja classes, instead of wasting time on here. Me too, I guess. :P
  • K
    7 years ago
    She's lonely. She needed to talk to someone she trusts. Keep your private life private but listen if she wants to talk. I am sure you can spare the 15 minutes.

    Don't over think it. If nothing else you are doing a kindness for another person. One thing I've learned is that strippers know only one way to show appreciation.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Thanks for the input. I think I'll keep seeing her. I think ppwh might be right that she was laying about the bf. strangely I hadn't considered that possibility. But even if he's real, two years of safe, quality service outweighs my paranoid concerns. I might pack that gun though, just in case Im wrong.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
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