
Spotting OtC/SA dates in public.

Mom's basement
I just saw a potbellied, gray old man with a 20-year-old hot blonde at a coffee shop on a Friday night. Could be her dad or uncle or grandfather, I guess, but how do you not at least suspect something is going on? Anybody have experience of this from the other side: getting looks in public, etc.?


  • TFP
    7 years ago
    This used to be a hobby of mine while walking through trendy shopping areas. I was recently in Beverly Hills on Rodeo drive and spotted quite a few. Either they were old rich dudes with really young wives, or it was an OTC/SA type deal. Wasn't father daughter with they way they were with each other. I have nothing but respect and admiration for those guys. Hope I can pull that kinda stuff off later in life.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I always say she's my niece, but then I get some strange looks when I grab a handful of ass.
  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    Jackslash, lol!
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I've met a few of jackslash's nieces. Nice genes in your family, jack.

  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    This has been on my mind lately. I've done OTC with quite a few dancers over the last 15 years and am used to the stares, etc but now I am facing a new challenge. She has agreed to OTC but I am a 75 yo white guy and she is a petite 22yo black chick.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    I noticed some stares last year when my then 62-year-old ass was dining with my then 32-year-old ATF. We got some stares, mainly from middle-aged women. She didn't seem to care, and I was loving it!

    Next Tue afternoon my now 63-year-old ass is going to take my 26-year-old CF to a fancy Italian restaurant for lunch and then check into a hotel across the street for some afternoon funsies. I predict that she won't care -- she specializes in OTC dates with older men who have some discretionary income -- and that I will once again be loving life.
  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    When I saw this post, it reminded me of something I took note of last summer at Haulover Beach (clothing optional near Miami) -- an older white guy, must have been in 60s, if not 70ish, with an attractive, young black girl. Both naked. As soon as I saw them, I figured she was a stripper/call girl accompanying a client. I was alone (as usual) and was envious as hell.
    But I also thought if I was hiring a hot, young escort, I'd want only sex. Never done OTC, but if I did, I'd probably prefer someone closer to my age (52), just so we'd have some common interests. So that obviously wouldn't be a stripper (unless I lived in West Virgina), but maybe an escort.
    Can't imagine what, if anything, that couple had in common or talked about. But, whatever makes you happy is great.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Just a side note, why should you care one way or the other if they are both obviously adults and neither appears to be hurting each other.
    @JAprufrock at Haulover Beach that's common lots of rich older guys with smoking hot babes of all races.
  • carolynne
    7 years ago
    whenever I get a quizzical look because I'm with an older, less than attractive man, I hold up my hands about two feet apart and then silently feign screaming with pleasure. Never fails to make their jaw drop or their face to flush!
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Carolynne, I love you! LOL
  • 3LeggedMan
    7 years ago
    Carolynne, FTW!!
  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    I don't get it.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Carolynne, that's awesome! lol.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Yep. Yesterday morning. Saw a dumpy, short, white guy easily in his 60s walking out of a hotel lobby holding hands with a smoking hot Latina in her 20s. My advanced powers of deduction lead me to believe that it was not his niece.

    He didn't look like he gave a fuck. She looked at bit self conscious.
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