
Current favs at home club

North Carolina
I have a problem with dancers in my home club. There are ladies there that I have had frequent LDs with in the past and we have had lots of intimate fun in the LD room. Such activities include intense steamy 2-way action causing us both to almost lose control.

My problem is that every time I go to my home club, these ladies expect me to spend time and $$$ on them. Sometimes when I go to the home club, I just want to relax and scope the new talent. Sometimes I don't want a hot and heavy session. Sometimes I just want to be left alone. When I refuse them dances, these ladies get all upset and some no longer even ask me for dances, thinking I don't want them anymore. How do I turn them down without offending and keep the door open for future sweat sessions? Has anyone else had the same problem?


  • RTP
    7 years ago
    Grow a pair! It is your time and your money. You need to be in control. You have to tell them that you want to try some other dancers, nothing against them, and if that does not work, they are really not interested in you for anything but your wallet. There will always be more strippers, can't worry about one that will no longer want dances.
    I have found that dancers will need the money and will be back if it is really $$$. If it is only a few $, they may not be back.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    They don't give a f*** about you or any other custies, they are masters of manipulation - you are there for your enjoyment not theirs - once you start letting the dancers dictate your visits and what you and who you do it with and how you spend your $$$, you will often be caught in this predicament - the longer you go w/o putting your foot down the longer you will go not enjoying your visits like u should - the less you put your foot down the worse the dancers will treat u and run roughshod over you - putting your foot down will actually get you better treatment.

    These same dancers that pout or get pissed when u turn them down 99% of the time will gladly take your $$$ on another visit, all you have to do is ask them for dances/VIP and it'll be like nothing happened.

    You are basically being manipulated and allowing yourself to be - dancers know custies often wanna get with different girls and they'll strongarm custies into only spending on them.

    The most important thing a PL needs to learn to say in clubs is "no" , and be comfortable saying it.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    Listen to Papi, I had a similar situation with my CF, was letting her control my visits. Took his advice and have been able to regain control of my club visits and guess what my CF is still my CF. Yeah she was a little pissy at first, but she came around and I still have nights that we have a great deal of fun together.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Both of the above posters gave you the right story I just would add one thing, how the fuck does a young girl in her underwear intimidate a supposedly grown man ?
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Realize that you have all the power in the relationship. You decide who gets the money. Once you realize that, take control.
  • etsutwigg222
    7 years ago
    That is not a problem but an opportunity !!!!! You say favs which means more than one. That creates competition for you between the favs. Somewhat like a 4 to 1 dancer/customer ratio at the first of the month. Called supply and demand......You supply the money, they compete to supply service!!! I have 3 favs at my club, so I am very seldom without a reliable source of relaxation and the prices are kept in a reasonable range!!! It is a win-win!!
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Use your conversation skills. "I'm going to relax tonight and take it easy. But I'd love to dance with you on a future visit." Then do whatever you want to. It's your money, it's your time, and you are the customer, so you get to do whatever the fuck you want to do. Be nice to your regulars, stage tip and talk to them politely, but be firm and in control. If a dancer can't be nice about it then cut her off for good.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    You have a better chance of finding a new favorite than they do finding customers who spend. Remind them if need be.
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    You can relax. They thought they were gonna get paid when they saw you, like last time. You said not today, so they got a little pissed their day will not be as lucrative as they thought.

    Next time, or whatever time you want, just go to them or wave them down or get a waitress to fetch them. They will dance for you again. Most likely at least as good as before.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    I would think few strippers have it good enough to refuse customers repeat business on the sole basis of one wanting a bit of "variety". It that's the case, then let her be. She's not your gf/wife. It is a business transaction first and foremost 99% of the time. If she doesn't want your business take it elsewhere.
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    My main club I have about 10-12 regular favorites, all girls who deliver in VIP and seem to enjoy doing it.

    Each visit, I decide who gets a couple dances on the floor, or who I tell to come back later if I'm still here, and who I take to VIP for the coup de grace. They all take it in stride, and they always come back on my next visit with zero drama.

    It's your money. Be polite, but own your decisions. They won't mind.

  • shanny72
    7 years ago
    Ask her if she's got a friend that she would recommend. There's a damn good chance they have already discussed you and your likes/dislikes already which, ime, can result in some great fun. If you're up for it, maybe you can get them to double team you at a future date..
    I know that if I'm asked by a girl if I have a favorite dancer, who I come to see, what is your type etc., I reply that I'm an equal opportunity employer.
    They usually get the point quickly.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    Have a similar drama happening at my current favorite club. It's a nude, full bar, no lap dance, no VIP joint. I like this club because of the large number of 6-8 rated dancers willing to make extra funds playing OTC. So far I've pulled two dancers for OTC and have had a couple sessions with each.

    After giving up the goods OTC they both expected me to sit with them ITC, tip them on stage, and hold their spot at my table when they went onstage. Oh, and they wanted to be in control of which other girls were allowed to join my table, or hang out with me when they had to go on stage. Both threatened no more OTC if they had to get up from my table while I chatted up other girls not in their respective clicks. Part of the problem is that I visit the club during non-busy times and they have to go on stage about every 20 mins.

    One had a hissy fit ITC. The other has paused OTC (classic pussy restriction) until she's treated right ITC. Gladly giving up OTC with both to control how I spend my time and money. And indeed money is what it is all about. Those bitches don't give a shit about me personally. They just want me as a regular for the income.

    I continue to roll into MY new favorite club, and I decide who I hang with and how I spend MY money. Lots of other OTC options materializing.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    i've had similar dilemmas at the local clubs i frequent. i only have to really worry about this at two of those clubs, since at the other clubs, the turnover is so frequent, i haven't developed any lasting regulars there. But if these girls are your current favorites, you can still throw them a bone and do just one or two dances with them. You should still probably end up enjoying your time with them as they are your favorites for a reason. In my experience, i've rarely regretted getting A dance from one of my favorites; in other words, i'd rather get a couple dances from a sure good thing than get several mediocre dances from several unknown commodities. i mean my favorites are the actual reason i go back to a club and hope they are there. Not that i don't want to try something new or something good, preferably new and good, in which case i might have a new favorite.

    But the other posters are right. Those girls probably also see you as a sure thing and you shouldn't let them get too comfortable with that. That's why i think the one or two dances that you do with them pretty clearly lets them know that you're not going to spend that much money on them and they can't really get all huffy and puffy without looking ungracious and potentially losing a source of regular income.

    You can also try throwing some complements, questions, interest towards one of the new girls or other girls you might be interested in while one of your current favorites sits with you. You can say like, "Who's that girl?", or "She's hot!" when said girl is on stage or walking nearby as i tend to zone and not engage too much and start looking at other girls when i'm not too interested in the company i'm sitting with. We usually end up watching other girls anyway and strippers just are unable to resist gossiping. Then your fav might get the clue that you're interested in other girls and clearly not a onegina man.

    Now if these girls are getting long in the tooth, then who really cares what they think. They already know you're a regular customer who probably spends a decent amount of money and will come around if they're in a rut and you show them some interest again.

  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    One of my former favorite clubs was like that. They mostly understood that if I had a good time with one of them my previous visit that it was likely I wouldn't come for them this time. It's not like anyone ever quit stripping because I decided not to buy anything from them today. Besides, they had other customers.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    Giraffe gave the bottom line on it. If you are willing to go without then just let it walk. If you're not, then you'll just suffer to some degree until you can hold the line. If you try to take control but then falter because you're chasing tail you'll be worse off than before.

    One way to keep that from happening is to do what others have said and spread the wealth if the lineup has enough depth. There are others, but a simple way if it's a small club is to stay away for a while and see what the vibe is when you go back.
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