Is bareback back?

avatar for Lone_Wolf
A well known mongering board indicates more and more escorts are offering bareback services. This is also reflected in many escort reviews. A couple of my favorites seemed surprisingly nonchalant about using condoms.

Have any of you noticed, or sensed, a change in attitude about the use of condoms recently?

Please note - it is fucking insane to go bareback with a sex worker for a multitude of good reasons. I'm not asking if someone should do it, just if there seems to be a more openness to it. No lectures needed.


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avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Compared to the way it had been just a few years back on SF Redbook, I would say that this site is shocking.

On Redbook, they banned discussion of such and they automatically screened references to it out of the ads. They considered any discussion, along with anal, to be irresponsible.


Steely Dan live in Charlotte, NC 2006…
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
It funny the way TUSCL has evolved over the years. At first guys would post on here that they weren't really interested in extras. Just went to the clubs for some dances and conversation. Actually it was the girls limiting what they got.

Then the next guys were like, yeah, but I always use protection. Won't have it another way. But the truth was it was the girl limiting what they got.

Now guys on here seem completely open to it. Which is some pretty scary shit.

Another moral of the story is you can never believe anything a TUSCLer says when he is claiming something. He is likely just making a virtue out of a necessity.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
^^^^^^^^ Dougster, don't worry about what people say. You're a good guy and we're glad your here.

avatar for rogertex
8 years ago

Is bareback back?

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Under what circumstances would you trust a woman, and all that goes on between her ears, to take sole responsibility for contraception?

avatar for goldmongerATL
8 years ago
I think the OP is right. A few years ago, extras girls would usually say a condom was mandatory, end of discussion. I the last year or two I have had quite a few girls now say bareback is extra and some even say I could bareback them if that was the only way I would do VIP (not that I was going in that direction, but they may have sensed some hesitation and thought that was the dealbreaker). I even had one girl tell me if I wanted bareback it could only be in her ass. Bareback anal-- now that's a dick shriveling thought.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
The funniest thing is that TUSCL is a real herd mentallity/circle jerk. So the thought that everyone else is doing BB will probably encourage those holdouts to go for it. When the opposite should happen.
avatar for ThereAndBackAgain
8 years ago
People are getting over the hyper AIDS panic that gripped aughties like nuclear holocaust gripped 60s through 88 when aids was discovered.
Now some people know the limited risks and choose testing over condoms. Like people smoke without condoms knowing they can get cancer and there is no cure for cancer.

STDs was never a strong deterrent to the bareback.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
8 years ago
When I was a younger slut monger I would have been horrified at just the thought of going bareback with a sex worker. I'm not much into escorts myself, but I do remember once seeing an ad for a girl who was advertising that she does creampies with her boyfriend and then offers bareback sloppy seconds for her customers. In some of her pictures she was actually dipping a red lollypop into her cum-filled snatch and then licking it. At the time I was nauseated... curious maybe, but nauseated. Today, I feel like if I saw a similar ad, I'd think "What's the big deal?" So I honestly think it's not just the girls. I, too, have a different view on the likelihood of STDs today than I did 15 or 20 years ago. And although we might never cure AIDs, it seems like doctors know how to treat it much better today than ever before. And as for an unplanned pregnancy, well, she would have a pretty hard time proving that the baby is even mine. Plus only a very stupid dancer would allow herself to get pregnant and not do something about it after the fact (an escort might be a different story, though). Now having said that, I don't advocate bareback. And getting any STD would really suck, let alone getting full-blown AIDs. And of course, having an unplanned pregnancy is scary no matter who it's with and whether she can prove it. But has it ever happened in a moment of weakness (sometimes hers and sometimes mine)? Absolutely. And I don't regret it... yet.
avatar for tumblingdice
8 years ago
Anyone ever grip an aughty?
avatar for goldmongerATL
8 years ago
No because the oldest an Aughty can be is 17 right now :-)
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Are people really smoking w/o condoms?
avatar for whodey
8 years ago
I've had a few girls both ITC and OTC that have tried to go from a BBBJ straight to FS without waiting for me to put on a condom. Many of them were shocked that I wanted to put on a condom before proceeding.

I even had 1 girl ask me "What, you don't trust that I'm clean? You know I wouldn't do this with most customers." I told her that "I don't trust anyone that would let my fat ass fuck them for $150 to be picky about who they fuck, especially since we just met." She just laughed and said to hurry up because our vip was almost up.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
whodey: "You know I wouldn't do this with most customers"

Hey, there's guys on here (many actually) who would believe here. I wonder if a sign of how much of a mark she thinks you are? If she's "you're the only one" does that mean she shes you as a bigger mark than if she says "I don't this for many others"?
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Bareback sex with escorts??? I've heard it all now!
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Hey, nobody accused TUSCLers of being very bright.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
That has not been my experience at my favorite club. In fact getting a BJ without a condom has becomes such a problem that I have been passing a lot. I won't do FS ITC anymore. I just find it uncomfortable and I'll only do OTC with dancers that I trust enough to go bare back with. Yeah. I'm going without a lot.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
It's probably a big more common in society in general now that HIV is often not an automatic life-sentence like in years past due to current meds.

There is also a new med called PrEP/Truvada that supposedly pretty-much eliminates getting HIV if taken everyday w/o fail.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
^^ I think PrEP is pretty expensive and targeted toward committed couples where one of them definitely has HIV.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
Yes it is expensive.

EMTRICITABINE; TENOFOVIR DISOPROXIL FUMARATE is two antiretroviral medicines in one tablet. It is used with other medicines to treat HIV and with safe sex practices to prevent HIV in high risk persons. This medicine is not a cure for HIV. The lowest GoodRx price for the most common version of Truvada is around $1,612.02, 15% off the average retail price of $1,918.05.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
The article I posted states many insurances may pay for it b/c o/w it would cost a lot more to treat a person that becomes positive - and it's recommended for anyone that may engage in risky sexual behavior which applies to mongers
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
A while back I checked on a Canadian pharmacy website and it was fairly lower than in the US but still expensive
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
i don't bareback unless i consider her to be open to a committed open relationship. :)
avatar for HungryGiraffe
8 years ago
I agree with TABA. Had a stripper recently suggest during very first encounter an exchange of test results in lieu of condoms as part of an ongoing OTC P4P relationship.
avatar for ThereAndBackAgain
8 years ago
@Dougster...if you see war movies you know: always smoke without condoms, even in the middle of gunfire ... like they say "go go go fire in the hole ... ;)
avatar for FTS
8 years ago
Which mongering board is OP referring to? TER?
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Papi: " it's recommended for anyone that may engage in risky sexual behavior which applies to mongers"

I'm a little skeptical of that. I'm not sure if heterosexual sex with sex workers would be high risk enough to justify it. Unless, maybe, you made a point of targeting heroin addicts like RickyBoy does. There's side effect to these drugs and also the cost.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
IDK, banging a chick that may have banged 20 different guys that week may be risky
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Is anyone actually taking HIV prevention or control medications? Know anyone who is?


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avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
Some @random thoughts:

(1) As @Giraffe alluded to, I think it's possible to test and go bareback with the right, responsible, girl in some kind of ongoing P4P relationship. Agree that it's insane to do the same with an escort that has sex with multiple partners each day.

(2) HIV math based on CDC stats: If you're having unprotected sex with a girl who definitely has HIV, the odds are about 50/50 of getting HIV after having sex about 7000 times. Of course these are ballpark estimates. If you're *both* tested for HIV, the odds of getting HIV are not worth worrying about in my opinion. It's really pretty hard to get HIV through straight sex.

(3) Don't pretend that condoms are 100% effective. Having unprotected sex with a responsible partner may well be safer than protected sex with a @Dugan crack whore. Condoms are only 30-50% effective for HSV-2. In the real world, condoms are more like 85% effective in preventing HIV.

(4) Going down on your partner exposes you to HPV throat cancer which has nothing to do with male condoms. Arguably worse than HIV, and impossible to test for in men. Impossible to quantify the risk.

(5) I got tested at Planned Parenthood this Saturday, and the nurse was complaining about the Trump administration. Half the PP centers are closing down in my area due to lack of funding. She puts up with evangelical nuts who protest her office every Saturday like clockwork. I'm sure all the teenagers in my area will practice abstinence-only after all the centers close down. Teenagers are known for acting responsibly..... *sarcasm*.

(6) Everyone has HSV-1 and not worth testing for. 16% of the population has HSV-2 and 80% of them don't know it. You can do antibody test for asymptomatic HSV-2, but it's not 100% reliable and what exactly would you do with the results?

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@Random: Those are variables that go into those calculations. The low numbers you cite are from studying couples where one partner is positive and the other is not.

But things like having and having had other STDs affect it. Anything that is causing or has caused damage, or cause skin breaks will shoot your odds way up.

Another important factor is other partners viral load. If he/she is on anti-virals with undetectable viral load, there's pretty much no chance of passing it along. If, OTOH, he/she just got her viral load will be very high the first month or two and the odds of passing it along are much higher than the steady-state numbers you mention.

The numbers I read for HSV-1 were 80%, but it varies with age. Younger people are much less likely to have it than older people, however.

I think you may be thinking of HPV. Everyone who has had sex at all is almost certain to have sex and it is not worth testing for non-cancerous strains. There is, indeed, no test for men.

avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
@Dougster: Yeah, you make a lot of valid points, especially your comment about the viral load being higher the first month or two after infection. So the steady-state numbers can vastly underestimate the risk. All this is new to me, but here's an article that supports what you are saying:…

Trying to look reality square in the face and these discussions are helpful.
avatar for JackAstor
8 years ago
That well know monger site is often FULL OF SHIT too. Consider the source that's often behind BBFS accusations . It's fat ass skanks who will never get over the fact that there really are legit and consitent 9s & 10s and they aren't it . No matter how many excuses they come up with .
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
Yeah... I don't care about the "trend". I go covered no matter what.
avatar for Warrenboy75
8 years ago
I'm not sure it ever's out there more in terms of being discussed.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
A decade ago people were talking about Bare Backers as outlaws, and writing magazine features about them. Things are changing, and I do not know if the new attitudes are really warranted either.


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avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
I do think that the girls are offering bareback more than they used to. My guess is that porn is helping to change attitudes, as is the fact that many guys demand it bare cause it feels so much better. I fucked three strippers bareback -- The DS for two years, DSII for a year, and DSIII for around six months. I admit that was stoopid, and it's a miracle that I'd didnt catch anything. But the risk was worth it. I had an awesome time.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I've never used a condom in a strip club. I did use beer though. I probably had enough to kill whatever. Plus I read posting on here can give you the special tuscl super immunity. I read condoms don't prevent everything anyway. Teeth can create holes in a condom and it can come off. I have always felt teeth at some point if the BJ was good. If you feel teeth too early, might the reading twice. be too rough a BJ.

I have wondered if viruses can go dormant for unknown reasons like cool temperatures. I read the chicken pox virus stays with you for life. I know certain parts of my body have dropped below what is considered normal in the winter. So much that when I felt cold overall as a kid one time and went to the doctor, the nurse said the thermometer said my temperature was 69 and she took the reading twice over a few minutes. I had been waiting in the office for over an hour. I was feeling cold that day which is why I went to the doctor. Maybe I'm part alien or part mutant. Never had my whole body feel that way again though. I did have my hands turn blue from staying out in the cold too long. The temperature of my hands dropped down into the 30's I believe. I touched a thermometer and it dropped to at least 39 or 40. My muscles get really rigid if I let my muscles get that cold.
avatar for georgmicrodong
8 years ago
Escorts seem to be more OK than strippers with going bareback, at least here. I've had three escorts in the past two months offer it for no additional charge. Strippers seem to want to keep it all covered.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
thank goodness we get special tuscl immunity by posting on here a lot.
Apparently I can also travel into parallel universes. I'm not sure what kinds of powers the rest of you guys get from posting on here.
avatar for joc13
8 years ago
I stopped an OTC arrangement with a stripper I really liked because she wasn't even willing to go bare on BJs. I wouldn't spend OTC time and money to watch her suck a dildo, which is essentially what a CBJ is to me.

My first SB said essentially the same thing - "I might as well just fuck myself with a dildo if I'm gonna make a guy wear a condom"
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
I don't think it ever really went away it just became selective.
avatar for GACA
8 years ago
Has it ever gone away?

Since I've been doing this for the last 2.5 years I've only had to buy condoms but never used them. It's like the simple act of bringing a condom means you have just brought your "bareback" pass.
avatar for Rick999
8 years ago
I haven't noticed with Greenville closing the biggest strip club in the area and extra rules at another club.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
8 years ago
@georgmicrodong, I have to disagree with you there. I don't know what it's like in your neck of the woods, but in my experience it's the other way around. I almost never have an escort offer bbfs. I think it's happened maybe three times in my life. Strippers on the other hand, I've found that if you can convince them to see you OTC, that probably means they like you at least a tiny little bit and, again, in my experience, it's about 50-50 odds that she will go bareback without even being asked. So, luckily for me, I haven't had too many OTC experiences, or else I probably wouldn't still be alive to write this haha
avatar for 4got2wipe
8 years ago

I love the fact that you can find crazy threads on TUSCL. But this is super crazy.

You can argue all you want about probabilities, but come on guys. Wrap your rascal!

It's the brilliant way!
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Don't strippers have to get tested weekly to keep working?
avatar for joc13
8 years ago
^^^ why? Since they're not supposed to be having sex in the club anyway.
avatar for DannyOcean
8 years ago
I agree with Georgemicrodong. All escorts bareback someone. They're just selective about whom they bareback. And yes, I have been offered bareback for no extra charge by escorts.
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