
Detroit OTC gone wrong.

Atlanta suburb
A 22-year-old man was shot in the wrist after being ambushed when he tried to meet an employee of a Detroit strip club after hours, police said.

The shooting took place about 3:30 a.m., said Michael Woody, director of media relations for the Detroit Police Department. Woody declined to say where the shooting took place because “we don’t need a bunch of people over there” in the early hours of the investigation.

Police believe the man’s troubles started at a strip club on Michigan Avenue, when the man and an employee of the club agreed to meet up after the club closed.

When the victim arrived at the agreed-upon location, “several suspects approached, firing shots,” Woody said. The man was struck in his wrist, then robbed of jewelry and a watch.

The victim ran to a business in the area for help, and they called 911. He’s in stable condition.

Suspects fled in an unknown direction.


  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    OTC is always a risk. Better to not. I never wear any jewelry than a decent quality watch that would have little resale value and do not dress expensively. You should never flash to much money. When I do VIP I already have the money out with little extra beyond the agreed tip/toll/fee. Wearing jewelry and flashing a wad of cash just paints a target on you!
    Again not much good happens at 3:30 AM in a rough place like Detroit.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    Does not really specify if the dancer was complicit but its pretty stupid if she was because the club will know her name, have video etc... Dude must of been wearing some expensive bling for being only 22. Must be a lot more to this story.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Detroit, Chicago, and Cleveland; 3 places I wouldn't visit in the daylight let alone after midnight. Political idiots in those places prove liberalism is a mental disorder.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    Many who play the same day, don't know the ho from Adam, OTC game have been lucky. This can happen anywhere.
  • NaturalSelection
    7 years ago
    I wonder if the Mich Ave club was in Detroit or further down the road in Dearborn or Inkster. The Detroit proper clubs and on Mich Ave are pretty tame.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    It sounds like Club Venus to me. The dancers are all heroin-addicted whores (so I've been told), and meeting up with anybody in that area of Detroit is tantamount to suicide.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Yes, to me OTC at 2am seems risky. People here have said to never let the girl pick the place.

    Girls, for example at the Sunnyvale Sporty's Bar, will say things like, "I was wondering, should I get a motel room?"

    And when it is approaching 2am is when girls will try to close OTC deals, sometimes via DFKing, and also just by getting in guys faces and pouring on the attention, and sometimes by making a show of ignoring other guys.

    Better if you have more rapport with the girl. Many of these girls I would never want to do such things with, as they come across a drug crazed nuts. And if they use drugs, that means that they know guys who live outside the law, they know multiple round losers.

    Long ago for a while I was the manager of an apartment building. Met all kinds of strange people that way. Once a girl wanted to rent the apartment, but the boyfriend, not to be on the rental agreement, also came along, mostly to impress the girl. Because of him acting like a jerk, the girl did not get the apartment. Without him she would have.

    Lots of dancers know those sorts of guys, and that other people are seeing this does come across in people's posts.

    One Mexican bar owner told me that they did not like to have the Table Dancing or Bikini Show, as some times a girl's boyfriend would show up, and seeing his girl getting pawed all over always meant trouble.

    Of course the girls who were good at this, never let situations like that happen. But some girls encourage it.

    But other strip club girls are just fine. Maybe they don't do FS-ITC, but if they worked in a club where that was done, probably they would too, at least sometimes.

    Lots of maximum mileage girls in SF clubs, but many of the girls are level headed and responsible people, self-aware sexual radicals.


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