Young Thangs or MILFS/Career Strippers?

HungryGiraffeSomewhere USA
Been thinking about the age of strippers I like best. Having a hard time deciding.
On the one hand, playing with ladies under 30, particularly 18-25, has lots of plusses. I enjoying connecting with sexually inexperienced ladies and playing teacher.
On the other hand, 30+ y.o. MILFS and career strippers are very straight forward and have heard nearly all the PL lines and dished boatloads of SS. No beating around the bush with them. I learn new tricks from these vets, who tend to be very comfortable in their own skin.
So, right now I'm still exploring the stripper age range. What about you? Have you zeroed in on an ideal age range or level of experience, or does it matter?
last commentI like them above 28 and have met some as old as 42 that were pretty cool.
Late 20's - mid 30's seems to be my sweet spot.
I met a 35yr old that was coming back after some time off at Oasis and she knew all the tricks for providing as much mileage as a dancer can get away with at Oasis. VIP wasn't in my plan for that day, but I at least felt like I could be upfront with her about what I wanted without her getting her feelings hurt.
Under 23 for dances. Over 28 for the rest.
For the last couple of years I have had great experiences with 22-23. Maybe I just know how to pick em but the ones that I have picked were not lacking in skills and not yet jaded. Doesn't mean I don't go outside those parameters. In fact I really don't know a dancers age until I've gotten dances/VIPs with her 2 or 3 times.
Under 25.
...unless you're looking for some sort of emotional connection. But that's not what strip clubs are for.
I'm with flagooner - Late 20's - mid 30's
Larry likes the cougars.
Most often the dancers I end up with, for any number of reasons, are between 25 and 32.
^^^To little Larry any woman older than 14 is a cougar.
I actively seek out under 25 aged strippers and have the most fun with them. However, I usually end up regularly frequenting dancers in their late 20s.
I like women that I can relate to. No preset standards. But it usually works out that they need to be at least in their late 20's. It's not really looks, just my experience of talking to them.
First and foremost is how they look and carry themselves - but I have always been attracted to older wonen that look and act womanly and I tend to click w/ them better - I've actually always clicked w/ older people better even when young
PYTs...occassionally have the itch for milf, make up for looks with experienced laps, good conversation but i usually dont care about that
Between those two catagories, I would have to go with 18-25 year olds over the MILFs. But, I tend to click best with the ones who are in their mid-to-late 20's and are not a MILF.
What PC said.
23-30 is the best for me. Fully developed bodies, mature enough to hold some conversation(although I'm not into hours long subra-style enocounters), most have been stripping long enough to know all the lapdance moves and I seem to have the most fun with this group.
I'm with twentyfive. Those "older" ones (that carry themselves well) just do it for me. I guess that's my MILF fantasy.
Dancers over 35 have the distinct advantage of being older than my daughter's.... :-/
Late 20's to early 30's for me.
Older women like younger men better no matter if their strippers or regular folk. Doubly if you show you got money for more than a dance. On the other hand, women my generation we can just have fun conversing because I'm a fun guy.
Estafador is spot on, older women definitely like the younger men.
I like any pretty beautiful young sexy girl that is at the age of consent and up to my age .
I don't fuck with strippers over 30, with very, very few exceptions. The young ones can be problematic sometimes, but I still prefer them.
Some older women are a real turn on. Its the persona, how they dress themselves, lots of things.
My fave is 28. Sometimes 19 year olds think their pussy is golden. Hottest girl in the club entitlement. Older women usually allow more mileage and know you're not paying them for an air dance.
I feel like my ideal are the girls that are still young and hot to me, but know their career has passed its peak and they have to work for my money.
If the OP thinks any young stripper giving him extras is a "sexually inexperienced lady" I have this bridge in Brooklyn ...
That said, I prefer 18-25. Not in the real world, but in stripper world because 25+ has the wear and tear of a 40 year old. There are exceptions, but in general strippers do not age well.
For me, I tend to go with the older ones because I don't relate well with some of the younger ones. It's about more than just looking good for me.
Even w looks, it depends on what you are into. A woman in her thirties, who has kept herself up, will have more dramatic curves than she did in her twenties, but will prolly have some cellulite. Just like how men in their thirties can build more muscle mass than younger guys, but have to be more disciplined to be cut.
Plus, those young girls can be very firm, which some guy prefer, but they don't have a lot to wiggle, and some guys like a little softness. The club lights and dancing kinda favors more curves. Older girls might look better in a some lingerie, or a dress, but those younger girls prolly look better on the beach in a bikini and flip flops. Just depends on your thing.