
Springtime in Paris

Evil Lair
So I’m spending some time in Paris this week; unfortunately, not under circumstances that will allow me to check out the indigenous strip clubs. However, I have spent a good bit of time on the crowded sidewalks and Metro and have noticed that the women are, in general, way hotter than American gals. I have seen very few overweight women, which is an epidemic in the U.S. The women tend to dress more fashionably, and short skirts and sundresses appear to in fashion, often without bras. This place is spinner paradise. It’s sometimes difficult to keep my inner narrative in check: outwardly talking in polite, normally conversation, while at the same time thinking, holy shit, that girl of there is super hot.


  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Are they friendly or do they despise Americans ?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^When I was in Paris over 20 years ago I was treated very well, it doesn't hurt to pick up a little French.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Everyone I have interacted with has been extremely pleasant, more so than I seem to recall when I was last in Paris 30+ years ago. I know no French, other than bon jour/bon soi and merci, which I use often. They seem to appreciate that minimal effort.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Also interesting to see the squads of fully combat equipped foreign legionaires and soldiers patrolling the airport and tourist spots. I definitely didn't see that last time.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    The culture of staying thin out of fear of dying alone is present in some French women.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago

    Talks about his time in Paris, in the red light district, with the movie actor Errol Flynn. While he was taking a nap, Belli started charging street hookers a small fee just to come in and observe the sleeping Flynn.

    When Flynn awakened he started to cry, as there were just too many lovely women, far to many for any one guy to ever fuck in a lifetime.

  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    They stay thin because they smoke like chimneys.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    It's because those fuckers don't have a Five Guys, Arby's and Golden Corral on every street corner that those ladies are thin.

    Well they drink wine instead of Pepsi, that may help too! Lol
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Actually I think the French eat more Big Macs per capita than we do and last time I was looking at the MCD stock data, they had more restaurants in France, than any other country except the United States. I don't know if there are Arby's or Five Guys there but I'm sure they have plans for expansion there.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    French women are hot, and they dress stylishly. They dress up all the time, not just when out on a date.

    When I was in Paris a couple years ago, I ate at the famous Les Deux Magots cafe. A coffee and a croissant cost me over $11. I suspect the French are thin because they can't afford a decent meal.

  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Skinny white chicks?

    I'll pass

  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    No matter which country you go to the people appear thinner than Americans, because they are. They eat differently. Waaaaaaay too many Americans eat every meal as if they were at a buffet on a cruise.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Too much of the food in America is more processed to make it cheaper and thus it's less healthy and more fattening - most of the world are into eating more fresh food and the French in particular are into quality vs inexpensive food and quality food tends to be healthier.
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    7 years ago
    Cheaper food is a necessity for survival of underprivileged. Advertising just rationalizes the choice to be based on desire. If people don't cook in cities they can only afford Carl's Juniors breasts and legs and McD's balls.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I speak French, and I was treated badly by the shopkeepers in town both in France and Quebec. If I spoke French, things were fine, but if one of my buddies spoke American, we were shunned.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I've always heard that the French were rude. I've never been to France but I have seen French Canadians in action at Niagara Falls and in Acapulco Mx and it was certainly true of them.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    "It's because those fuckers don't have a Five Guys, Arby's and Golden Corral on every street corner that those ladies are thin."--Actually, I saw a Five Guys on the Champs Elysee, and there are quite a few McDonalds and BKs around, and they seem to be pretty popular. No Arbys or GC as far as I can tell.
  • Nickfrenchy
    7 years ago
    Hi there,

    I wish you a pleasant time in Paris. As a french, i can tell you that:
    - We are not necesseraly rude, only some dumb ass are. If you meet smart people, you'll get smart answers. However, we are hugely taxed, shopkeepers in particular (more than 60% of our incomes goes to the governement), and most french are pretty bad at speaking english. Therefore, if you go in a store and try to bargain a price in english, the shopkeeper will be quickly pissed of. Unless you are at an open air market, it's uncommon in France to bargain. Mostly, you accept the price or you leave.

    -For the food: we 've got plenty of very good restaurants, some expensives, some cheap, you have to find your place through city guides. Mostly, we don't go to the restaurant, we cook at home (it is cheaper), and cooking is learnt from mother to daughter to get some good meals that don't make you being fat.

    FYI: the medium range for salary in France is around 1500 euros/month. Once you pay your house (500), you loans, your fuel, you save something like 100 euros in the best case. However, keep in mind that our huge tax pay free hospital, and other public services. You are poor, but you have everything. SO: because americans have a better salary (less taxes since you have to pay everything yourself), and because most french don't know that your way of life, habits, ... are differents, we believe that you love waste your money all day long (make it rain whereever you are), that's what the shopkeeper has in mind when you try to bargain with him...

    -Most french love americans: long time friend, heroes of WW2, ... If you can avoid the bad people, you 'll spend a lovely time in France. For the girls, if you go to the red district, you'll pay the high price something that mostly don't worth it. You can have some nice times, but keep in mind that the lady is just trying to get her salary from you.

    If you're looking for the civie lady, go to the bar, to nightclubs, to find the ones who are looking for someone. As for any lady in the world, don't be rude, and consider that she is the one who decide. If you feel the contact is good, give her some attention, let's her understand you like her, without being too direct. The more subtil you are, the better it is. If she is interested in you and knows that you are here only for a few days, she may be the one that ask you to go in her home.

    If you don't have time for meeting the girl, or if you want to avoid the red distric, you'd better go on internet websites to find an escort. Google sexemodel to get some thousands of escorts there. Be careful of some ripoff, ensure through the comment that the girl is not a fake, not a ripoff,...

    Prostitution is quite legal in France (prostitutes pays tax over theirs incomes too !). It is asking for a prostitute service which is illegal, mostly with street walkers. On the internet, I've never heard of any bad story for asking a service unless you ask for kids (which is a crime in France) or stuff like that. There is no hidden cop when you're looking for prostitute, you 'll know if cops are there or not.

    Depending of the city, an escort cost from 150 to 200 per hour. You can find cheaper (and sometimes much better than the expensive ones), or higher (be careful in that case, some worth it, but ensure it before by reading the reviews).

    I hope it helps for those who come in France. If someone tells you he don't like americans, just leave this asshole and go somewhere else. There are idiots in every countries, and the french idiots are very idiots.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    @ frenchy:

    Nice writeup.

    Can you post a link to a good website with French prostitutes.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Maybe they are thin b/c they make a lot of love
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Nickfrenchy That concurs with my experience when I was there, thank you for your input.
  • NaturalSelection
    7 years ago
    skibum60910 Hours Ago
    No matter which country you go to the people appear thinner than Americans,

    Visit El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, or Panama. You'll add a qualifier to that statement.

    But yeah, French women made me reconsider public masturbation. Denmark, Neatherlands, Germany, Belguim, all thinner then US but not France. England is thinner than the US, but not by much.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    I've been to France twice in the last couple of years, and had great experiences both times.

    I do speak passable French, though I'm clearly not a native speaker. They appreciate the effort, and if you stumble a bit, they will help you.

    S'il vous plait (please), merci (thank-you) and Je vous en prie *or* pas de quoi (both mean you're welcome) go a long way toward smoothing your way. "Pardonnez moi. Parlez vous Français?" (pronounced, "Pardonnay mwah. Parlay vu Franseh?")
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    Sorry about the inadvertent post and I screwed up...
    "Parlez vous Anglais" will generally get you help in English, which a Franchise person will be a lot more likely to speak than an American will be to speak English.

    One morning, on our river cruise ship, I met the Captain in the atrium and greeted her in French. She gave me an amazed look followed by the biggest smile I got on the trip. She spoke English but was not fluent and she was touched to be addressed in her own language on this overwhelmingly English speaking cruise. (Viking River Cruises caters to mostly English speaking patrons and their crews come from all over Europe, so English is the language used on board. I can't recommend them enough!). For me, this was one of the high points on a very good trip.

    If all else fails, there is a great app called Google Translate on your cell phone. This will require arranging with your provider for your Phone to work in Europe before you leave the US.

    Above all, don't be a dick, and you won't get the Ugly American treatment.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Coming back from Maine we drove through Eastern Canada. One day we stopped in a store in Quebec.and wandered around looking at stuff, until the shopkeeper, a woman started following us around glaring at us. Perhaps she thought we were shoplifters. I said to my girlfriend let's get out of here.
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