
The Tantra Thread

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game

Anyone here ever learned about tantra? Tried to put it into practice? Just pertaining to sex, or other aspects of it?

The works of Kenneth Grant, a successor to Aleister Crowley, drew much upon tantra.

Donald Michael Kraig earned a degree in Philosophy from UCLA, and then in the next decade he began teaching and writing on both Western and Eastern occult topics.

But he died too early, battling pancreatic cancer.

Kraig contributed to, and I'd read it before. It's good. Good pictures too:

Reading now Kraig's tantra book:

references: NAMASTE


Talks about the five elements, Tattvas



Talks about relations between Eastern Chakras and the Western Tree of Life

Talks about their being 4 Yugas, and the 4th is the Kali Yuga. It started in 3120 BC, and it lasts 432,000 years. It is an age characterized by viciousness, weakness, and disease.

"... in this age people will earn respect simply by owning things and will tell lie after lie to become successful. Sex will be the only way people will be able to enjoy life, and people will confuse the outer trappings of religion with true spirituality."

And while in the other yugas the ideal spiritual texts are the Vedas and other Hindu texts, the ideal texts for the Kali Yuga are the Tantras.


All the Kabbalah You Really Need To Know

The $55 trillion question, credit default swaps


  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Come on, san_jose_fag. It's called dialectical materialism. Not dialectical mysticism. Or are you having no look with the former? Those people still to down to earth. So next you'll pull out some more stops to try and get the real space cases to join your church. Man, are you one dumb fag.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Weirder than weird and stranger than strange.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Lloyd Schcoene you are an ass faggot and maxim integrated fucked up by hiring you
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Lots of tantra practicioners around here, SJG. Many of them are just hanging mystical nonsense on their FBSM in order to charge more, but some are supposed to be legit amazing...
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Tantra is not primarily about sex. And much of what is about is really a kind of Neo-Tantra.

    Not necessarily less grounded that hard core materialism.

    Review of Modern Tantra by Donald Michael Kraig

    Donald Michael Kraig - The Art Of Magick And Mind Manifestation

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Oh, please, SJG. First you are treading the line between psychotic and not, and lately dabbling occasionally over. No you telling us it's not just about finding people so far off in hyperspace that they would join your (faggity) church, but Tantra is grounded. My only hope is that you really are just trolling us and don't believe the crap you spew.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    I've seen some MP's offer Tantric massages, but I never tried it. I did try a nuru massage and loved it....complete with a happy ending :)
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I am new to these aspects of Tanta and also to the Western Magical Tradition. But mostly it is just about being open to things which blure the distinction between the subjective and objective.

    Lopaw, if you read and practice the sorts of things in say:

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    You're creepy as fuck.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^^ Ishmael, you're loosing it.

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Not actually, Buffalo Bill.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    SJG: "which blure the distinction between the subjective and objective."

    What a dumb fag. Was the guy really a chip designer before he went off the deep end?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I am convinced now that I am under psychic attack from a female administrator. And this is the first time in my life that I have said this. Meaning before I have always seen such things as just the results of someone talking against me behind me, and trying to circle the wagons. I never went along with the idea that any of these things had any reality in and of themselves, but rather the feelings that they did were just an epiphenomenon. But now I say, I am being subjected to magical attack, in some sort of astral, etheric, or psychic realm.

    I'll have the book about the expert in defending, Dion Fortune, soon. But the Donald Michael Kraig book also has some protection info, something drawn from the 1973 movie, "The Exorcist".

  • ime
    7 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    UDJA-WELCOME to the Kemetic World Egyptian Yoga website. Dr. Muata Ashby and Dr. Dja Ashby.

    ^^^^^ website seems down now, but these people say that Tantra and all Yoga started in Egypt.

    here it is:

    As I remember, in Florida

    Here, Miami


    Now, about Summum, it started in Salt Lake City, and the founder was born there. Only know a little bit about it. What they are known for is Mummification and Tantra. And they also seem to embrace ideas of Osho. Books mostly not in libraries, though years and years ago I read some of one about tantra.

    Had their pyramid before 1980. Their videos are made inside the pyramid.

    But Salt Lake City is where they are from. They are not just there to poke fun at LDS.




    It would not surprise me at all if their founder is ex-LDS. Telling people to take synthetic religion seriously, almost would have to be LDS or Scientology.

    Right here: "I had been an Elder in the Mormon Church, married with two children, and well educated. I didn't possess the mental "space" or openness to accept the events which happened to me."

    one of their videos:
    The Tradesman, the Businessman, and the Right Way


    Monkey Man ( Rolling Stones )

    John Brown Society, what I have heard is that they meet once a year, on Brown's birthday, at his farm at Elba NY.

    more here, there may be multiple societies

    Reading, not sure what to expect:

    Will be reading:
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