
Panhandled In The Strip Club

Strip Club Nation
I was in an ESL strip club, standing and watching the stage from the balcony. A black guy walks up to me and starts chatting small talk. He is dressed a buttoned shirt and vest, groomed.

After about a minute or two of talking, he cuts to the chase, "It is my birthday and I'm trying to have a good time tonight. I need two more dollars to get another beer. Can you help a brother out on his birthday?"

This took me by surprise. In all of my years of clubbing, I have never had a patron come up to me and beg for money. I think he might have been a broke guy that got in with one of the free entry cards that were being handed out at the Mardi Gras parade earlier that day. I did not observe him tipping any ladies or buying any private dances, so maybe he only had enough money for one $7 beer and not enough for a second bottle.

Have any of you ever encountered panhandling patrons at a strip club?


  • sinclair
    7 years ago
    Shailynn's post from earlier this year about beggars. https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=4…
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Back when I used to be a cigarette smoker, I got a lot of people bumming cigarettes off of me. Another good reason to quit. :)
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Never encountered that. But I do know some
    clubs that charge a few cover charge during the day to keep out those who don't even have a few dollars to spend.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Yeah, JS69, one of our clubs used to do that, no more. As far as panhandlers, the only ones I ever see don't do it in a strip club.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    That seems weird....begging for money in a club!

    But one time I had 50 Euros in my wallet and I was short of US Cash. I asked the barmaid if she'd take it; it was worth about $67. She said no, but the guy next to me gave me $50 US for it so that worked out!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I call the tip parade panhandling.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Happened to me at a black dive in Miami - a 50 y/o or so guy stood next to me at the bar w/ some small talk and thrn asked me if I could spare a few bucks - felt bad he had to stoop to that so gave him a $10, the manager saw what was going on and told the dude something along the lines of "I've told you before to not come in here asking customers for money"
  • ime
    7 years ago
    I had some guy ask for money so he could by cigarettes before, had to tell him no dice.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    I have wondered about the clubs with free admission and free buffets on day shifts. It seems ripe for an enterprising homeless shelter to send over a busload of 50 homeless guys for a free meal.

    Once I was at a club when there was an obnoxious homeless guy who kept trying to talk to everyone. Rather than panhandle, he offered me the rest of his drink he said he didn't like. Otherwise, it has been the other way around, with people offering to give me stuff. E.g., at a BYOB nude club, someone gave me a free bottle of beer, once a guy offered me some $ to tip the dancer that I guess he wanted to tip and I wasn't interested in. I encouraged him to tip her, and finally he did. Probably part of it was that he wanted to have a buddy in the club rather than being on his own.

    In general, I would take an unopened beer as a friendly gesture, but refuse any $ offers like buying me a dance. I once accepted that, and the dancer was a ROB and said that since he gave her the money directly instead of me, that was it just a tip to her and I owed her the full price of the two dances we did.
  • Digitech
    7 years ago
    Seems super weird, but it makes sense in a way. Go to a place where people are carrying cash.

    In fact, it's reported in studies that women are far more sympathetic to panhandlers than men. Could you imagine a stripper "wanna dancing" a PL, only to have him launch into a spiel about how it's his birthday and he just got out of the hospital and he only needs 5 more dollars for a bus ticket?
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    "But one time I had 50 Euros in my wallet and I was short of US Cash."

    I had that problem with too many Euros and low USDs, in Europe. The country I was in had a beef with the Euro and a lot of places wouldn't accept the currency. I ended up doing a cash exchange at a strip club and had to take whatever the bartender's rate was.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Better to be panhandled than manhandled.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Better to be panhandled than 2-AM-handled
  • BrotherFogHorn
    7 years ago
    Tell him to come to the lawrd
  • minnow
    7 years ago
    Sinclair, if Tuscl had an official uniform, and handed out medals for number of clubs reviewed, and campaign ribbons for certain milestones (like getting panhandled in a club), you'd put a banana republic dictator to shame.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    The thing that blows my mind is a lot of panhandlers probably don't need to be panhandling. I was in a turnpike rest-stop the other day and a guy (alleged truck driver) was panhandling saying his per diem card wouldn't work and he needed money for food. Could his story be true? Probably not.

    These days I am seeing more panhandlers in rural communities where 10 years ago you didn't see them.
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