
I wonder how common it is ...

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

For waitresses to pad the bill - either round-up (tell custy it's $10 for a $9.25 drink) or just pad by a buck or two.

I'm not much of a drinker nor a hard regular at any one club to extactly know the drink prices.

Have any of you noticed a waitress over-charging you for a drink you knew the exact price off?


  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I go to so many different clubs I wouldn't know. It's always a weird price, like $8.24 or $9.23 it's never $8 anymore or $6 even. I always assumed a weird price induces a higher tip.

    Papi you could be right but in most higher end strip clubs I'm usually handed a paper receipt along with my drink/or/change from my drink.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ do you pay w/ a cc? I've never been handed a receipt at a strip-club (for anything)
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Sort of similar, a waitress will tell me a drink is let's say $5.75. I pay with a 10 dollar bill. Instead of giving me $4.25 back, they give me $4. Essentially she rounded it up 25 cents. Not a huge deal, but it might afffect my tip amount depending on how I'm feeling that day.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    My favorite club is customer oriented, so all drinks are in dollar denominations; dancer drinks cost the same with no mark-up; and you cn buy a drink card for $20.00 and they load $25.00 on it. Never been scammed.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    In most places no. In strip clubs?

    Sunnyvale Brass Rail uses register receipts strictly. But other places, and especially those drink hustle places, like in San Gabriel Valley, and when it is not alcohol, and hence no license required, and when it might be possible to get frisky with waitresses?

  • gunrack
    7 years ago
    Yes! That has happened to me. I ordered the same drink at the same club multiple times it cost $8.

    A crooked/unprofessional waitress tried to charge me $10

    With tip....she would have potentially made 3,4 extra dollars!
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Never happened to me, but then my usual waitresses are FB friends so I have some recourse if they decides to cheat me! Actually since I tip them really well, I get a few comp drinks from time to time. But ifI were in a different club, I'd call her attention to it, and the go from there depending on how she reacts.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    People have posted about in that San Gabriel Valley, about how the girls sometimes don't bring change back, considering the extra to be their tip.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    People have also posted about how in some clubs in other states they have "shot girls". My understanding is that they carry with them a try of full shot glasses. So they can complete the transaction without returning to the bar.

    But others have posted that there seemed to be places with self appointed free lancing shot girls.

    So in that sort of environment, besides likely the shot girl being available for whatever you might want, the cost is just whatever she says it is. And if there really are clubs like that, they probably have so many dancers that they are completely unregulated. No real whip for the management to crack.

    Are there really such places?

  • MajorBoobage
    7 years ago
    I've never noticed it. I'd think it would be tough for that scam to last very long -- maybe some people wouldn't notice, maybe most people wouldn't notice, but there will always be someone who notices and it only takes one complaint for management (and, maybe more importantly, other waitresses) to catch on.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I'm just waiting for some fucktard to post "hey - if you are gonna sweat a buck or two then you shouldn't be going to strip-clubs"
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Some places are tightly run. More likely when they have an alcohol license.

    But other places, all that is really guaranteed is that dancers and waitresses rake in money, and that they can pretty much do whatever they want to get it.

    House gets money from drink hustle, dancer access fees, maybe even waitress access fees, and from VIP room fees and cover charge.

    Other than that, it is just between you and the hot females. There could be miscommunications and waitresses who push it real hard. Lots of guys won't be paying attention to the money.

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @ Papi I think overcharging is more common than most people realize, mostly in dive type joints not so much in better clubs. As to your second point I have always received a register receipt at Tootsies, Cheeta's and Spearnint Rhino, Rachel's even at The Body Club, but I usually sit at the bar, if your waitress is not giving you a receipt at Tootsies you should bring that to the attention of a floor manager. To me that is suspicious and it would make me ask a question about pricing.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I am usually paying cash and in most places I usually receive a receipt. I usually stick to upper end clubs, and since it's mostly assumed there's businessmen there, that may be why guys are getting a receipt (work write off).

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Usually if there are no receipts, than probably the clubs books are cooked, and taxes are evaded.

    Sunnyvale Brass Rail uses receipts. Viet Coffee usually does not.

    For example, the non-alcohol high mileage San Gabriel Valley Clubs? Receipts? Extremely friendly waitresses, feeling that applying such charm they are entitled to money like dancers get?

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    As usual SJG talks about something he knows nothing about. In most bars, and most states their alcohol regulatory entity requires receipts as well as most restaurant regulator Not giving a receipt is usually an unscrupulous employee not a practice endorsed by an owner. Why would an owner risk being shut down or investigated when there are so many ways to cook the books without involving employees that can testify against you.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Brass Rail uses receipts strictly. And it has an alcohol license, so it is subject to more scrutiny.

    Viet Coffee almost NEVER uses receipts. They sometimes have problems with regulators. But mostly they get by. Everyone knows that their books are cooked and that it is all under the table.

    Now for a no alcohol extreme mileage with dancers and maybe waitresses too strip club? I'm asking. People who patronize the San Gabriel Valley Clubs, do they use receipts? If the juice drinks don't exist, then the money doesn't either.

    Redwood City Hanky Panky does serve alcohol, but the girls are highly OTC oriented, and so this outlaw character comes across. No Receipts.

    Twentyfive needs to learn to listen more and talk less.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Brass Rail they have signs, telling people to tell the supervisor if they are ever quoted a price different from their receipt.

    Sometimes you can feel if you have entered an outlaw place. San Jose does not make much effort to enforce all laws all the time. We saw Jackslash finding the articles about the underground clubs, and some videos of stuff that never could be gotten away with in the above boards Sunnyvale clubs. I think it highly unlikely that in these underground places that the books are not cooked.

    Most of the time omitting receipts, it could be for simplicity, but mostly it is because the books are completely cooked and no labor laws or tax laws are followed. So in a place where waitresses are as friendly as dancers? People from San Gabriel Valley, do they use receipts, is it all on the books?

  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I've had a few waitresses try to overcharge me, I know how much my Miller Lite costs, when one tries, I ask for the manager and he makes the waitress refund the price gouge.
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    Another reason I like to get my first drink from the bartender.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    It happened to me last Saturday at Follies. I was having my first drink of the day with one of my favorite dancers. I knew my coke price was $4.25 and her Hennessy was 8.25. I have always given the waitress $15.00 and told her to keep the change. That is 20% and respectable IMO. This bitch asked for another $1 tip. She argued that she had to pay $5 for the coke and $9 for the Hennessy. I paid her that extra $1 just to get rid of her but she will never wait on me again.
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    Hey, if you're going to sweat a buck or two you shouldn't be going to strip clubs!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ that's what I say
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    Seriously though, I don't remember anything like that (over charging) happening to me. But I don't drink much, visit multiple clubs, making infrequent visits all leading to a small sample size.

    More often I hear $6.25 for a drink and never see the quarters returned resulting in $.75 higher tip. Or only a $.75 tip if she's snarky about it. My last visit to a club the waitress actually asked if I wanted "my quarters"? I was shocked and said Yes I do. Then I stated quarters were likely difficult for her to deal with anyway. She responded that she actually liked having quarters since she used them for doing laundry. So I told her to keep them.

    As for receipts, I most often get one for paying cover charge rarely for drinks. But they are not common in my SC world.
  • samsung1
    7 years ago
    The drink prices can also vary based off the day you visit and what time. Some clubs drinks are $1 off before 7pm or $1 off on sunday. Some are half off. Hard to keep track of their drink specials.
    Some waitresses also like serving in small glasses instead of large ones. Some offer refills and some don't on soft drinks.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I'm sure it happens but I don't notice because most drinks are $5-$10 depending what you get and if it's $5 I use a $10 and say keep the change and if it's a $10 I use a $20 and say keep the change
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    It's happened. I go to a lot of the same clubs as twentyfive, and I've had largely different experiences.

    I've never been given a receipt at Tootsies, Rhino, Rachel's, or the Body club. At Cheetah Pompano & Hallandale I usually get one, but never at West Palm's. But, out of all those places, the only place that happens is Spearmint Rhino. And that shit used to happen all the time there, it's one of the reasons I stopped going there. The waitress would always add 1-3 per drink, and each waitress would add her own amount, which is how I realized it. Tootsies employees, not the strippers, have always been the most honest ones I've ever seen. Those waitresses will offer change every time, I've had them tell me a drink was one price then come back and tell me they were wrong & refund the difference. They'll almost always come up shortly before happy hour ends and offer a last call.

    While I get annoyed with rounding up, that's a bit more nuanced. If a beer is 4.25, and she keeps the .75 its a much less egregious foul than if she just tells me its 5. I'll complain to a manager if a waitress is adding whole dollars to drinks, and if it isn't fixed I'll stop going. If a waitress is rounding up, I'll just consider that her tip and/or avoid her in particular. Going back to the 4.25 example, I'd probably tip 1.75 for that, meaning I'd waive off the .75 and hand her a buck. If she didn't offer my full change, I'd probably skip the extra buck but not bitch about the .75.

    To directly answer the question, I find that the rounding up/not giving full change is pretty common, meaning maybe half the time. The others happen, but I'd guess a much lower percentage of the time. It's hard to peg, because strip clubs often have differing prices throughout each time of day or day of week, and often have "parties" with another set of prices. So, its hard to always know what the actual price is and thus hard to know when its happening to me.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @ Dolfan I should have included but somehow I missed mentioning that I almost always sit at the bar even at Tootsies usually in the upstairs VIP section that is why maybe you aren't getting register receipts and yes for tha most part Tootsies employees are better than most of those clubs I mentioned and I agree with that. I realize that time of day has an impact as well just to say I do 80%of my club visits between 3 pm & 7 pm so that might have some impact also.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I think it's probably very common for the wait staff to rip PLs off on their drink and food tabs. But I'm usually so high and horny that I don't take the time to figure out what the bill should be.
  • Harderlap
    7 years ago
    It is fairly common for the waitresses to not to return the quarters with the change. Sometimes with asking and sometimes not. I think that Corvus and I must be waited on by the same person. i usually try to tip well, so if I know the price of the drink I will ask if she has the quarters and then add a tip on that. I used to make a bigger fuss out of this, but I agree, with the other costs so high in strip clubs, why sweat a buck or two to the wait staff? I also stopped making a fuss out of it when I received the wrong change, the waitress had rounded up, and when I pointed it out she said that she had trouble doing math and sometimes rounded up and sometimes rounded down in an attempt to keep her tray balanced. She was nearly in tears when she asked me if she owed me any money and begged me not to tell management. I don't think she was BSing me as when I asked her a few questions on how much drinks cost and how she made change, she got very confused and said she relied on the bartender to keep it all straight. I felt that she felt that I had power over whether or not she kept her job and I didn't want that burden. Having said all that after she calmed down she did admit her tray usually came out ahead and she wasn't sure why. And the barmaid came over after she left and asked if I had any problems with the waitress, admitting "she doesn't always get things right, but she can't really do any better." The next drink was free, served by the barmaid. I tipped her.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Depends on the place. Some are bars, and some are sex clubs. At least in some states the two will usually be separated. The former is more likely to be straight with the money, and there is less of it. But at the latter, often there is no change.

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