Why like???

avatar for Abreeden
So I am an entertainer, and I would like to discuss why do some gentlemen ( if you would like to call these idiots gentlemen) feel the need to post reviews that are completely untrue calling someone out by their name saying they receiver fs,bbbj when it is completely untrue? I could see if it was true but lying about it???? Come on now you must have some SERIOUS SELF ESTEEM ISSUES!


last comment
avatar for GACA
8 years ago
A lot of guys with low self esteem find themselves wandering into strip clubs because girls in the real world constantly reject them. These homos take to lying in an empty attempt to get some external validation. No so different than that dentist who shot a caged Lion or a stripper who lies about how much money she made in a night/week/year

Ya people (women included) with low self esteem are the cause of a lot of suckiness in this world
avatar for Abreeden
8 years ago
Word Couldn't have said it better myself
avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer
8 years ago
This used to happen on Z-Bone's LA Strip Club site with occasional frequency. Usually, the poster had fallen in love with a particular dancer, thought she was his, and that dancer rejected him. So, out of spite, he posts every idiotic thing he can think of to "get even" with the dancer. Fortunately, on that site, we could delete the offending posts. As you can clearly see by the level of utter repetitive inanity on this bulletin board, TUSCL, sadly, does not allow for that.


avatar for GoVikings
8 years ago
"Fortunately, on that site, we could delete the offending posts. As you can clearly see by the level of utter repetitive inanity on this bulletin board, TUSCL, sadly, does not allow for that."

well said, chili palmer.

the trolls and dougster constantly making threads that nobody posts in besides himself........is very unhealthy for this website. i know you can ignore users, but NEW people who sign up here don't know that right away. you think they're gonna be encouraged to post here after reading all that non-sense? i really doubt it
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Oh c'mon GoVikings, you mean you don't like that 16 out of the last 30 threads posted has to do with an ongoing flame war? (sarcasm!)
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Anyone who focuses their sex life on the inside of strip clubs, is the lowest grade of Pathetic Loser.

The dancers in strip clubs can be great! But you have to get them outside of the club, and that means you have to treat them as you would any other woman.

avatar for mjx01
8 years ago
"Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction" ... sorry couldn't resist
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
I would imagine there are some reviewers that might have it in for a dancer and wanna tarnish her name - at times it is a fake-reviewer which can at times include a fellow-dancer that wants to tarnish a fellow-dancer she does not like.

TUSCL review-guidelines state names should be omitted but some either ignore this or an unware of this.

Still - how do you know for sure what was said didn't happen - can you site an example of a specific review.
avatar for etsutwigg222
8 years ago
So everything posted here is a work of fiction and none of the extras stories are true. WOW....No wonder strip clubs are a dying business. Guess we shouldn't believe the stuff coming out of strippers mouths either. Like I am going to school, my car broke down, or my kids need clothes/food. I have not reason to go clubbing now because you have burst the fantasy that I am helping deserving single mom's and students just trying to get by!!!!
avatar for 4got2wipe
8 years ago
I certainly don't take statements about specific dancers at all seriously. I just try to get an overall gestalt regarding a club if I am traveling somewhere. In general I think it is fairly reliable. I've only done a small number of reviews since I only review when I travel. I think my reviews are informative but I would not try to say anything specific about any individual dancer. I think it is in poor taste.
avatar for grand1511
8 years ago
Sorry....we are not responsible for the reviews Donald Trump posts to this site.
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
Does Trump tell of all the pussies he grabs in the clubs ?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
If you're looking for a good reason, it does not exist.

I imagine that when guy can't convince anyone to touch his dick in a building full strippers, he's not going to post *that*. So, he goes in another direction.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Anyone who would give up a dancer's name, I know he does not respect the girl and so he is not one who she is good with. So his message would be largely discounted.

Most of the guys who review on Rubmaps, from their narratives, you can tell that they don't get along well with the girls. So I know it can be much better.

avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Apparently these reviewers can't handle rejection like a real man. Sad, really. I agree with most of what has been written above. Welcome to Tuscl.
avatar for JACKFLASH
8 years ago
So, when did stripers start using their real name?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
That escalated quickly...
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