
Yes, Sometimes A Dancer Likes You

Fri early evening, and I'm looking forward to quality time with my new regular, the tall thin blonde. It was crowded and I didn't see her at first, so I'm hanging at the bar getting settled when a VERY pretty Asian who I've seen but not indulged in came over. I was on the fence about her as even though I'm an Asian kind of guy and she was a solid 8-9, I just wasn't feeling a vibe in the past. She didn't strike me as high mileage for some reason although she has a million regulars.

We chat a little but she's very distracted. I was like a port in a storm I suppose; I would have taken her to VIP but she never asked. After an extended stay - 10 min. at least, she says she'll be back later and takes off. Obviously she has looking for a regular or two or maybe one in particular...but in such a crowded room I was flattered she hung with me anyway. She's seen me in the club before I'm sure and knows I spend money but she never even tried to close the deal. I could have just asked HER...but I didn't want to miss my new girl and I really thought at some point she'd ask if I wanted to take her to VIP. Okay...she got me warmed up at least...she said she'd be back but I knew she wasn't that interested in me.

Then the TSB (Tall Skinny Blond) shows up. This dancer is unlike any I've ever met in that she's the kind of girl I date, not buy dances from. She's very chatty and fun, loves my silly jokes (AND understands them!) is reasonably pretty, but I like the ethnic spinners as a rule for dancers which is why it took a year. I suppose I go for the kind of girl I could never get in high school when it comes to dancers. While TSB looks pleasant, she's no raving beauty.

As I mentioned, she was after me for a year until I tried her out. This was the 3rd time that she was my go-to for the evening so we've established a nice rapport by now. I take her to VIP and she gets the job done as usual, plus some, which has been the norm. And I thought this was a no extras club! LOL She knows where the camera is and how to shield it with her body. When we were done, the surprise was she quickly kissed me on the mouth, and that's a huge rules violation in this club! Dancers get suspended for it; in fact my retired ATF is the only dancer I've ever kissed ITC on the mouth and even SHE didn't want to make a habit of it.

TSB seemed shy about the kiss at first...like maybe I wouldn't like it, but that certainly was not the case. We did more VIP later on in the night, and she kissed me again, this time with real passion. While she doesn't kiss customers often (she says) she's not hustling me either. I just pay her the dance fee, and that's it. It sounds like SS that she said a few times how much fun I was, but we really were having a great time together. By now I know a real connection from an acting job. I like that I get lots of free time at the bar with her too.

I didn't ask about OTC but that can't be too far away...like I said she's the personality I date. She stayed with me right up to the end of her shift too which was great. We'll see what develops.


  • Dougster
    8 years ago
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    On the one hand, I agree with the title. Of course strippers like some of their customers more than others -- perhaps only the variety guys (who are never in a position to work themselves into favorite customer status) or the guys who are just plain unlikable, have not experienced this, and that's why they're sceptical. Strippers are people (Yes! I'm pretty sure I'm right), not machines. Just like you have customers at your work, who you like more than others; doesn't mean you'll invite any of them to Christmas dinner at your house or into your real life, but you'll treat your favorite customers better than what they pay you. Likewise, important not to over-read it, "favorite customer" doesn't necessarily imply being turned on (my suspicion is they almost never are, and this applies to you guys who think you're making your strippers cum all the time), or that they want you in their real life, etc.

    That said:
    -->" By now I know a real connection from an acting job."

    I definitely don't ... and I believe if you really do, you're the only one on tuscl. Even after all these years, the only sure sign to me that there's real connection, is that we're having sex for free, and everything else I interpret as -- at most -- going a little further for a favorite customer she wants to keep. Nothing in your story above stands out to me as not being explainable by the "favorite customer" explanation, but I have the benefit of not having been there and so no emotional involvement.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Subraman, thing is I really don't think she wants to fuck me, and while I'd fuck her because I like sex, I have a zero crush on her....not like my ex ATF that I was completely "in love" with. I think she and I are on the same page there; like I said I'd date her because she's fun and maybe she'd date me, but the attraction isn't about sex even though she's quite liberal with her body in VIP.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Jabberwock - too long;didn't read.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    "When we were done, the surprise was she quickly kissed me on the mouth, and that's a huge rules violation in this club!"

    I'm so glad I club in Detroit, where a dancer would probably not get in trouble if she hung upside down on the pole and blew me on stage.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Yeah jackslash, Heavenly Bodies is a very conservative club compared to many, but at least there's action to be had with the right girl. Especially when they get to know you. Kissing is very rare there, and I've had a lot of experience! As I mentioned, I've had maybe lots and lots regulars over a 20+ year time (and a few OTC as well), and only two have kissed me ITC.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Maybe she just likes Styx songs.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    If you want a thrill, get the BJ while the dancer is hanging from the pole \. :)
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Jack and Vince I'm soo excited to visit Detroit after this report

    Should I just leave my pants at the house lol
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    You wear pants?! I always pictured you in jorts, black socks, and sandals
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Whaaaat!? I thought all strippers were lying, thieving whores, with no thought in their lying, thieving heads but to separate us from as much money as possible while at the same time convincing Up that they're madly in love with us, and that the only reason they don't run away with us is because their families wouldn't understand.

    My worldview is in upheaval.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Georgmicrodong, maybe a dancer has never liked you! Certainly the vast majority only want one's money.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    Generally, I think that dancers can develop a fondness for certain customers, and may throw them treats in the form of extra mileage, kissing, etc. But, 99.9999% of the time it remains entirely in the context of being a customer.

    Meaning, ultimately it's still about payment for services rendered.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Yes Ismael, I agree. Until you see her OTC and fuck for free, it's always best to remember it's the money. That being said, some PL's are more fun for the dancers than others.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Depends what you mean by like. If like as in wanting to fuck you for free, hang out with you OTC, or date you, then that's rarer than snow in LA. If like as in can put up with you ITC and likes your money you give her, then yes that happens.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"But, 99.9999% of the time it remains entirely in the context of being a customer. "

    I think all but 2 people on tuscl would agree strongly with that -- for me, the only proven exceptions are girls who sex you for free. But there is a contingent of posters here who seem to believe that every customer is just a customer, strippers dislike all of them the exact same amount, strippers do the exact same thing for every guy for the same price for the same amount of time -- in other words, strippers are autonomic, perfect economic actors. To me, that stance is the tuscl equivalent of the type of posing done on SW, but you definitely see it here. I do think it is very easy to overestimate how much "fondness" a stripper develops, or why, though.
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    "U rite dat u dont reed loydz posts kauz dey so long n u go n post da saem shit urself DUMBAZZ!"

    Succinct yet eloquent! Lolol
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    I don't think that all strippers have a cookie-cutter attitude towards all customers. They can genuinely like you and prefer your company, but it's still within the context of customer/provider.

    I've known guys who got free sex from strippers. One way or another, it turns out to be incredibly not free. I concede to the possibility that exceptions may exist, but then again I hold the same attitude towards the Loch Ness Monster.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    ^^^ I think we're basically going back and forth agreeing with each other, but saying it in different ways.

    On the free sex thing, I've gotten to FWB with a very small number of strippers... sex is never FREE free, but it wasn't much different than having a needy unreliable civilian FWB who makes poor decisions, only hotter and crazier.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    "On the free sex thing, I've gotten to FWB with a very small number of strippers... sex is never FREE free, but it wasn't much different than having a needy unreliable civilian FWB who makes poor decisions, only hotter and crazier."

    That's been my experience too!
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    It's possible, but much more likely that there is some sort of angle.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    @rockstar66: Yeah, sarcasm doesn't come through in print very well, especially when one forgets to to add the /s, does it?

    Subraman has the right of it. You're usually going to be safe assuming there's nothing more than a customer/salesperson dynamic going on, but I will never again discount the possibility that more could be there than meets the cynical eye. Not with two counter examples in just the last few years.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Men, 50+, paying money and seeking reassurance and validation in a strip club.

    This is TUSCL, what else is new?
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Random, no. It's more like 50+ men sharing their experiences with people who understand the dynamics, as opposed to friends who have no idea. That's why it's called "social media". I'm just being social; no one needs to validate anything I do as far as I'm concerned.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    New regular? See her outside the club. Avoid such problems. Don't go back to her club as long as you are seeing her and she still dances there.

  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    SJG....what? I've been going there for 20 years and had a LOT of experiences. You think this current interest warrants quitting the club???? That's crazy. She will be my future or my past but the club lives on.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    It sounds like you know her well enough to be seeing her outside the club.

    I guess you want to see girls in the club only.

    Well then you will end up in those situations, deciding whether to wait for your favorite, or to accept a substitute.

    And as guys get older, they seem to get to where they have more money than jizm.

    I meant just quit the club only for so long as you are seeing this girl, and she still dances at that club. But you want to keep things the way they are.



  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    SJG...you haven't read the thread...and you act like I'm a young 20 something. Or is it you who are the 20 something...?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I don't go along with the idea that the age differences are that important. But anyway, you want it the way it is.


  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    SJG: I agree age is meaningless compared to other factors. I don't need help dating women of any age as I date girls in their 20's, 30's, 40's and even 50's. You seem to think you are an oracle...you're not. You missed a career as a 6th grade teacher...where your "wisdom" might actually be wise.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Rockstar, I don't know what you think you are. And I couldn't care less either.

    But if you don't want responses to something, then don't post it, or you will likely be disappointed.

    I think you're a middle aged man who missed his chance, jr high school, chance to be Joe Cool.


    To be posting about girl vs girl dynamics, as they occur confined to a strip club, is pretty lame. If I'd of known that you actually wanted it that way, then I would not have responded because that is not even worthy of a response.

  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Gee...I thought you'd be flattered I finally read some of your posts! But to suggest I quit going to my club for a trivial matter was rather naive....I've been going there over 20 years and unless I somehow get band (ha) I'm not going to avoid the club.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Seeing a girl outside, and staying away from her club, that would give you interesting stuff to post about. Girl versus girl inside of a strip club, is not very interesting, and I would not have responded if I knew that you actually wanted it that way.

    Don't worry though, I know you want to be seen as Joe Cool. I won't get in your way.

  • Cowboy12
    8 years ago
    Rockstar, your story sounds very similar to my recent experiences, without the ITC extras.
    However, my CF does enjoy kissing.....a lot!

    She spends a great deal of time chatting with me at the bar, just like a girlfriend.
    I wish I could say she is not hustling me, but pretty sure she is.

    We both have a good time, that's all that matters.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Cowboy, it's not a hustle if you're getting value for your money like I am. Does she REALLY like me? Who cares... I pay her what I pay her and am getting more than I would have expected in return. It's when you pay for unrealized expectations when it becomes a hustle.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    What is a hustle? To me it's a dancer doing what it takes to separate you from your $. While it could be a ROB, it doesn't have to be.

    I would say yes she is hustling you, at least in her mind which is what really matters. That's all SS is; a means to hustle.

    Did you get hustled? I don't think so because you see through her SS for what it is. You get good value for your $ in your mind, which is what really matters on this front.

    The club is all Fantasy Island. The dancers try to hustle and help us believe what we want to believe.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    In a cynical point of view, it's a hustle in that I'm spending money for what I perceive as affection...but then that's why I'm spending the money on this particular dancer and not the beautiful Asian. But I'm not that cynical. I wouldn't be at the club in the first place if I wasn't willing to spend money on beautiful women to have them pretend to like me.

    I only feel hustled if I get an air dance, or if she promises me something and then doesn't deliver. I don't think this current fave is the OTC type despite her attraction to me, but I hope I'm wrong because I'm absolutely going to ask if it's available. Even my 15+ year regular who recently retired never did OTC (with anyone), and she was the closest dancer friend I ever had as far as sharing our lives went and being honest. Hell, I would have married that girl if she were interested! LOL So did she hustle me? I don't feel like it...she never lied, never cheated me. She just didn't want to have me fuck her! LOL But some would say she got 15+ years of money from me while I hoped she'd change her mind so it was a hustle.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ongoing ITC relationship with a strip club dancer = PL

  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    No argument from me! LOL But sometimes the friendship is worth the money even if sex never happens. And she WAS my one and only LDK....
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I think my point was lost. I think she thought she was hustling you, but it didn't matter because you were wise to it and got what you wanted for less than you were willing to spend for it.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Ah, flagooner....yes that point was indeed lost on me.

    But she wasn't hustling me intentionally because she never even hinted that OTC would be available, and I did ask several times over the years. I saw her through a divorce and 2 B/F's so there was no implied promise she'd ever be available either. That's why I don't feel hustled...she was an ATF as far as ITC...but I still hold my ex-ATF as the standard since she did OTC and dates with me.
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