
My Favorite Trump March Photo

They never tell you what you need to know.

This kinda sums up what I've seen on Facebook. Three fucking clueless Caucasian women, and an African-American woman there for a reason. Her hat says "Stop Killing Black People."

I wonder how many people in that photo actually voted for Trump?


  • dutchman2000
    8 years ago
    just more proof that "dumbass" knows no boundaries.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Putting everything in perspective only 27% of the eligible legal voters voted for the orange turd.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Whiny little bitches lost the election. Trump beat the fuck out of the left. Too fucking funny. You lost to trump lol. Donald Fucking Trump beat the entire democratic party, illegal vermin and all.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Trump keeps whining like a little bitch because the women's march was bigger than his inauguration. Trump is as thin-skinned as Nixon but more ignorant about the world.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    A march of welfare leeches and illegals is why the democrats lost so keep it up. Once welfare is cut those marchers will have no time to bitch because they will have to work. Don't get me wrong: I hate Trump, just not even close to how much I hate progressives. Nixon was 10x better as president than obama. One more Conservative on Scotus and Roe v. Wade goes the way of Dred Scott.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Happy news skidum for propaganda minister.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Typical of you 25: a post worthy of an ignorant thug. Skidum? I'd be ashamed of any family member of mine couldn't think up a better slight when they were 4.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    skibum609, you seriously need to relax about political threads right now. You say you hate Trump but you seem compelled to comment on every anti-Trump thread.

    If you actually like the guy deep down just tell yourself "brilliant, I won!" If you actually hate him you might want to ask yourself "why do I care so much about the anti-Trump threads?"
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Gee skidum I would have figured you for a Trump ass kisser; you have so much in common with him, much more than most , you are ignorant, your attention span is limited to 140 characters, you cheat on or don't pay your taxes, you are the most mean spirited, thin skinned member on this board, you attack me constantly so you must be obsessed with me, and you are a bigot. Funniest part of all of this your attacks on me show more about you than I ever wanted to know.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^^I forgot to add you are entirely lacking a sense of humor and that is the saddest part of your dark alt. right personality.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    25 pretty much nailed it.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    @4got, what upsets folk like skibum and I is the hypocrisy and ignorance of liberals and leftists.
    Anyone who opposed Obama after the election was racist. Republicans were the party of "No [new ideas]". Now that is exactly what the DNC, liberals, and leftists have become. Ignorant hypocrites' unable to see that mainstream America is sick and tired of BLM, villainizing cops, insulting masculinity, race-mongering, coddling illegal aliens, elitist politicians, etc. Baracks only lasting achievement will be that he destroyed the Democrat party. Don't believe it? Look at the president, House of Reps, Senate, state governors, and state houses. It's over, and all the ignorant voters on the west coast and the urban islands of blue in our red state country can't change it. And for that black bitch with the sign: Trump carried more if the black vote in '16 than Obama did in '12. Trump carried more of all minority votes than Barry did in '12.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I agree with gammanu. The left has been moving too far left. I plan to re-infect the republican party so I can oppose (from within) their regressive goals. :) By regressive goals I mean their plans to overturn Roe v. Wade and to obstruct same-sex marriage. I think having more centrists and independents in the GOP will be a good thing going forward.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    I am quite frankly tired of the vitriol directed against Trump.
    If this had been directed against Obama homeland security and the secret service would have been kicking in door and arresting people!
    Obama has/had more skeletons in his closest than Trump could ever have.
    Obama had a known domestic terrorist as an advisor and was on his election committee before he ran for president, he was PROVEN to be on the primary ballot illegally in Indiana(plus other states)(in Indiana Obama's toady Holden decided to not pursue criminal charges,no big surprise) forged signatures were on the petitions required by law to be on the primary ballot causing Obama to have far less than the minimum number required to be on the ballot) , ties to the corrupt Chicago crime syndicate AKA the Chicago Political Machine, caught putting his Senate seat on the market to the highest bidder, organized a corrupt voter fraud organization, loss of his law license, the list is large even without the birther stuff.
    If the scrutiny on Trump had been focused on Obama he would have been run out of the race in 2008. If you study the 2008 primary campaign he should not have been on the ballot. They did to Hillary in 2008 what they did to Bernie in 2016.
    When ever the corrupted in power are threatened with the loss of their power they lash out with every weapon at their disposal and since the media has enjoyed the perks of power and may loose their power also they are on board. The powers that be would rather destroy and lay waste to the entire country rather than give up their exalted positions.
    The biggest threat Trump posses is that he will expect and demand federal employees do the job for which they were hired, follow the rules that are laid down by law and stop exceeding their authority!
    The EPA, IRS, DOE, BLM, to name a few do not follow their own rules and have been allowed to outright defy rules set in LAW by congress which is a crime. The lawless rule of the bureaucrat needs to end.
    Everyone else in this country is held criminally responsible if they break the rules why not the elected and Bureaucrats. All laws needs to be applied to every government employee, elected official, appointed officials and bureaucrats. As of now most federal employees and officials are exempt for virtually all laws(they can not even be discharge for criminal behavior).
    They are all afraid a business man may just want to stop the lawlessness of the government.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    TiredTraveler --> "Everyone else in this country is held criminally responsible if they break the rules "

    Not one executive was sent to prison over the 2008/2009 economic disaster. Not one. Justice was NOT served that day.

    *mic drop*
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    ^ serious question, because I'm not a lawyer and I don't know the answer.

    Who should have gone to prison for the economic disaster and for what charge?
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Flagooner-Very likely the mortgage underwriters for misrepresenting the quality of the notes that were bundled & securitized for starters. Many of the bankers that falsified mortgage applications so many it is amazing, and systemic. borrowers who falsified or misrepresented income info you don't need to be a lawyer just use your common sense.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Um, skibum, Dred Scott was never reversed. It was *superceded* by the 13, but the ruling still stands.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Who broke what laws during 2008 housing collapse? BTW, calling it a disaster is hysterically melodramatic.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    @gmd: Legally, Dred Scott was nullified by the 13th amendment, so of course there would be no reversal in the historical record
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    --^^^^You are an idiot a fucking tool nothing more.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    4GOT - I hae progressives more than I do Trump and so I comment. Try not reading my comments if you have bladder issues when you do.FLAG - no crimeswwere committed which is why no one was charged. Civil violations were committed so the fucked up consumer protection bureau could have ostensibly done something, but its run by the left so doing anything worthwhile is something they cannot grasp. Hey George - how fucked up are you? I never said it was overturned by juducial decision. I essentially said it was gone. If it suits your nit picking soul substitute Plessy v. Fergusson. TWENTY FIVE - The idea you think I am Alt -Right actually makes you even stupider than I assumed and I assumed you could barely make a french fry under supervision. I actually belong to or used to belong to one of the groups they hate the most and one they hate in passing as well. If you were a man you would go back to when this started and admit that until you went off on me I never mentioned you once in all my time here. This was started by you, but because of that; you won't. Your problem is you look in the mirror, hate what you see and project that hate onto others. If any of this actually means a damn to you, you need help. Today this is what I am doing while I eat cheerios. Yesterday was meat loaf. I'l be in Cocoa Beach at the end of April. Buy ya a beer at the Inner Room.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Be sure to call me a porch monkey how's that bigot.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    @gammanu95: Yes, but in the extremely unlikely event that the 13th were ever repealed and replaced, Dred Scott would again be the official SCOTUS interpretation.
  • 3LeggedMan
    8 years ago
    If the Dems could nominate someone not a dishonest career politician or flaming liberal whacko they'd beat someone like the Orange one.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    My tribute to Meat72 and the rest of the alt-righters:

  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Lol Hugh!
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