Juice wears many hats around here. He is famous for being the highest functioning person on TUSCL with Down Syndrome, equipped with a keyboard, but apparently using computer that lacks spell check. He is also known for being the best rapper on TUSCL but that's not saying much.
SJG is known for sucking all of Founder's bandwidth with his lengthy posts. Before SJG lifetime membership here was only $10, but after Lloyd came along it went up to $90 so Founder could pay the hosting bills.
Gawker is known for telling the best stories, as well as making the poorest decisions of all of us PLs.
Randomember is know for being our conscious.
Sinclair is known for telling the 2nd best stories.
Nina is known for being the current stripper to stick around long enough to put up with all our shit.
San_Jose_Gay is the first openly gay guy to come on TUSCL.
"RickDugan is known for his hunting skillz and being able to expertly pick out the weakest in the pack"
Yeah he fucks with a chubby stripper's self esteem for 3 hours at the club until she cracks and does OTC with him for $50 because she now believes that's all she is worth.
"Randomember is know for being our conscious." ----------------------------------
Well, yes, I've been trying to explain to all of you that strippers are from disadvantaged, broken, and dysfunctional homes. In good conscience, I'm here to tell you that strip clubs and taking advantage of strippers is completely unethical.
Furthermore, in good conscience, I'm telling you that eating high-fat processed foods (like lasagna and fast food) will clog the tiny capillaries in your dick and lead to ED. You get what you deserve.
Finally, @Smith is the worst offender here for paying teenage girls for sex while claiming to have a "dream civie." Morally repugnant, really.
So do you go to strip clubs and ever bang strippers? I'm not sure if you ever made that clear? Just curious.
Just a side note, I do eat a fair amount of lasagna and foods I probably shouldn't eat but I do exercise regularaly so hopefully my dick keeps working fine! Lol
LOL. First off, you do know I'm kidding @Shailynn? Right?
If you look at my posts, I've written about several long-term relationships with strippers. The longest was about 3 yrs with single mom, and the most recent was summer of 2016 with a blue-eyed Columbian stripper I met when my wife was out of town. I can pay for sex with the best of you....
clubber is famous for announcing that he just put someone on ignore. Also famous for announcing he is leaving TUSCL for good then coming back a few months later.
txtittyfan is famous for saying to short treasuries the day before they bottomed
LDK is famous for making cumming in your pants in a strip club something to be proud of
Ah all is well at TUSCL. Even our conscious is married and fucks strippers on the side just like most of us! He's just smart enough to avoid falling in love, or at least admitting it! Lol
Nina famous for getting destroyed in arguments and mentioning her 3.5 GPA. Might be the only person on TUSCL to ever mention their GPA and think it matters.
Nina famous for getting destroyed in arguments and mentioning her 3.5 GPA. Might be the only person on TUSCL to ever mention their GPA and think it matters.
Juice set the record at Asheville Community College for being the first-one ever to achieve a negative GPA - there's a statue of him in front of the Janitorial Sciences building
"Ah all is well at TUSCL. Even our conscious is married and fucks strippers on the side just like most of us! He's just smart enough to avoid falling in love, or at least admitting it! Lol" ===========================
You got me, @Shailynn, and I've been crying my eyes out to my therapist about the breakup with my last prostitute. When these girls move on, it can really be devastating.
In addition to being morally repugnant, I'm famous for having publically called the election for Trump months in advance when virtually everyone on tuscl said I was wrong.
LarryFisherman aka LarryFullOfShiterman is infamous for pretending to be a big shot who drops tens of thousands in the club when he's really a broke ass mofo who spends $100 every other week. Play on playa! LarryTunaFisherman's lies smell like rotting fish!
last commentSJG is known for sucking all of Founder's bandwidth with his lengthy posts. Before SJG lifetime membership here was only $10, but after Lloyd came along it went up to $90 so Founder could pay the hosting bills.
Gawker is known for telling the best stories, as well as making the poorest decisions of all of us PLs.
Randomember is know for being our conscious.
Sinclair is known for telling the 2nd best stories.
Nina is known for being the current stripper to stick around long enough to put up with all our shit.
San_Jose_Gay is the first openly gay guy to come on TUSCL.
Yeah he fucks with a chubby stripper's self esteem for 3 hours at the club until she cracks and does OTC with him for $50 because she now believes that's all she is worth.
It's brilliant! ;)
Well, yes, I've been trying to explain to all of you that strippers are from disadvantaged, broken, and dysfunctional homes. In good conscience, I'm here to tell you that strip clubs and taking advantage of strippers is completely unethical.
Furthermore, in good conscience, I'm telling you that eating high-fat processed foods (like lasagna and fast food) will clog the tiny capillaries in your dick and lead to ED. You get what you deserve.
Finally, @Smith is the worst offender here for paying teenage girls for sex while claiming to have a "dream civie." Morally repugnant, really.
So do you go to strip clubs and ever bang strippers? I'm not sure if you ever made that clear? Just curious.
Just a side note, I do eat a fair amount of lasagna and foods I probably shouldn't eat but I do exercise regularaly so hopefully my dick keeps working fine! Lol
If you look at my posts, I've written about several long-term relationships with strippers. The longest was about 3 yrs with single mom, and the most recent was summer of 2016 with a blue-eyed Columbian stripper I met when my wife was out of town. I can pay for sex with the best of you....
txtittyfan is famous for saying to short treasuries the day before they bottomed
LDK is famous for making cumming in your pants in a strip club something to be proud of
dallas702 is famous his whacky political beliefs
You got me, @Shailynn, and I've been crying my eyes out to my therapist about the breakup with my last prostitute. When these girls move on, it can really be devastating.
1995 - tramp stamp
2000 - tribal armband
2005 - ankle
2010 - underboob
2015 - ribcage
And one helluva real estate agent! (that's for shailynn)
"I'm famous for being the stripper of your dreams. Is that a big wallet in your front pocket or are you just happy to see me? ;)"
Sounds a lot like Nina to me.