
Do you prefer to stick the same club or bouce around

Being a road warrior gives me the opportunity to visit clubs all over the country. Many years ago I used to go to the same 2 or 3 local clubs where I was living and had a favorite girl etc.. I now seldom go the my local clubs and save my money for elsewhere. I like going around and area and looking for a club I like. I always think that it would be nice to live close to some of the clubs I find but then again I would either get bored with them or stop going due to to much spending. By not clubbing locally it limits my spending ad gives me a variety of venues. I have clubs I always try to hit up when I am in an area because of past experience hoping to have a good time again(unfortunately sometimes there are so many changes the club is not worth the effort)(Providence used to be so much better, then a greedy owner screwed the pooch and an opportunistic politician spoiled the scene).
Do you prefer the same club where you become known or do you prefer variety.
If you travel around what are your favorite clubs. A few of mine are in no particular order, depending upon the type of club I feel like attending that evening:
Detroit: Flight Club, Bogarts, Cricket, Landing Strip, Erie PA: Partners Tavern, Providence RI: Cadillac Lounge, Chicago: Club 390, Madison WI: Geisha House, Peoria(Sparland) IL: Fluffers, Indianapolis: Dancers West, Seattle: Pandora's, San Francisco: Mitchel Bros, COI (LA): Spearmint Rhino, Paradise Showgirls
1} do you prefer the same club all the time if so your favorite ?
2} your favorite club(s) around the country
As you can see I have many clubs in Detroit I like when I work there and if I was doing a clubbing weekend I would likely head to Detroit


  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I have a "Go to" club that I frequent but do enjoy stopping in at others.

  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    In a way, it's similar to ATF vs variety.

    Bouncing around clubs gives you lots of new experiences, you get to discover new clubs and completely new sets of girls, all of that can be pretty exciting. And it keeps things super fresh.

    On the other hand, IF you do things right, being a club regular can bring benefits that random customers don't get, exactly like being a regular of a stripper can bring benefits that random customers don't get. I've changed fave clubs a number of times during the years, but among the benefits I've gotten at different clubs: 1. Bouncer leniency **well** beyond the norm in the VIP room, 2. Don't have to pay cover charges, 3. Generous pours and occasional free shots, 4. I could walk in the club and pretty much guarantee that some girl(s) would be inviting me out to go drinking with her on her break, 5. "Drinking buddy" strippers who get it that I'll buy them drinks but not dances and are ok with that, 6. "Sure, you can sit in the reserved VIP seating, don't worry about it".

    That was just off the top of my head. The bouncer leniency one is absolutely huge, at the low-touch clubs I go to, it completely changes the experience. None of the others are earth-shattering, but they do make the trip that much more fun
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    After 4 years is the USAF & 42 years working for a major air line, I am a home body. Luckily for me I have a club close enough that provides me with what I want in a strip club. So I am basically a one man club.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    My area (Chicago NW burbs) is a wasteland for clubs so I stick to the only decent place that's not too far from me. While I'm jealous of all you Follies and Detroit guys for the clubs you have, I make it work.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    I'd assume that if you don't travel for work....you probably don't get to check out clubs in many different areas. That plays a factor in this question

    My situation is similar to rockstar. The clubs in my area (Richmond, VA) suck. So I tend to club when I'm in neighboring states such as Maryland and North Carolina. These clubs aren't the greatest of all time, but they're good and more importantly way better than Virginia.

    So I guess you can say I stick to the same club.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I repeat the same clubs. I will actually go back to a club I had a good time at over going and sampling a new one.

    For example I've been to phoenix a ton of times and have only been to 3 clubs. I go back to 2 of them and haven't even tried any others.

    The coyotes that still have more clubs I want to try are: Montreal, Toronto and I guess Detroit although I'm quite happy with my current rotation.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    The best thing about going to the same club is the staff gets to know you, and that makes the whole experience more fun. The waitresses are especially friendly and helpful, and I get lots of perks from them. Good intel on my regulars and new dancers too. Even the bouncers are helpful if they know you're a non-trouble making regular.

    One time I was chatting with a dancer and all of a sudden she went off on me, screaming and swearing and I was afraid she'd get physical. She was VERY drunk and must have misunderstood something I said. A bouncer came over, pulled the dancer away and sent her to the DR (and home?). He came back and apologized and bought me a drink (only $1.50 but still!).

    Sorry to be OT...but the irony is I still liked the dancer, and after a few months of just watching her I called her over to my table, and she was very sweet and apologetic about the whole thing. We laughed a lot...then I took her to VIP for one of the best dances I ever had in that club, and she's now a regular of mine! LOL
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I like the variety of going to lots of different clubs. But if I had a great club near me (which I don't) I would probably be a regular. Some of my favs around the country are Tootsies, Mons Venus, Follies, Hiiter, 4 Play, Baby Dolls, and the Detroit clubs on the rare occasions that I'm able to get there.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    "The best thing about going to the same club is the staff gets to know you"

    I went to a club that I've been to several times ( I MIGHT even be a regular at this point) last Thursday and when I walked in I didn't see my fav right away.

    Eventually, after another dancer went away, my fav made her way over and after we chatted a while she mentioned to me another dancer told her "your guy is here" and then my fav said "what guy?" and then the other dancer said "that guy who always comes to see you"

    So apparently one of the dancers recognized me from previous visits and knew that I have a favorite at this club. I've never had that happen before. I must be coming here too much :-)
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i bounce a lot. a problem that i have is the distance i am from clubs. where i hang out in california is 20 miles from a nude club, 40 miles from tropical lei and 60 miles from coi clubs. and 130 miles from hongkong tj.
    and when i am in arizona its 100 miles to vegas and 170 miles to phoenix.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Being retired, I don't travel for business and so I don't visit a lot of different clubs in the country. I prefer my local Detroit clubs where I'm known. My favorites are: Flight Club, Penthouse Club, and Landing Strip.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I like variety.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Yeah I'm big-time into variety and tend to avoid a club even if it's a club I like if I had been there wthin the last 2 weeks or so - I also like to avoid dancers I've been w/ in the last month even if I liked their dances.

    I have lots of clubs in my region of South FL and up to about 2 years ago I could have 6 to 8 clubs in my PL-rotation, but the more I have SCed the less patience I have for mediocre clubs thus these days my PL-rotation is down to about 3 to 4 clubs and 2 that I hit more frequently.

    I don't get to travel for work thus don't get to experience out of area clubs as much as I'd like - if I won the lottery the first thing I would do is spend about 6 months traveling the entire US hitting as many clubs that interested me as I could.

    Being that I'm primarily into ebony-dancers my fave clubs I've been to in my few SC trips are:

    Atlanta: Follies, Club Blaze

    Cocoa Beach: Inner Room

    Houston: Club Onyx (also liked Legends but that club is a shadow of its former self)

  • Dolfan
    8 years ago
    I do kinda a mixture. I'll frequent mostly the same club for a few months, then go on tour and check out a few other clubs until I settle in on a new one and then I'll hit it up regularly. I'll sometimes recycle a club as a current favorite. Clubs tend to be in clusters around here, so I'll often hit up one club first every trip out and then if I'm inclined I'll check out another one or two nearby and/or on the way. When traveling, it really depends on where I am. If its an area with good clubs, I'll often take advantage and get some variety in. If its an area that isn't I'll often just save the cash and hit up a local club when I get back.

    I kinda get the best of both worlds with that approach. I get the benefits of being a regular customer, while still enjoying some variety.
  • pensionking
    8 years ago
    I travel for business and surreptitiously club coast to coast. Oh shit, I just realized, one day I am going to retire and then my clubbing days around the country will end. Uh oh!!
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    GoVikings: I'd be worried if a dancer I visited enough to attract attention didn't remember me! LOL

    When I had an ATF, most of the dancers knew who I was and would avoid me. But now I just have regulars and I do try new talent, so the upside is I circulate more than I used to. But unlike Papi, I don't worry if dancers recognize me who I didn't like or even did like but don't want to go again. I just tell them "Maybe later" and they say, "Okay, I'll come back in a bit" and we both know she's not coming back. No problems.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "... unlike Papi, I don't worry if dancers recognize me who I didn't like or even did like but don't want to go again. I just tell them "Maybe later" and they say, "Okay, I'll come back in a bit" ..."

    Yes, like many people I'm not good as saying "no" particularly to a dancer that has treated me well in the past and she comes up to me "with expectations" per se - but part of the reason I don't like hitting the same club too often is b/c I'll find most of the same dancers if it's not been too long since my pervious visit - since I like variety if most of the dancers in a visit I've seen b/f and/or have gotten with; then I will not have as good a time - nowadays I *will* often say no to dancers that know me and approach me but it's still not easy for me but this is not the main-reason I avoid a club; main-reason being lack of new (to me) flesh.
  • 3LeggedMan
    8 years ago
    I go to the same club about 2/3 of the time, but from time to time the big head wonders what else is out there. From the main club I tend to stay with a small group of fave dancers.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I've almost always been grounded, obligated to stay close to home, very close to home. So it has been just a few clubs. It will still be like this for some time.

    But eventually I plan to be all over.

    I have always recognized that TUSCL is best for business travelers. And there are advantages to skilled womanizers if they are mobile. They can control it better that way.


    Andy Stern: There Is a Way to Stop Machines From Making Americans Poorer

    Robert Reich, who is government working for, and who is organizing the rule of the "market"?

    Like Barbara Ehrenreich says, people working in those kinds of jobs are "anonymous donors".

    Hermetic Hour

    TJ Street
  • jestrite50
    8 years ago
    I am a road warrior and travel 5 states in sales and visit a handful of states for conventions etc. I find the good clubs generally stay good so I shop for my GFE girls at just one club in an area. If I get set up with a GFE girl in that town I don't go to the club anymore unless she wants to. We just do dinner, maybe shopping and then back to my hotel to fuck.
  • wallanon
    8 years ago
    My preference is to be in an area where there are 2-3 quality clubs I can rotate between. That way I'm not seeing the same dancers every time, but still at each club enough to get the benefit of being a familiar face. I've seen enough clubs now where it is rare that one stands out. Out of all the clubs that I was in for the first time last year, the only one I'd say was a standout was Follies in ATL.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    Providence, RI... you're not wrong.

    Regardless, I still do 99% of my clubbing in RI. I do fine, though there's more effort and BS to navigate.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Move around, but keep a home base. Variety is the spice of life. A rolling stone gathers no moss. But you always need a home away from that you can fall back on when all you need is some friendly faces.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    I've gotten the "you're in here every week, you must have a good job" treatment from a couple dancers; one even said i was well known.

    Strippers embellish a lot because I only go in the club once monthly and several dancers say "have you been here before?" Never believe a dancer because many times they try to bring people down to their level. The stripper who claims I'm there weekly is always working at the club non-stop, so yeah she's probably sucked a few hundred to a thousand dicks in her lifetime.
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    I like going from club to club but when I was living in Omaha, my options were limited, so I mostly stuck with 3 clubs. It was nice in that the girls and staff knew me, but I get bored doing the same thing over and over again. If I ever had a reason to leave town, I would find a way to get to a strip club. Now that my job is in a total strip club wasteland in northern Iowa, I find it best to just save up cash and make a big trip at some point.
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