
Don't be that guy...

I was speaking to one of my ATF the other day and she seemed disappointed about the lack of energy from the crowd. (Mind you she is a real entertainer on stage.) And I have to agree as well. I've seen more energy at a library. I find this really kills the vibe. I come to strip bars to have a beer and enjoy some naked women like 99% of the guys here on TUSCL. What fun is it if everyone is just sitting on their phones & just sitting like zombies? I'll tip each performer after their set. But you don't even have to tip ffs a simple clap or whistle after each song shows some appreciation for the dancer. They are putting on a show for us. So what is it with some of us guys that are just so godamn boring? Show some appreciation for the dancer and I'm sure it will be reciprocated. To put some context here the location is Toronto but I've experienced the same story at other clubs too.


  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    I usually too busy groping my girl, or getting a blowjob in the back to notice what the other pathetic losers are doing.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Well last time I jumped on stage and swung around the pole, security didn't like that too well.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Thats when you can tske a shit in the seat you are sitting in. That will start some energy
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Juice keeps the waitress busy. "More BBQ sauce for my Chackin Fangers and another rebull and vodka please."
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    If I go to a concert where no one was making any noise or even looked like they enjoyed themselves that would kill the mood for me too. I'm just saying the clubs aren't as fun as they used to be..
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    For stripper-speak: boring = "not spending." She wants stage tips or tips for convo and dancing. She doesn't want excitement. She wants tippers. Sometimes excitement will get the tippers (other PLs) going. I think that's where she was going. Money. You're dumb if you think it is anything but. Or maybe she is dumb.

    She must be a good hustler if she got into your mind enough for you to make this post. You're like her marketing mouthpiece now. WRAPPED AROUND HER FINGER YOU ARE.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Not everyone goes to the strip club for the same reasons, some PLs really enjoy the stage show, some just like to get lap-dances, some just want extras - I normally don't pay much attention to the stage b/c it doesn't do much for me, I'll pay attention if I'm interested in the dancer on stage - I often spend 2 hours in a strip club and sometimes more and I'm not gonna spend all that time clapping and hollering like a trained monkey - I go to relax and enjoy myself, not make it fun for the dancers - I rather show my appreciation by paying them for what I like
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Back in the day a lot of strip clubs were low-mileage so the stage was the main action but things change
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    There *are* dancers that have the entertainer gene and do like performing on stage and like to be appreciated for it but it's a steip club not Broadway
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @Dominic77 one of the main reasons she's my ATF is because of her athleticism. I LOVE athletic women and I can certainly appreciate the work they put up on stage. But besides that, I'm speaking about guys that won't even make an effort to even clap for the dancers. They put them in a bored mood and that kills the vibes

    I'm not talking about guys who are in the VIP but the ones in the audience. Why sit in pervs row if you want to read your book or ping pong text?

    Think about when you go to a party and everyone is on their phones in the corner somewhere and not making any noise. Would you find that fun? But yeah I guess I just miss those days.
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo Sure it depends on personal preferences. Of course I don't just go to the clubs to watch the show but it's certainly entertaining for me. But Im talking about the spectators who appreciate a girl, let her know. She's more likely to approach and thank you for that. It goes a long way. If you're not going to do so then don't sit at pervs row and be a zombie.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Well, pervert's row is different, if one sits there they should tip every dancer and pay attention to them o/w why sit there as you said
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    yer right papi.
    i kinda look at the stage performance as an audition for a lap dance. then that lapdance is usually an audition for vip.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Energy is usually manifested by men acting like little insecure boys. Clapping and whistling? Seriously? What are you ....15?
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @skimbum609 what's wrong with a little clap? It's not that hard and it costs nothing. Since when did this correlate to being 15 year old?? You are making no sense.
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @skibum609 what's wrong with a little clap? It's not that hard and it costs nothing. Since when did this correlate to being 15 year old?? You are making no sense.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    The performers need to create the energy; that's their job. If no one is dancing when I'm playing, it's not their fault.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I definitely want to avoid a little clap.
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @jacklash not that kind of clap lol
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @rockstar666 but that's exactly the problem I see a lot of girls do amazing shows and still the crowds tend to show absolutely no appreciation for them.
  • K
    8 years ago
    I've been clubbing for decades and no one claps at the end of a dance. I've only seen this in movies.

    I show my appreciation by tipping and getting private dances. I've had several dancers complain about poor tips and guys too cheap to get a private dance. Never once has a dancer complained to me about the lack of clapping.
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @K there are many ways to show appreciation for the performances. If you cannot tip, you can at least clap.

    That's what you do when you watch a lecture, speech, performance, etc. And if you can't do that at least look like you wanna be there. It feels awkward when everyone is silent. Oh yeah I'm talking about night crowds. Because the day crowd is often dead to begin with.

    Anyways I think the majority of the people here are missing my point. I'm not saying you have to bend over backwards but the crowd is half of the fun in the club. a bad crowd is worse than no crowd. It's sad to see this art form lose its lustre. But I get it most people are just lazy nowadays. Lol
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @K some girls who are amazing dancers(I'm not just talking pole tricks but amazing interaction with the crowd and slow sensual movements) I've seen them go from that kind of show to simply walking back and forth because there was no incentive to put on a show anymore. I really miss that. But my ATF does it anyway because she enjoys it and says she get a workout. She's a personal trainer and hip hop dancer on the side.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    The biggest PLs I've ever seen are the ones who clap and whistle for the attention seeking they so crave. My ATF laughs at those idiots and thinks it's the stupidest thing in the club. She says tip me and go quietly, or get dances from me and go away quietly.

    The $$ tipping is spot on, but the clapping and whistling is about as pathetic as one can get to show how juvenile and cheap one can be.
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @Meat72 Really? My ATF says the opposite. She acknowledges their appreciation. As long as you're not being obnoxious or too loud about it I don't see the problem.
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @Meat72 PS I always tip for every show unless I really dIdnt like the girl. But not every guy tips or can tip. So I'm talking about those guys, you can show your appreciation in another way.
  • K
    8 years ago
    I have never met a dancer that considered clapping an incentive. Toss money at them and they will put on awesome shows.
    Have you considered she is telling you what she thinks you want to hear? Ask a few more what they think
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I find clubs have more energy with the girls interact on stage, or at the tip rail. Guys really respond to that. Poll tricks are mostly ho-hum...no one cares.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"Anyways I think the majority of the people here are missing my point. I'm not saying you have to bend over backwards but the crowd is half of the fun in the club. a bad crowd is worse than no crowd."

    Jim, I'm not entirely sure we're missing your point, I'm just not sure everyone agrees with you. For myself, I feel like if I sit at the stage, I tip, give the stripper 100% of my attention, and clap when she's done. Anywhere else, I really feel like I have no obligation at all to whoever is on the stage... 95% of the time I have a stripper with me at my table, in which case, she gets all my attention, I don't pay attention to the stage at all, half the time I don't even realize when the stage dancer is done... and that's the way it should be. In the rare times I DON'T already have a stripper at my table, sometimes I'll clap when a stage set is over; sometimes, it suits me better to use my rare alone-time to check my texts, or text my CF to tell her to get her ass out :)

    Anyway, I don't think it's unreasonable to say, "hey, if you're watching the stage, and otherwise sitting around doing nothing, consider clapping when a stage set finishes". But the dramatic title of this thread "don't be that guy" makes it sound like you think it's practically an ethical imperative, and it's just not.. further, remember that we're all there at the club for different reasons; it may bother you that no one is clapping after stage sets, but I couldn't care less, I'm not remotely there for "stage energy"
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @Subraman maybe the choice of title is not the best but the point is still the same. I could be biased because my ATF is an amazing performer and there was a time when she would come out and everyone would stop to watch her because she had an amazing show, stage presence and athletic skills. Still does but like I said the crowd feels dead nowadays and not just with her but everyone.

    Yes of course there are instances when you wouldn't pay attention to the dancer like if someone was already talking to you or if you were in the VIP, etc. But I'm not talking about those guys. I'm talking about the ones who specifically go in and look/act like they don't want to be there. The worst is when they directly go and sit at the pervs row and stare in a creepy manner as if they never saw a pussy before. Hey if you're gonna be a creep at least tip lol. It doesn't make any sense to me and I feel it gives us guys a bad rep. I find a clap can go a long way if a guy doesn't have a means to tip. Just like how a smile can go a long way for me and a lot of guys. I always show appreciation outside the club too. For example, I will greet the cashier with a smile and always thank them and wish them a good day. Or simply writing thank you notes to those who helped me.(whether it's work related or personal) I'm just saying the most one can do is the least...
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @rockstar666 I disagree. I think certain pole tricks look really hot. Alot of times it shows the girls flexibility and body in different poses. Not to mention their athletic ability which again is a major turn on for me. And that to me translates to a fun VIP dance too cause it shows me what she can do that or something similar on my lap. Again that's why I love my ATF. Oh yeah, interacting with crowd is a big factor to me too.
  • bvino
    8 years ago
    Jim Jedi must live off stripper tips.
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @bvino yes exactly ...
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    IME dancers that put a lot of effort into their stage routine and often not good w/ dances - it's as if they think the stage display is the most important thing and seem not too put much emphasis on the dances
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo I guess it all depends on the girl at the end of the day. But I have often found if she can do those things onstage she can do it at the back too.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Jedi: Subraman expressed it pretty well. Your OP sounded like this was a moral imperative and a lecture.

    Most of us do tip, if we are paying attention to the stage. So you are actually preaching to the choir here. Many are experienced SC hounds.

    I myself actually appreciate a good stage show. So I was just trolling you and busting your balls over your off the top original post. You have to agree it was really over the top. ;)

    You're on Tuscl. This would be like coming here to Cleveland to lecture Leron James how to play basketball. (To quote Shailynn). That's why you getting your balls busted.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->" I'm talking about the ones who specifically go in and look/act like they don't want to be there. "

    I never quite get that either. The other guys I don't get: the guys who sit at the stage with this disinterested look on their face. I know exactly what's going on, they're putting on a show for all the other PLs on how this is no big deal and it's just pussy. Meanwhile, we all know they're excited and probably aroused at the tip rail, and really, no one else in the club gives a fuck if you're getting turned on, no reason for this pathetic act.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    @Subraman: There's a local clubber who does that disinterested thing at the stage. He'll go up and sit down, no money in his hand. After the girl dances for him, he'll get this resigned look on his face, sloooowwwwwllllly reach into his pocket, and pull out a single dollar bill and hand it to her.

    First time I saw him do that, I laughed out loud. Pissed him off. :)
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @Subraman not a lecture just giving my honest opinion. You are the one who seems to take it too personally. Obviously my experiences are different from yours. And I've been a SC goer since the flashdance years so I've seen the change and hence why I made this post. And yeah I acknowledged the title wasn't the best choice but whatever. I am entitled to my opinion. I don't care if you like it or not. I still believe that you can create a good vibe in the crowd by simply doing the least. That's what I was trying to say. Nice try thinking you busted my balls.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    ^ Right, Subraman. It's like a pathetic attempt to be macho or nonchalant about it. Nobody ITC cares. Bingo. I don't understand why they just don't own it and have a good time while they're there, either.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"@Subraman not a lecture just giving my honest opinion."

    Pay attention to your attributions, son. You're not replying to me
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    @Subraman yep that message was directed to @Dominic77 but I think I already said what I neeeed to say. Some people took it to heart too much. It was simply an opinion that is based on personal experiences. If you're not that guy then great, this post isn't about you. There's nothing wrong with showing some appreciation to the entertainers.
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