
Why i pay for sex and companionship

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
The reasons I do is as follows

1 I've already had a wife and don't want another
2 I've had my kids and don't want more
3 enjoy living alone and doing my own Shit when I want and how I want
4 don't enjoy sharing finances with a partner
5 hard to find a free hook up without it developing into something else
6 girls my age 35 arnt as sexy as they used to be I mean he'll I'm not either lol

What's some of your reason's


  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    * instant gratification w/o any commitment

    * get bored being with the same chick
  • WetWilly
    8 years ago
    Methinks you've been reading my mind............
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Papi I also have that issue
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Even that time I actually won the heart of my ATF moved in with her and dated her in a year I was starting to even get bored and found myself seeking off to strip clubs for variety lol
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Because it proves that I'm a RICH STUD. RICH because I can afford. STUD because I am having sex with a hot chick. RICH + STUD = RICH STUD. That's me!
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    You forgot the key ingredient

    Drunk lol
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Lol! Fuck that faggot RickyBoy.
  • Why? Because I'm really picky about body type and it's tough to find a woman close to my age who is thin enough for me. Women my age are mostly curvy. I like petite women like my exes who were size 0 or size 2. I go on a lot of dates with women who are pretty and thin for the most part, but have thighs or a butt that are a little too big for my taste. It's really frustrating. If I wasn't so picky, I could be juggling civies. If they don't get my juices flowing though, even if they are pretty, I can't go through with it. So, this is a temporary solution until I hopefully find a skinny little civie girlfriend that floats my boat. As an aside, I think all women should be required to post bikini photos and ass shots on their online dating profiles. It would save me a lot of money on wasted dinner dates! Haha.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Your so full of turds! You got a full house double flusher
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Fuck you royal flush
  • GACA
    8 years ago

    1) haven't been able to secure and FWB situation in the last two years
    2) because I like younger and funner chicks who still like to fuck my brains out
    3) relationships are unnecessarily complicated
    4) fulfilling that adolescent dream of fucking a multitude of hot females seems to be my sole motivation in life
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Gaca that's a solid list my friend. I really agree with it

    Joe go fuck your dad in his moist ass crack
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I like to pay sex workers so randomember can criticize me about it on here! lol
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
  • LecherousMonk
    8 years ago
    1. No woman has ever been attracted to me.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Why ask why?
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    How else can you meet an attractive/desirable woman and be groping her a minute after you met her
  • K
    8 years ago
    Because I can.
    Variety of partners.
    Variety of activities
    On my schedule.
    Her problems are her problems. Not our problems.
    Better looking partners.
    I get what I want.
    That should be enough for now.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    The companionship thing, I understand. The wife isn't cheap there. The paying for sex part you sort of lose me, because to me she's just woman with a different color wig. (!!) So I don't see the value proposition ... at least I don't see it with my budget. (??) YMWV.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Committed relationships turn to marriage. And marriage leads to divorce. And divorce leads to me lose nearly all my hard earned dollars. I want to keep 90% of my money, thanks.
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