
A prop I added recently - any thoughts?

Since 1963 ...
Tuesday, December 20, 2016 10:30 AM
I go to Chicas in Las Vegas also and this review is spot on accurate. And desertscrub is a self righteous dude who thinks no one else is smart enough to read reviews with a grain of salt and he thinks we give a shit about what he thinks. His main goal seems to be discouraging every first time reviewer from ever contributing again. MYOB, we don't care.


  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    Right on!

    Power to the people, I say.
  • Desertscrub is a cactus. Total prick. He's a fucking wacko. Maybe the craziest person on TUSCL. He needs to chill out before he has an aneurysm. He goes off constantly on new posters or people that post their first reviews. I'm not sure if he's intentionally trolling or if he's that paranoid that he really thinks all these reviews are club ads. Either way he's a nut job.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Mmmm, OK ?

    In juices name, Amen
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Um, why let it get to you?
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    ^^^ right

    In the name of Juice, Amen
  • pensionking
    8 years ago
    I respectfully disagree. I appreciate desertscrub's attempts to identify bullshit reviews raising the average score of crap clubs. Is he batting 1.000 . . . likely no. Is he correct 85% of the time -- I would say yes. If it bothers you, ignore it. I, for one, use it to quickly skip over reviews that are not worth reading (most of the time).

    Some of his mistakes are calling all first time reviewers shill reviews/club ads. They're not all shill reviews by club owners/employees themselves. Not all crap reviews or unreasonably glowing reviews of crap clubs are, necessarily, shill reviews. But they are worthless.

    What they often represent are useless reviews by people merely securing a VIP membership for a month at which time they go away. In that case, I say "who needs them?" They don't contribute in any meaningful way to the discourse between regular TUSCL users if they are one and done.

    At the end of the day, rock on desertscrub! No complaints here.

    PS Desertscrub is not even close to the craziest person on TUSCL. Come on, you know who you are.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    If you want to read shill reviews - just scan larryfishsticks reviews.
  • Digitech
    8 years ago
    Fuck desertscrub.

    When he posts his 'club ad' bullshit, he is not helping. He is not contributing. He is just spamming TUSCL. I don't think he even bothers to the reviews that he claims are ads. Shit, he probably doesn't even have time to read them since he's busy posting so many props. Basically, when he sees any review above 3.5 stars by a user with relatively few reviews, he says its an ad. That's it.

    Unfortunately, the ignore feature on TUSCL doesn't work for props. I get so tired of having to scroll past his bullshit comments on reviews he doesn't read about clubs he's never been to. I have him on ignore, but I still see prop after incorrect, useless, repetitive prop. In fact, I would much rather read an actual club ad than another comment from desertscrub.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I can see both sides. On one hand it kind of seems that every first time reviewer with a shitty review he does that shit. When in reality probably a lot of our first reviews were shitty, we didn't have experience doing it. On the other hand I'm sure a lot of stuff he pointed were actually club ads.

    @Pensionking- 85% is way too high. I actually think most of the reviews he points out are actually just first time reviewers writing shitty reviews.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago

    What is your excuse for your bogus reviews? Is it that the bouncers don't allow 15 yr. olds access?
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Not only are desertscrub's "Club ad of the day!" props mostly worthless, but his posts on this discussion board are disproportionately hateful and mean-spirited. He seems to have some real anger issues. I wish that the ignore feature also applied to props.
  • Lil_Baller100
    4 years ago
    idk man
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    Haha, this is so spot on I thought it was a new thread at first. I think Desertscrub has actually gotten worse with this as time has gone by.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    He's not the only one doing it. But who cares.

    Chicas is a complete shithole now.
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