
Clubbing Thanksgiving Eve.

They never tell you what you need to know.
Monday, November 21, 2016 8:11 AM
Little know fact, the biggest bar night of the year is not Halloween or New Years Eve, it's Thanksgiving Eve. Who's going clubbing? I am not, too much family crap to do. I often go clubbing on the weekend after Thanksgiving but am passing this year as I have other plans.


  • K
    8 years ago
    Hit a club or two the night before thanksgiving is a tradition of mine. It gives me something to be thankful for.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I have hit the club on dayshift of Thanksgiving Eve, and it can be pretty good. I am nightshift averse in general, and reports are that Thanksgiving Eve can be crowded at the strip club, so I double-avoid nightshift on that night.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    The night before Thanksgiving is huge in Massachusetts. Few go Thanksgiving evening and the best clubs close.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I've been hitting my favorite club on Wednesday afternoons and leaving by 3PM to avoid the rush hour traffic but am going to pass this Wednesday because the rush hour will start earlier as people leave work early to get a jump on their 4 day weekend.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I may hit my ATF club, Players, they have made it attractive to go on nights. I'll take my seat at the bar and see what happens.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    In Cali the topless joints tend to get packed on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving since many want to drink and party. But the nude clubs don't seem to benefit as much since no booze is served.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    The most packed I've ever seen the club was indeed Wed before TG. It was wall to wall!
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I club when in the mood, if I do hit a club Wed eve it would be a small dive or mid-tier club that does not get as packed as the big popular clubs
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    @ shadow: Besides the rush-hour traffic I'm thinking Follies will be packed to the hilt
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Larryfishsticks is just happy to have the week off from school.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Haven't decided yet. Depends on whether my current SB wants to do anything.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Too much Tgiving stuff for me Wed. Hoping to skip out on Tuesday.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I never would've guessed that TG eve would be a busy time for strip clubs. But I've got way to much family stuff to do this week.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Don't do it! That's how they get you... Cops will be out in full force, so either Uber your ass or don't drink.
  • VeryBigDawg
    8 years ago
    Am thinking of passing this year. Years ago Thanksgiving Eve would be packed with guys knowing they could sleep in the next day while grandma made the turkey. And lots of strippers making an extra buck before the holidays. But the last couple of years it has been quiet that night. Are all the millennial politically correct guys getting up early on Thanksgiving to make the turkey, and thus cant go out the night before?
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I am no chef, I'll let someone else cook the bird.
  • billyba
    8 years ago
    interesting i will put this theory to test. Can't remmed er if i've ever tried on TG eve before.
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    I met the CF on a TG eve lol! She quit stripping so I have no reason to go to the club anymore.
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I've never gone to a club on TG Eve and doubt I ever will.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Looks like I will be
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I went yesterday dayshift. The talent was better than usual and there were very few customers. Great day at the club.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    No gracias to strip clubs on nights before holidays. There are simply way too many cops out on those nights.
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