
questions about becoming a traveling dancer

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 6:46 PM
This is my first year dancing. I really want to try a few new places out and travel but not too far. What are some good places in new hampsire, Connecticut


  • ime
    8 years ago
    Follies in Atlanta
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Welcome to TUSCL emma! I'm sure you know how to look up the clubs for those two states. If you submit a review or an article you can become a VIP member and get to read the reviews. I am in California, but we have members in your areas. If you tell us more what you want, Show Club, High Mileage, etc, it will help people know what to suggest. Other dancer members have said that if the money is getting slow, just try the next nearest club to see if it is better. Don't let people lure you our of your home area. SJG
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Emma be careful about talking to Lloyd Schoene aka sanjoseguy he is a full blown psycho
  • emma.967
    8 years ago
    On weekends I make 1,000 a night which is good and it's no contact unless you go up to champagne. I've only been a dancer for 6 months or so. I deffintly want a gentlemens club but really I just want to explore new places, but places that are safe. I'm 19 and I know some clubs around Massachusetts won't let you work there unless your 21
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Well, you can read the list: [view link] We have people in your area who will know about these clubs. SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Not familiar w/ the area of interest to you - I'd say read some reviews - usually the clubs w/ the most reviews are the most-popular and thus the most custies - if you click on a city name you can sort the clubs by various criteria - you need VIP to read reviews thus either purchase a one-month VIP which is not too expensive especially for someone making $1k/night; or you can write a review of a club you know and get a free 30-day VIP.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Go to college.
  • merlin05
    8 years ago
    My advise is that sensuality is making a come-back so know how to be seductive and classy. It will benefit you when dancing and later in life as well. Also realize however that you represent a fantasy to a lot of good guys that just aren't being taken care if by their SOs and turn to you for a safe and low-risk release from their boring ass "home" lives. If your willing to play a little out of bounds but still be PROFESSIONAL, you are actually helping save a lot of otherwise good marriages and hopefully making goodminey and having fun in the process. Come to NY!
  • merlin05
    8 years ago
    F'ing Siri, sorry about the typos :(
  • merlin05
    8 years ago
    Also Yes, use the money to pay for college. Be the girl the guy goes to a stip club to keep it interesting with because he wants to spend the rest if his life with her (even if the sex sucks). Not the girl he wants to pimp out, do drugs with, or leech off of.
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    I don't know if it's changed but I used to know dancers under 21 at Foxy Lady Brockton. In Mass
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    8 years ago
    Why do you want to become a travelling dancer? You are 19 and make good money in a year and save enough to go to college. Trust the PLs here, don't fall in the easy money to buy louboutins trap. Get an education and take up a different job. Or get an education meet someone and get married. Stripping is gateway to depression, mood swings, drugs, financial instability. Boring life is better. The older you get in a boring life you wouldn't want to change a thing. While if you live as a stripper everyday you will plan to escape it. 19 - 30 will happen in a snap. Think about how you would like to live from 30-60 and invest in future.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    "Want to travel but not too far".... WTF? That's not an intelligent business plan.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Show us your tits.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    If you travel, it would be advisable to have trusted contacts at your destination, an alternate plan if things don't turn out as you hope, and an exit strategy in case things go wrong. I'm sure you don't want to get stuck in a situation that is out of your control.
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