Dancer says "Not interested in OTC anymore"

avatar for rogertex
I was doing OTC sessions with a dancer last year.
Then she went out of town to see family.

Saw her in the club last week after a long time.
Spent good bit of money and got lotsa love.
Broached OTC.

She says - she is tired of sex. Only with BF.
She now likes girls - had sneaked 3 encounters with different girls past few months without her BF knowledge.

Dancer was a 10 last year and last week was 9. So still top notch.
Not a hustler. Guys seek her out. So do other dancers.
Also likes to get drunk and then get's wild.

Probed a bit into "no sex with guys".
Seemed like a case of burnout. She's in school and will quit dancing as soon as she finishes school and gets a job.
Over the past 4 years I've seen lots of better looking dancers dance for 1-3 years, find another vocation and happily quit.

I'm usually the first guy to move on - but she's a lot of fun generally and especially in bed.
Also because she is 2 leagues above me - if I were to run into her in civilian world.

Have you experienced dancers who you are friendly with - and they wanna hangout but not do OTC?
Is it temporary or permanent? In other words, dancer says no to you but a week/month or so later is back in the sack.

As a guy - I've had the tits/ass/pussy burnout. But the desire has always come back. Sooner than later.
Not sure about girls - and she could be playing nice now cuz I'm spending money on her ITC.


last comment
avatar for mrrock
8 years ago
I can NEVER burn out on pussy!
avatar for WetWilly
8 years ago
You nurtured this relationship into OTC, you can do it again and again with others......get to work
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
This dancers will never do OTC again--until she needs some quick cash.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
First, you can't put any stock in "she's tired of sex". Yes, I know she sounded convincing and sincere, but the fact is, none of us are good enough to tell when a stripper is lying if she's a good hustler, especially if we're fond of her and she's standing right in front of us. The only thing you know for is: she doesn't want to do OTC with you (or maybe with anyone). And she gave you an explanation that is impersonal and neutral... you might have dropped her if it were personal ("I don't want to do OTC with you anymore") or if it burst any romantic bubble ("I'm not doing OTC because I'm devoted to my boyfriend"), but "I'm burned out" is impersonal and neutral, as if it were cleverly designed to try to keep you hooked :)

I think the smartest thing to do, assume you'll never have OTC with her again... if you think it'd be fun to hang out with her ITC, then hey, go for it. I often -- but not always -- move on once I"m sure OTC is off the table. Sometimes, there's chicks who are just great to hang out with ITC, and I'll still hang with them occasionally, although they will no longer be treated like my ATF or CF, and instead be a convenient target of opportunity on days my CF isn't there. And, if she DOES change her mind about OTC, you still have that relationship with her.
avatar for gawker
8 years ago
There's an Asian dancer I've known for years who has always nixed OTC or any extras in the club. For awhile I thought she was loving other women more than men, but then she came up pregnant, so I guess she just has standards, which exclude PL's.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
So you're saying you're a "7"???? Lol

I have never had a relationship with a stripper where sex wasn't involved. That would be new territory for me.

I also have never had a lasting relationship with a dancer who was truly bi-sexual, as it appears this one is. Maybe playing with girls is just a phase for her and she'll want sex eventually.

I understand your "pussy" burnout - I've gotten that too. Maybe to keep her around ask her to go on a "non sex date" and do something fun.
avatar for rogertex
8 years ago
mrrock - "I can NEVER burn out on pussy!"

... mrrock - so I thought! wait till you get a series of stankin ones and you'd wanna stay away for a while.

avatar for rogertex
8 years ago
good input wetwilly, jackslash, subra, gawker, shailynn.
I'm movin on. Will keep her on friendly terms. Will tell her big bucks reserved for girl responding to booty call.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
things can change with women. i have found that out many times as a husband and a father of three grown girls and now as a pl.
avatar for rogertex
8 years ago
thanks justme - i've seen that too - but did not have prior experience with a hetero dancer going bisexual.
Wont burn that bridge - but will find other bridges to get me across.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Rerouted that gps! Lol
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
"She's in school and will quit dancing as soon as she finishes school and gets a job."

I've never heard that before.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
To answer your question yes, I've had strippers that just want me to take them shopping instead of fucking. It is always temporary.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Larry do you take them to Claire's Boutique or Hot Topic in the mall?
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
This too shall pass
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
This too shall pass
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
most women are bisexual. if not all.
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