
Reviews "Atmosphere" rating

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

I don't often pay too-much attention to the star-ratings of the reviews and focus on what the reviewer says - but I've been writing a fair # of reviews lately and have noticed what appears to me a bit of a disconnect in the star-ratings - i.e. one of the four star-ratings is "Atmosphere" which seems to be tied to the "Physical Club" rating one gives a club when submitting a review - I think equating atmosphere to the physcial cluib rating is a disconnect - i.e. the club may be a bit of a dump but have a nice vibe and vise-versa can be a really nice looking club but the vibe can suck.


  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I agree, Papi. Some of my best club experiences have been in a dump, i.e., Henry VIII, but you never know. You take these things with grains of salt and tequila shots. ARRIBA !!
  • mjx01
    8 years ago
    good observations... maybe PM founder about it
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I did PM founder about-it and he replied - "Fuck you Jackie"

    LOL - just kidding - I haven't PMed him about it
  • goosman
    8 years ago
    I take atmosphere to mean the vibe of the club, rather than the appearances or creature comforts.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ me too - I think most would
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Never, never, never PM Founder and tell him "Fuck you, jackie" The world could end. LOL
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Take my word for it. Don't tell him how to run his site. :)
    The star ratings are for atmosphere value & dancers
    while the top 10 are for club value & dancers

    So that makes atmosphere vs club a grey area. I've been rating them using the club appearance.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I think it's a gray area too. I see a rating for building and then it shows up as atmosphere. If the club itself is very nice I might rate the building high but if the club vibe was very slow and the girls wanted too much money, the actual atmosphere would suck but I see building somewhere in the description, not vibe of the club, at least while giving the rating.
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    As long as it isn't a CLUB AD OF THE DAY, I figure we're coming out ahead. Star ratings for anything on the Internet seem to be pretty meaningless. It's usually either 5 stars by default or 1 star if someone was pissed off about something.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    It does say "physical club" when you do a review.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    ppwh's observation, I understand. For other internet reviews, I'm expecting the 5 star and 1 star reviews to aggregate to 4.0 or a 4.5 rating. That tells me it has enough reviews but that most people are happy (4-5 stars) versus unhappy (1 star). Something with ~5.0 rating usually doesn't have a enough reviews so it doesn't tell you much.

    I've wondered about that here, I know I did when I did my review. Some guys would rate something a 2 or a 3, and wondered, 2 or a 3 compared with what?

    So I guess that's why some only read and consider reviews by PLs one knows from the forum so one knows the calibration factor of that particular PL.
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