"... I'm J****** the marketing director for Centerfolds and Mirage Exotic Nightlife in Greensboro, NC. I'd like to personally invite you for a private VIP tour of our clubs. I noticed you write reviews often online. I value your opinion. I want to make sure you get the full experience before reviewing our club online. When is a good time to take a tour with me?
We have several events coming up as well. UFC fights, PPV boxing fights, save the tatas charity event, Daisy Duke contest, jello wrestling, cirque du Soleil style shows, bartenders competitions, toys for tots, etc ..."
I think it's nice to see a strip-club being proactive about wanting to get feedback from customers especially regular SC goers - vs just doing what they want and seemingly not giving a fuck about what custies think as many clubs seem to go about it.
You deserve the recognition for the great jobs you do on your reviews. However I would question her motivation. If the Greensboro clubs were any good, their customers would be saying so in their reviews, rather than driving to Atlanta. Did she offer to pay your air fare and hotel?
I didn't read it as an invitation for them to fly me in from out of town - I read it as they either not knowing I'm not from the area or they thinking I hit SCs all over the country (probably due to my recent out of area Philly and NJ reviews) a la maybe a traveling business man
I interviewed the owner of Rumors in Forest Park GA just after they opened. When I told him that I was going to write the first review for TUSCL, he thought that I was getting paid to do so. I wish. :)
I hope she doesn't think I'm some kinda whale that spends thousands in the clubs and thus the "VIP invite" - she might have not gleamed from my 300 reviews that I'm a $5/dance black-club perv LOL
Goldfingers in Sunrise, FL, one of the Ft. Lauderdale suburbs used to do this. I got email from them inviting me in for the VIP tour. I went there on a trip and checked it out. Goldfingers has gone through a series of owners. It was a high mileage club, It was one of my favorites. Reading the last few reviews it doesn't sound so good now. Papi have you been there recently, if so, what did you think ?
Nah - have not been to Goldfingers mainly b/c of what you stated about the reviews being hit or miss and the club also being a bit far from me in the next county
I do recall getting a similar message about 2 or 3 years ago from a club in WV - so I guess some clubs do this:
Below is what I replied back to her:
"... Thank you for the PM - def a good thing when clubs are proactive about improving the customer's experience by "going to the horse's mouth" per se - as a customer I often get the feeling that many clubs don't have much of a clue as to how to make things best for the customer; I assume part of the problem may be that most strip club owners, managers, staffers, may not necessarily be strip-club aficionados for lack of a better-word; i.e. I assume strip-club staffers are not regular or hardcore strip-clubbers thus often are not aware of what the serious strip-clubbers need and want - so again kudos to you for proactively seeking and desiring feedback from customers since it feels that many/most clubs seem to not give a crap and seem to just be focused on doing things the way they see it and the way they've always done-it often seemingly oblivious to the customers' true-needs which are often not so obvious
As you may have or not may have noticed; the reviews on this site (TUSCL) I feel can be valuable feedback for club management as an insight into how their customer feel about the club.
Unfortunately I am not based in NC, my home-base is Miami, FL and I am not a business-traveler thus I don't foresee myself visiting your area any time soon but again I appreciate you being proactive and trying to reach out to customers/potential-customers and I hope my few opinions on this PM and what I overall opine in my reviews can be of some help even if I don't get to visit your club.
I *would* make one suggestion - I have not looked at your website but I would suggest you prominently have a "Customer Feedback" section/link on your website vs just a "Contact Us" box or vs a feedback link that is hidden under another menu.
They haven't contacted me, but I have been to those clubs a few times. They're definitely not the $5/dance big booty black club kind of place. It's like $600 - $1000 for the hot tub room ($600 at Centerfolds and $1000 at Mirage from what I have heard) Last time I visited Mirage (around 6 months ago), quite a few of the dancers were the thin cheerleader type that projected an "I AM SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU" kind of vibe. The ones at Centerfolds (5 or 6 months ago) seemed more like veterans.
Two-way lap dances are 2/$60 in a private booth with just you, the dancer and some cameras, though. Both places have smoking, but it wasn't as noticeable at Mirage because the club is so spacious inside.
"Papi_Chulo suggested that a representative of our distinguished establishments should contact you for feedback after being given a private tour!"
during the private tour: "Oh, you're not looking to spend at least $1,500 per visit... well, the bathroom troll will finish off your tour over in the men's room. We have cameras, so if you leave the club with an ashtray, the door person will stop you and charge you $95."
I have only been contacted once or twice many years ago, and didn't visit. I don't remember the club, but do recall that it was not a very highly rated club.
To all the strip club owners reading this thread: for the low, low price of full service with your hottest spinner, I will write whatever the fuck you want me to write about your club.
awww, come on lapdanceking82! There is always a club full of testosterone-pumped young men on UFC night!!! And who can resist not having to pay to have the bottle you paid $350 brought to your table! On Monday - Wednesday, they will even bring it over with a lit sparkler at no additional cost!
No, not me. But Papi_Chulo, you're famous now. I am wondering if there are probing to get a review and possibly for you to pen "a wee little testimonial" for their club. I think so.
last comment:)
Nah - have not been to Goldfingers mainly b/c of what you stated about the reviews being hit or miss and the club also being a bit far from me in the next county
It would be interesting to ask if the "private VIP tour" includes free dances and/or extras!
Below is what I replied back to her:
"... Thank you for the PM - def a good thing when clubs are proactive about improving the customer's experience by "going to the horse's mouth" per se - as a customer I often get the feeling that many clubs don't have much of a clue as to how to make things best for the customer; I assume part of the problem may be that most strip club owners, managers, staffers, may not necessarily be strip-club aficionados for lack of a better-word; i.e. I assume strip-club staffers are not regular or hardcore strip-clubbers thus often are not aware of what the serious strip-clubbers need and want - so again kudos to you for proactively seeking and desiring feedback from customers since it feels that many/most clubs seem to not give a crap and seem to just be focused on doing things the way they see it and the way they've always done-it often seemingly oblivious to the customers' true-needs which are often not so obvious
As you may have or not may have noticed; the reviews on this site (TUSCL) I feel can be valuable feedback for club management as an insight into how their customer feel about the club.
Unfortunately I am not based in NC, my home-base is Miami, FL and I am not a business-traveler thus I don't foresee myself visiting your area any time soon but again I appreciate you being proactive and trying to reach out to customers/potential-customers and I hope my few opinions on this PM and what I overall opine in my reviews can be of some help even if I don't get to visit your club.
I *would* make one suggestion - I have not looked at your website but I would suggest you prominently have a "Customer Feedback" section/link on your website vs just a "Contact Us" box or vs a feedback link that is hidden under another menu.
Thanks again for your PM,
PC ..."
Two-way lap dances are 2/$60 in a private booth with just you, the dancer and some cameras, though. Both places have smoking, but it wasn't as noticeable at Mirage because the club is so spacious inside.
"Papi_Chulo suggested that a representative of our distinguished establishments should contact you for feedback after being given a private tour!"
during the private tour: "Oh, you're not looking to spend at least $1,500 per visit... well, the bathroom troll will finish off your tour over in the men's room. We have cameras, so if you leave the club with an ashtray, the door person will stop you and charge you $95."