Penis Size

avatar for shailynn
This is one argument that gets almost as many opinions as political discussion.

What's the average penis size, and where do you size up?

I've read articles all over the place. I'll never forget reading in GQ the average size is around 6 inches. Then a few days later I'm sitting in my girlfriends apartment waiting for her and she has a Cosmo magazine on her coffee table. I flip through and they say the average size is 8 to 9 inches. No wonder women can never judge distance!!!

I can't link it but I read a study that I actually believe. The only problem I have is it didn't say if the subjects were only in the USA or worldwide. Anyway here's what they say:

The average erect penis size is 5" to 6.4"

1 in a 100 men have a penis that is 7" or longer when erect

7 in a 1,000 men have a penis that is 8" or greater when erect

The largest ever recorded is Jonah Falcon, 9.5" flaccid and 13.5" erect…


last comment
avatar for TravelingGolfer
8 years ago
Mine falls in the average length range and it may be a little thicker than average. My SB and I have comical discussion about this every week that go something like this:

Me: standing naked with a hard on
Her: "your penis is huge"
Me: "no, it's not"
Her: "i'm telling you, that thing is big"
Me: "i appreciate it, but it's not, it's average"
Her: "dude, i'm telling you. it's big. you are stretching me out."
Me: "you're a stripper. i know you are lying to me, but i appreciate the gesture."
Her: DUDE..
Me: stop talking
Us: stop talking and start doing other things
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Ugh I hate when women call me "dude." Amazing how a lot of strippers use that term as well, and it's not exclusive to one part of the country.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
I'm average and I'm fine with it. My g/f says her husband is huge, so she won't let him anywhere near her ass (not that he's interested in that), but I get to fuck her in the ass anytime I want.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Rockstar you dirty dog!!!!
avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
Average here, but as I tell the girls, it's the biggest one I've ever had my hands on!

Rockstar, I want to meet your girlfriend! Lol
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
I know that size matters to some extent. However, whether stripper or civilian, a huge pile of money is a lot better way to attract women than a huge penis. And oral skills matter too.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
But Corvus has the best answer for all of us average guys. My dick is also the absolute biggest one that Ive ever touched.
avatar for Darkblue999
8 years ago
I used to think size matters, need good education,need to be a good boy,all these things BS.You just need to have lot of money.Girls will come automatically.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
The girls tell me that I am like a black man where it counts. :)
avatar for nj_pete
8 years ago
I know a guy who boasts " I may not be long but I'm thick"
avatar for MisterFolks
8 years ago
Like a light switch .... Just goes up and down ;)
avatar for MisterFolks
8 years ago
Cmon now- you know Boss Hawg be packin heat
avatar for georgmicrodong
8 years ago
avatar for gawker
8 years ago
Strippers have told me of customers who range in length from 2 1/2 to 12 inches erect. One says she won't go near one over 8" while another says she loves it when a real long dick bumps her cervix. I'm spot on average. Many years ago I heard that it's not the size of the wand but the skill of the magician.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
shit. i'm out of luck.
avatar for JamesSD
8 years ago
1999 wants its discussion back.

The mean and median are greater than 5.5", less than 6". Slightly higher for black guys, slightly lower for Asian, but all races in that range.

I'm 7" and very thick. Big enough I get comments on being big, not huge enough to scare anyone. Girls that care about size care way more about thickness. I've been too long for a handful of girls, and those who have told me about a bigger guy usually mention pain.

My dick size has gotten me pussy a few times. In college I had a couple different girls admit their friend told then I was hung AND good. And I used to go online to Webcam chat rooms (yahoo days) and there were women I eventually fucked who my cock was the original point of interest.

But overall most women are fine with average, but might slightly prefer the larger side of average.
avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
I hear about women who prefer large cocks but as far as I know, have never run into one. If I ever do I would probably get slapped for asking if she has a huge pussy and if that is the reason she likes big ones!
avatar for Beaver_Hunter
8 years ago
Tiggy, its ok that you have a little dick. Just keep telling yourself:
- Its not the size of the ship but the motion of the ocean
- Its not the size of the ship nor the motion of the ocean but can the caption stay in port long enough for the all passengers to disembark.
- Even a dwarf clown gets to work in the big top
- Its not the size of the dog in the fight but the fight in the dog
avatar for mrrock
8 years ago
Well it depends on my weight. If I'm heavier I'm average. If I'm thinner and lose weight in that area I'm above average. Lol
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
I am 5'9" and a 152 pounds. I sport a 8 inch (when hard) and not too thick. For some (younger, no children) women it has been a bit much. When I was a lad I dated about ten years up as girls my own age struggled with the facts of life. Visually it is impressive but the functional aspects are hit and miss. Current wife appreciates the length and size but then she is 60 years old and had two kids.
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
Captivating stuff here.

avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago

Best comments from @MicroDong and @Chess.
avatar for hump_my_leg_12346
4 years ago
Blowjobs are not as fun nor easy to get with a thicker dick. :(
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago

"According to the team’s analysis, the average flaccid, pendulous penis is 9.16 cm (3.61 inches) in length; the average erect penis is 13.12 cm (5.16 inches) long. The corresponding girth measurements are 9.31 cm (3.66 inches) for a flaccid penis and 11.66 cm (4.59 inches) for an erect one."

"A graph of the size distribution shows that outliers are rare. A 16-cm (6.3-inch) erect penis falls into the 95th percentile: Out of 100 men, only five would have a penis larger than 16 cm. Conversely, an erect penis measuring 10 cm (3.94 inches) falls into the 5th percentile: Only five out of 100 men would have a penis smaller than 10 cm."…
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
A man boards a flight and is lucky enough to be seated next to an absolutely gorgeous woman. They exchange brief hellos and he notices that she is reading a manual about sexual statistics.
He asks her about it and she replies, "This is a very interesting book about sexual statistics. It identifies that American Indians have the longest average penis and Polish men have the biggest average diameter. By the way my name is Jill. What's yours?"
He coolly replies, "Tonto Kowalski, nice to meet you."

avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
What’s the stats on “growers, not show-ers”

Asking for a friend
avatar for Salty.Nutz
4 years ago
IMO penis size does not matter. have you ever seen a woman giving birth you'll know. i have never seen a penis bigger then a baby. Also blacks are stero typed as having the biggest penises but somehow their big penis can keep their women in check. Blacks have the most kids born out of wed lock followed by hispanics, whites and asians.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Magnum condoms are tight on me lulz
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
Yeah they used to make Magnum XL but can't find them any more.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
^^^^ That's 'cause Juice snatched them all up.

avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
I have all you guys beat. Ask Ricky, he has trouble walking straight
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