Who has been thrown out of a strip club?

avatar for gammanu95
I saw a review for Heavenly Bodies near Chicago on the front page, which I used to like going to when I lived there. Then I remember it was the one strip club (or any bar/club) that I was escorted out of.
I was their with my clubbin' buddy, a true monger and PL, and we had two girls with us at our table. I was doing very well with one, and we actually dated a couple of times afterwards. I was tipsy, but not drunk. It was that kind of lucid drunk, where youve had a lot to drink and you're very relaxed and a little giddy; but still clear-eyed and clear-headed. The waitress come to our table, gets everyone else's refill request, but then snaps at me "You're cut off!". I didn't know why, nor did would she explain. I asked my buddy to order a beer for himself, but then I would drink it while it sat in front of him. We do this for a bit, but then that bitch waitress flies up to me and screams in my face, "Don't you know what cut off means!" With the six bouncers who surrounded me, it wasn't a question. They were cool about it because I was cool about it. They even told me at the door that waitress was close to getting fired, and gave me the managers number so I could call him and help push her out the door. I did, she was, and all was well. The dancer I dated was fun, but flaky as hell.


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avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
I was with a large group of guys (I think around 10) as we arrived in two cars. It was right before Christmas and we were in a college town so there weren't a lot of options of bars to go to since most were closed when students were on break. We wound up at a dive strip club, and it was snowing heavily out that night.

Some of us were blitzed, some were not, I was driving so I was stone sober. We weren't there even 5 minutes and one guy already got kicked out. This ugly dancer kept going to every guy near the stage demanding tips about every 30 seconds. When she came to him he said "come back when you take you're panties off." She started screaming at him so bad the DJ actually stopped the music. Next thing you know 5 bouncers and surrounding him. They escort him out with no issues. We all look at each other and one guy finally pipes up and said "fuck him, we are staying." After about 10 minutes (it's like 20 degrees out) I go outside to give him my keys so he can sit in my car. He's outside cracking jokes with the bouncers while they smoke cigarettes, so he probably had more fun than us, inside.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
gammanu95: HB gets a little fascist from time to time; I recently wasn't allowed in because they thought my designer cotton pants were "gym wear". I've never seen anyone tossed for being too drunk, and at night there are a lot of people who are obviously well krausanded. I can't imagine why you were singled out, but shit like that happens at that place. What was the dancer's name whom you dated? Maybe I know her!
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Never happened to me.

A lot of people complain about heavenly bodies but I think some people just don't know how to behave and have no manners or home training. I didn't have any problems there or anywhere else. Wonder why the bartender would "cut you off" with no reason. How drunk were you really?
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Guys, this was like 1997 or 1998. So, I'm sure everything at that club has changed in 20 years. But, her stage name was Bailey, actual name Jenny.
avatar for georgebailey
9 years ago
Yup. Want drinking enough.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I've been stopped by the bouncer for touching the sides of a dancer's body during a LD. That is the worst/most that has happened to me. But I've never been thrown out of a club. Just stopped for touching her sides.

I haven't even see another customer get thrown out of a strip club since the '90s either. One was a drunken young male sitting stage side. He appeared to be a marine and may have been active duty or recently out. He was drunk and rough with the dancers on stage, the bouncer repeated corrected him, got rougher still with a dancer to the point of WTF, the bouncer escalated tapped his finger on the guy's chest, the customer took a swing at the bouncer and a fight ensued. The bouncer was kind of in trouble at one point and the customer pulled a large knife. Clearly the bouncer was not USED TO fighting a customer who could ACTUALLY FIGHT. But he did managed to get control and throw the customer out.

On some lighter notes, I do remember some customers getting thrown out in th '90s for breaking the "and DON'T TOUCH 'da GOYLS (girls) RULE." So nowadays I chuckle to myself when I see no touching rules. Because no one ever seems to get thrown out anymore for it. There aren't enough paying customers I guess these days so customers get treated like gold.
avatar for Dougster
9 years ago
I've been denied entry a few times for not meeting the dress code (what? basketball shorts and sweatpants don't meet the dress code?) but never thrown out.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
juicebox69 got kicked out of Follies. I'm sure his account of it will be a lot different than mine. I got my version from the bouncer that kicked him out. He got into it with a dancer over money in VIP. He thought that he was being overcharged but what actually got him thrown out was his big mouth.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
I have never been thrown out of a strip club. But I was thrown out of the Ritz Hotel in Paris.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Shadow and jack, are these true stories?(i know shadow has said before juice got kicked out of follies but have to wonder if he's trolling.)
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I had a bouncer threaten to kick me out recently because I was on my phone and not spending any money. This was after I'd just done a $300 VIP and was waiting for my Uber. I was too high at the time to give a shit so I just walked out to wait outside.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Security threatened to kick the DS and I out of a hotel for smoking weed in the room. But I managed to get out of it by just paying the smoking fine, and promising to control the young one in my care for the rest of our stay. We smokes in the car after that.
avatar for Tiburon
9 years ago
Wait shadow actually met juice before? Wtf I didn't know ANYBODY met da juice
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
^good job
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Didn't shailynn meet da juice mane?
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
My story is true. A few years ago I spent a month in Paris. I went to see the Ritz Hotel, which is a luxury hotel on the Place Vendome. It is the hotel that Princess Diana left from when she was killed in a car crash. It also houses the Hemingway Bar, where Ernest Hemingway hung out in the 1920's and 30's. I walked into the lobby and passed by several young women employees who asked if they could help me. I ignored them, but then a man dressed in a suit stepped in front of me. He told me that I could not look around the lobby unless I was a registered guest and I could not go into the Hemingway Bar unless I was wearing a suit and tie. He was polite--even gracious--but he made it clear that I had to leave. I'm sure that if I had refused I would been physically thrown out by security.

If you care to make a reservation:

avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
Juice, was this true what Shadowcat states?

A better question would be who hasn't been kicked out at least once?
avatar for Tiburon
9 years ago
I haven't been kicked out
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
I had drinks at Harry's bar ( makes strip club drink costs look reasonable) but I did get banned from Dicks Last Resort in Chicago. Also banned from Harbor House and the Pretzel bell in Ann Arbor ,both for eating too much at an all you can eat buffet.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
I have not been literally kicked out, but twice I have been escorted out. The one time at my ATF club for being too forward with one dancer and another time when I took a friend with me and he offers a dancer cocaine, she didn't like that and told the bouncers who showed us the door.
avatar for jester214
9 years ago
@jackslash, I'm fairly certain I've been in that bar and wasn't wearing a tie, sounds like another French asshole to me.

avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Like some random French dude in a suit stopped an American from entering Hemingway Bar? That would be fucking hilarious. I may do that for fun at the Ritz Carlton in Naples to foreign tourists.
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
I got escorted out of a rhino one time. with a girl that I know quite well... well let me just say that I was anticipating the opening round in vip and I got prepared for it. The floorwalker took a peek in just after it got started and I was already naked. I got banned for a while from that club. irony was that she was still on the phone texting.
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
9 years ago
I've never been kicked out of any club, strip club or otherwise.
avatar for Clubber
9 years ago
Does it count when I've gone into such a dump I throw myself out?
avatar for goldmongerATL
9 years ago
I have been kicked out of a club twice. Both times when a bouncer committed coitus interruptus. The first time was like 10 years ago at Follies of all places. I was in one of the single VIP rooms and the bouncer came in, kicked the girl out of the room and escorted me to the door. Outside he said "you can't be doing that kind of shit in here; automatic out the door." WTF? at FOLLIES???

The second time it happened years later at another club. Same story. the bouncer yelled at the girl that he was not stupid and knew what was going on. After I was outside and got a good look at the guy I realized it was the SAME FUCKING BOUNCER! i kid you not.
avatar for bang69
9 years ago
I have never been kicked out of a strip club. But I have kicked lots of people out of the strip clubs I have worked at
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
I've never been 86'd from a club but I hope to one day!
There have been more than a few times that a floater has walked in while my stripper & I were getting down to some serious bizness and each time I expected to be at least bounced, if not arrested when we finished. But they just kinda stare open-mouthed then move on. Good times.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
No but I once had a bouncer express his opinion to me when I was sitting alone by myself at the back of one club all by myself with no one around that if it was up to him, he would have kicked me out. I asked why. He said I was leaning over the stage earlier. I thought if that was a no no, he should have told me right away instead of waiting 20 or 30 minutes when I was alone and sitting as far away from the stage as possible. I made sure my head was never past the edge of the stage after that unless a dancer literally grabbed me and pulled me in closer. That happened a few times. I stopped visiting the club a few years ago. They closed up or changed management. I guess others didn't care for all the rules either.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
Yup, many years ago I was asked to leave Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indy. I had just lapgasmed into a condom after a few VHM lappers and was on my way to the john to dispose of the evidence when an old favorite gave me a big hug and the used condom slid off my willy and fell to the floor! I immediately snatched it up and concealed it, but apparently a waitress or bouncer saw the incident, because soon after I returned to my table, a bouncer came up and quietly but firmly asked me to leave.

The funny thing is that I'm sure customers jizz in their pants at Brad's all the time, since many of the strippers there make that their mission, but I had the misfortune of exhibiting the evidence on the floor, albeit briefly.

I returned to Brad's a week or two later and never had any trouble there -- or anywhere else -- again.
avatar for Shelbymoe
9 years ago
Lollipops in Daytona Beach...... this was my first sc EVER. We were visiting from outta town. My bf mentioned he had been there before. So we choose this over molly browns. I took a couple pills and started drinking heavily once I got there. He announced to the girls 4-6 of them I was a newbie. I got tons of attention. Took three of them to the back for dances. A hot brunette went a little further with me so I was feeling amazing. I come out of the lounge and see a black women on stage. As I white female I love black girls!!! But apparently she didn't like me. I tipped her on stage, asked her for a dance she brushed me off. I asked aging she said hold on. I was waiting by the lounge with he bouncer to pay him, asked if he could go get her, he leaves. Comes back and asks me to leave. For harassing g her!!!! My bf comes over after I start getting mad, and I was walked out by both my bf and a big bouncer..... I guess she wasn't into girls.....
avatar for skibum609
9 years ago
A friend and I were so drunk that we got booted from Super Sexx in Montreal. Apparently drunk enough to try to "trick" the bouncers by changing coats and t hen going back 15 minutes later. Might have worked had we actually been conscious enough to recall that due to cheapness we had both previously purchased coats at a ski shop going out of business sale that were......the exact same.
avatar for Mainster
8 years ago
Candy Store, when I was most likely underage. I was trying to get a table dance from a girl who was doing her onstage turn. In those days, the girls were required to do their 4 songs onstage ( two songs each on two stages), even if they had a whale on the line. I approached the object of my affections and tipped her $5, asking her to join me at my table. She took the money and turned me down because the regular would get pissed. "Ain't this a bitch," I said, and went back to my table. Within a minute I was being lifted from my chair and pulled to the door.

"You don't call these girls 'bitch', kid."

"I didn't.... I said 'Ain't this a bitch.' "

"Same diffference. Don't come back for 24 hours, and apologize to her if she's here."

I showed them.... I stayed away for 72 hours, and never spoke to her again.

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