I wore a suit to work for many years and would occasionally go to a club after work. I'd have to say it gets you noticed, at least in the clubs I went to.
20+ years ago I wore a suit every day. Dancers liked that; they figured I had more money than the guy in jeans and a backward ballcap.
First time I LDKed in a club I was wearing a suit and no cover. I was surprised, but girl was grinding in a perfect way. It was fun, but then I had to drive home and say hi to wifey. On the way home I cleaned up with kleenex as best I could; the next morning I decided that suit was ready for the cleaners.
Yes, often I have worn a suit to a strip club. It gets positive comments from girl who know me. And it gets most notable preferential attention from girls looking to set up immediate OTC.
But these are zero ITC mileage places. So the suit, a totally impractical organ grinder's monkey costume, is not really interfering with anything.
Suits also go over very well in AMPs, raising the chances of the session becoming a Girl Friend Audition, greatly.
I don't like to wear suits, because it is pandering to one of the worst tendencies in women. But doing so, draws female attention in all sorts of situations, Stanford Campus, fancy retail stores, ordinary retail stores, anywhere.
years ago I wore a suit daily. Now a few times a month for work. I believe being seen in a well tailored suit has helped me with in club fun and in setting up OTC.
Sometimes i am wearing one for OTC when the session is on a day I needed to wear one. it never hurt and I believe a few times it made her get more into it.
Sure. I generally wear a suit when working. I occasionally take a long lunch and hit a club or hit one right after quitting for the day. I do lose the tie first.
I used to wear a suit because if you wear a decent one the prettiest dancers assume you are rich and flock to you. The downside is that expensive wool does poorly in a grind and after a few songs you end up with a hard on shaped wear spot that is visible and murders a $1,000.00 suit. For the best 25 years, as I wear a suit every day, I dress like I got my clothes at goodwill.
Hey! Goodwill actually has some nice clothes! I get a lot of my shirts there and they are only a buck each, look nice, and appear gently used. Seriously.
I actually like sport coats because the get up looks nice, and it is more practical, as the pants wear out quicker than the jacket.
I also feel that there is some residua of defiance in it. That is, the guy in the suit dresses like he does because he has to. The guy in the sport coat dresses how he wants.
Once years and years ago this guy had a men's fashion magazine or something like that, and he was admiring all the suits. Then there was a picture of a guy in a sport coat and I said that I like that.
The other guy did not like it and he finally said that that guy has some sort of an "attitude problem", and that he "looked like a doctor".
Well this guy's brother was a medical doctor at Stanford's hospital. And this brother was more of a free thinking type than my friend and his other brother were. They were corporate strivers.
Often medical doctors are more free thinking, and I go along with this.
But girls go more for suits, than for sport coats. I don't like suits because they are impractical, and because they are pandering to some of the worst tendencies in women.
Actually, strippers and I also seem to for some reason get along very well too, even when I dress like a slob.
Mostly what I think it amounts to is like what a girl said on that SW thread. She is smarter than 95% of the custies.
Girls do go for how guys dress, but in a strip club the standard for that is relaxed, and so most of the time they are evaluating guys by how they talk.
Doesn't have to be a suit per se, but generally I have noticed that a tie with a blazer or full suit commands more respect from both the staff and dancers. It conveys your a serious person with money to spend. Imagine if you owned any type of retail business and a person walked in wearing a suit and tie.....You'd probably take that guy more seriously versus a guy who walked in wearing jeans and a T-shirt.
^The problem is sales is you simply cannot judge a book by its cover. The suit guy might be a millionaire (very likely) or he might be poseur or a pickup artist (PUA). The beach bum in jeans and a tee shirt might be a billionaire or a trust fundie (baller). Then you also have young people who might be athletes, musicians, have high income jobs, trust fundies, or kids using mommy & daddy's credit card.
The suit might be an indicator but mannerisms should confirm it or substantiate it. The mannerisms probably matter more to experienced dancers. Part of The System is wearing the suit. The other part is acting like you've done it before and acting the part (confident, emotionally together, etc.).
I agree you can never judge a book by its cover but I do not know anyone who, as a first impression, looks less valuable wearing a suit and tie versus casual clothing. Not justifying it, just stating an opinion. Strip clubs are a retail business and the same rules apply in my opinion. Dances and VIP encounters are expensive at most places. If you owned a retail business or work at one as a salesperson, you'd probably take a well dressed person more seriously versus a casually dressed patron.
I've never worn a suit to a club. I haven't seen anyone in the SCs I've been to in one either. I usually go at night, but maybe one day if I ever do a day visit or after work type visit I suppose I might.
Maybe...........one day I might do it, but being dressed nicely usually does the trick along with doing VIPs so she knows Im willing to spend some money.
I like to be relaxed and casual when visiting strip clubs. I've never worn a suit to a club. Plus they make me hot. I get hot easy and think a suit and tie is one of the worst things for hot blooded males to wear.
I had a tux on one time while visiting a video rental store with two relatives also in tuxes. A girl inside immediately noticed and said we looked a bit overdressed for the store.
Some have said that when DreamWorks studios was launched, Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen, the three most powerful people in the room, and none of them wearing a suit, that things changed. I approve totally.
That was in 1994, at the height of the dotcom boom, when suits were at an all time low in the tech sector.
I hate suits because they are impractical, and because they make you look like a slave. And wearing a suit panders to the worst tendencies in women.
But on the other hand, women respond to social position, and at AMPs it makes a huge difference in how the girls treat you. GFE is not standard there, not at all. But if you wear a suit, usually which ever girl you pick will pull out all the stops and just let you have whatever you want from her, more of a Girl Friend Audition.
I have heard it said of dressing ultra casual, as I prefer to, "You've got to be really rich to be able to dress like that."
I am certainly not rich in terms of money, but I am rich in just the freedom and legitimacy which I assign myself. And as such I have never thought much of strivers.
But when it comes to women, it is hard to change them. Different when they really know you, versus when they are just seeing you for the first time.
Most always at strip clubs I have dressed like a real slob. I guess I just know how to pull it off, and leave girls thinking that I really must be someone.
I remember seeing a picture of a Saudi Prince who dresses like a slob to go to night clubs.
last commentA suit can be helpful in a strange club because dancers will believe you have money.
First time I LDKed in a club I was wearing a suit and no cover. I was surprised, but girl was grinding in a perfect way. It was fun, but then I had to drive home and say hi to wifey. On the way home I cleaned up with kleenex as best I could; the next morning I decided that suit was ready for the cleaners.
But these are zero ITC mileage places. So the suit, a totally impractical organ grinder's monkey costume, is not really interfering with anything.
Suits also go over very well in AMPs, raising the chances of the session becoming a Girl Friend Audition, greatly.
I don't like to wear suits, because it is pandering to one of the worst tendencies in women. But doing so, draws female attention in all sorts of situations, Stanford Campus, fancy retail stores, ordinary retail stores, anywhere.
Sometimes i am wearing one for OTC when the session is on a day I needed to wear one. it never hurt and I believe a few times it made her get more into it.
Once I ready this parody of Cosmopolitan Magazine. They said the Cosmo Girl can only understand men as being one of two types.
1. Business Executive
2. Lumber Jack.
Anyway, women respond to suits, in strip clubs, in AMPs, and everywhere else.
But I still don't like it, as it is pandering to their worst tendencies.
I personally do not - just dress pants with a dress shirt the great majority of the time.
Dachshund system = ace!
I also feel that there is some residua of defiance in it. That is, the guy in the suit dresses like he does because he has to. The guy in the sport coat dresses how he wants.
Once years and years ago this guy had a men's fashion magazine or something like that, and he was admiring all the suits. Then there was a picture of a guy in a sport coat and I said that I like that.
The other guy did not like it and he finally said that that guy has some sort of an "attitude problem", and that he "looked like a doctor".
Well this guy's brother was a medical doctor at Stanford's hospital. And this brother was more of a free thinking type than my friend and his other brother were. They were corporate strivers.
Often medical doctors are more free thinking, and I go along with this.
But girls go more for suits, than for sport coats. I don't like suits because they are impractical, and because they are pandering to some of the worst tendencies in women.
Actually, strippers and I also seem to for some reason get along very well too, even when I dress like a slob.
Mostly what I think it amounts to is like what a girl said on that SW thread. She is smarter than 95% of the custies.
Girls do go for how guys dress, but in a strip club the standard for that is relaxed, and so most of the time they are evaluating guys by how they talk.
The suit might be an indicator but mannerisms should confirm it or substantiate it. The mannerisms probably matter more to experienced dancers. Part of The System is wearing the suit. The other part is acting like you've done it before and acting the part (confident, emotionally together, etc.).
Maybe...........one day I might do it, but being dressed nicely usually does the trick along with doing VIPs so she knows Im willing to spend some money.
I had a tux on one time while visiting a video rental store with two relatives also in tuxes. A girl inside immediately noticed and said we looked a bit overdressed for the store.
It's made a slight difference at times, but not enough to do it on the regular.
That was in 1994, at the height of the dotcom boom, when suits were at an all time low in the tech sector.
I hate suits because they are impractical, and because they make you look like a slave. And wearing a suit panders to the worst tendencies in women.
But on the other hand, women respond to social position, and at AMPs it makes a huge difference in how the girls treat you. GFE is not standard there, not at all. But if you wear a suit, usually which ever girl you pick will pull out all the stops and just let you have whatever you want from her, more of a Girl Friend Audition.
I have heard it said of dressing ultra casual, as I prefer to, "You've got to be really rich to be able to dress like that."
I am certainly not rich in terms of money, but I am rich in just the freedom and legitimacy which I assign myself. And as such I have never thought much of strivers.
But when it comes to women, it is hard to change them. Different when they really know you, versus when they are just seeing you for the first time.
Most always at strip clubs I have dressed like a real slob. I guess I just know how to pull it off, and leave girls thinking that I really must be someone.
I remember seeing a picture of a Saudi Prince who dresses like a slob to go to night clubs.