
Morals and Drugs at a Strip Club

I just found out a few of my favorite strippers got fired for doing drugs in the bathroom at the club. One of them had been there for 4 years and really did a ton of two way touching. Just wondering if a strip club should actually have these morals and care if these girls are doing drugs in the stripper bathroom.


  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    As a business, hell ya they care
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    I have read news stories about SC managers being arrested and charged for letting this kind of thing go on, so it's likely more than just a random call on morality or aesthetics.

    Maybe if your stripper friend spends the next 3-4 days getting clean, they will allow her back, though.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Just depends on the club. I've been in some real dives where I swore the entire club staff (everyone from the door man to the dancers) was high on drugs.

    My last trip to Detroit a bouncer was complaining to a dancer that another dancer was getting high in one of the booths towards the front. He said "damn if she's going to do that, she needs to at least go in the back booths."

  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I pieced this together from talking to 2 strippers that I know well. A stripper over dosed at Follies last Sunday night. She told the police that she got the illegal drugs from a drug dealer ITC. I was there on Monday and there were no dealers there. They were warned that under cover cops might be there. One of the girls told me that she talked to one guy that she thinks by the questions that he asked, that he might have been an under cover cop.

    I told her that drug use and trafficking will get a club shut down faster than prostitution.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Yeah - as long as drugs are still considered illegal; SCs are running a pretty-big risk by having that stuff in their clubs; especially if there's dealing going-on beyond just using - and it seems there may be dancers that sell to other dancers in some cases - not too mention that strippers drugged up can sometimes act erratically and cause issues w/ custies and other dancers (not too mention possible ODing in the club thus getting the authorities involved).
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Drugs will get the club shut down faster than prostitution. Or at least lose their liquor license with the alcohol board. Drugs and extras are a big no-no.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    I'd like to say "YES" only so the club doesn't get shut down. I don't think they should fire girls for DOING drugs, just doing them in the bathroom. Besides if a lot of girls stopped doing drugs, the only place that would get attention is only the classiest of clubs and they even wouldn't be that fun because girls do drugs there to (and I"m talking the strictest of no touch because with a couple hundred dollars, touching can happen....while she's high). I'd tell these hoes do that shit on their lunch break...AWAY from the club. One less charge against the manager when a raid eventually happens.
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    Yes, drugs will get the club shut down faster than prostitution. One of the clubs I used to visit in my area got closed down because the club owner, who was essentially the town drug dealer, made the mistake of doing his drug business at the bar when the state liquor board stopped by.. Now, you could say he never should have been in the illegal drug business in the first place, but since he was and he also had a liquor license for a bar, it would seem like a good idea not to do any drug transactions at the bar, because you never know when the liquor board will pay a visit. They probably didn't care that you could get all the OTC you wanted there, though.

    As for my former favorite club, they had a couple of dancers well known as pot smokers, and they were always told to do that in the car, or their van, as it was with one of my old favorites there, who liked to use her van for more than just pot smoking lol
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    If you can tell when a stripper is lying ( her lips are moving), junkie strippers lie more often. In the Northeast, my observation is that the large majority of strippers who provide extras either in or out of the club do so, to support a habit. Clubs tolerate it because it provides income. Law enforcement is more concerned with criminals and only pressure clubs when there are complaints or other disturbances.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    Most business care about what their employees do if they will be held liable for those employees actions.
  • K
    8 years ago
    It isn't a question of morals. I don't see anything immoral about dancing or even p2p To me it is a false equivalency to say that if a club makes its money off a legal and not immoral activity it should permit immoral activities.

    Personally i also don't think most recreational drugs should be illegal. But they are. When I am with a dancer OTC i do not permit drugs even though I believe she has a right to use them. I want to avoid the legal issues if we get caught. I don't want to have to bring another dancer to the emergency room and explain what happened. I want her on her A game when I am paying..
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Strip clubs need to be diligent in keeping drugs out, even out of the dressing room lockers. Even if they don't personally care, they need to protect the club.

    At our local clubs, dancers and customers have been arrested and taken off to jail.

    I've had girls show me their hash pipes, made out of aluminum foil and all about how they hide stuff. These girls are completely nuts and they will bring grief to anyone who engages with them. In my observation, more often than not, they are White.

    Women of racial minorities work in strip clubs in order to earn a living. So the are very different from many of the White girls.


  • zef8mich
    8 years ago
    Heard the Penthouse in Detroit was strict on drugs and the they fired a dancer for shooting heroin in the back. Rumors this dancer and her friend were giving a pimp all their money, getting heroin in return, and the dancer that was fired OD'd at another club.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I don't know if it's true or not but I've heard that some clubs use a drug dog to keep the girls from bringing in any drugs. It is a fast way for a club to get shut down if the dancers are using at work.
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    @JohnSmith69- There used to be a club in my area which had a dog for precisely that purpose, which is ironic because that particular club owner was eventually busted for drugs (well after that club closed).
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    For clubs it's not about morals, it's about protecting the business so they don't get shut down or restricted which hurts business. Basically it's about money because all of the above can kill a club. Sometimes management is poor and they don't do what they need to do to keep the business going. As soon as LE makes their case and has enough evidence to satisfy a judge or city council, business could be closed.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Was the VIP discounted with her body being cold ?

    I prefer my strippers warm and alive

    But what ever floats your boat shadow

    And yes if follies keeps trafficking drugs it will close sooner than later
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    On the good side, lawyers can use drugs so if a dancer gets fired for drug use, she can go to law school and become a lawyer.
    Politicians must be able to use drugs too. If they aren't using drugs, We may be in trouble because they may lack a brain.
  • rentz2
    8 years ago
    Shadow, that sounds like the beginning of the end
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