Looks like an old story from May 2017.
This doesn't seem to be the same thing but spintronics ts a developing field that measures the the quantum spin of the electrons when enough of the spins are lined up, The electron spin has two energy states, up and down, with spin 1/2. This replaces electron current.
Just noticed this. One of my professors was Robert Ettinger who was known as the father of Cryonics because of a book he wrote. I didn't realize it at the time but later he was on TV making the rounds of the talk shows.
I did help out in the low temperature physics lab. There was a large pump and and there were large heavy dewars that that would cost a lot if you dropped one.
Don't know what happened but a bouncer had his arms wrapped around a customer from the back so the customer couldn't move his arms and was pushing him out of the club. The customer had trouble walking under these circumstances.
Comments made by zef8mich