Biggest stripper tip

avatar for JohnSmith69
What's the most that you've heard a stripper receive in a single tip that was believable?

Here's mine. The DS and I were on a trip. I was asking her about work the night before we left. She told me that her second best customer was there, and she told him about our upcoming trip, leaving out the fact that it was her best customer (me) who was taking her. She made it sound like she was going with some other strippers. As they're leaving the vip the guy gives her an extra $1,000 tip and says that it's spending money for the trip.



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avatar for bvino
9 years ago
Hope she let you help spend it. The most I saw and confirmed was $500.00 at the Criket once from a whale to a brunette hottie who had sat with him for over two hours. No VIP that I saw.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
I don't know how I feel about that, like am I jealous because I can't freely afford to do that, or should I be like "man what a PL move?"

I don't really talk about much of my strip club exploits aside from on here so I can't recall any stories from anyone else.

I have tipped $100 several times after a good VIP session, which was on top of the agreed price. I used to think it was a nice gesture for great service but it's actually backfired on me to where on stripper I have repeated with several times now expects the extra $100 on top every time. I oblige because she has always proved top notch service and will hang out with me all night so I can't complain too much.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Nice story john
avatar for ButterMan
9 years ago
Ive seen a stripper get $100 on stage before never heard of anything bigger.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
They all tell me it's me. I tip way too much. Haha.
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
I've put three 100 dollar bills in a stripper's garter once ($300).
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
I dunno but she damn sure didn't get it from me.
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
I saw a cam girl get tipped $1,000 and she was like "thank you" and that was it lol
avatar for maho
9 years ago
Yeah, the problem I see with big tipping is you set a precedent on what is expected. Make a trip to VIP and be a cool dude to hang with/buy her drinks and it's not that hard to become a dancer's favorite when making future visits.
avatar for Ch3ll
9 years ago
Well I'll try to keep an eye and ear out for that. $1000 is crazy! But hey if I had it like that I'd probably do it too. As for me I think my personal biggest tip was $40.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Tipping sets a precedent for both sides. Excessive tipping, moreso.
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
My biggest tip... $1 lol
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
$250+$50 = $300.
The $50 was her Christmas gift. I always tip service workers a Christmas tip, when I can. It's the whole son-of-a-waitress mentality (give unto others ...).
Most dancers, sadly, tell me I have given them the biggest tips they've seen. It partly feels go and it partly feel sad (that they've had no one else more generous, assuming they are telling the truth).
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
I showered a dancer with $10 of quarters.

Just makin' it hail.
avatar for rl27
9 years ago
Biggest I recall was back in the late 90's. I entered my favorite club at the time and all my favorite dancers were tied up at this table entertaining several big spenders. I stayed in the club for about an hour before giving up and heading to another club. The next visit I asked my favorite what the heck had occurred.

I don't exactly recall what occurred, but there were five customers celebrating something, and stayed in the club about four hours drinking and getting dances. It sounded like only two of the five were really spending, and that they ended up spending around $7000 between the two of them on dances and drinks, throughout the night.

I don't know how many were tipped that much, but from the sounds of it several dancers were all given large tips. My favorite during that time was tipped $500 herself.

Most I have ever tipped myself was $50 for when the dancer went well above and beyond what other dancers have done.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
My CF told me yesterday that she did what she called a PG champagne room recently for a lonely but rich customer who comes to her club only once a year and he tipped her $1000! Unfortunately, though she hid it from her psycho boyfriend, he found and stole all of it!! She mentioned the theft to her generous benefactor and he tipped her *another* $500!!!

I inserted all the exclamation marks because the whole story sounds unbelievable. However, I'm not aware that she has ever lied to me in the five months that we have known each other, so I believe all of it.
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
One time at little darlings in Vegas I was stuffing a bikini on a pretty girl while making small talk with her... I got distracted by her beauty and charm... and I was unaware of that I reached into the wrong pocket and instead of tipping her three dollars I tipped her 300. I didn't figure that out until later that night at a different club.
months later she rushed up to me and thanked me for the tip. said it really helped her out of a financial squeeze.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
It's dark so it can happen. I think that's why a lot of customers use two stacks. It's probably happened to most of us.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I always keep the same bills in the same pockets. And I put the $100 bills in a place where it takes extra time/effort to get them out. This strategy is critical when you club high.
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
now i keep my larger bills together folded and a rubber band wrapped around them... and in a separate pocket as before. ones in one pocket. and in another front pocket... all the twenties fifties and bens bound tightly by the rubber band. surrounded by the loose tens and fives. works for me.
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