
Ratio of good vs dissapointing/bad trips

What is your ratio of good vs bad strip club visits? For those that go to one or a few clubs regularly, how many bad visits before you drop them?


  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    That all depends on how bad and what was wrong.
    For example I was in a New Jersey club that was well reviewed and found now all the dancers were Russian and ROB"S. This was from the cute bartender, She was looking for a different gig. Bartenders in NJ have to licensed and foreign non residents can't get a card. When you have the same girls coming around 4 and 5 times for demanding a tip for walking around in a bikini, I drank my beer tipped the bartender and left and won't be back. She told me that is how they work: a few Russian girls come and get jobs on stage and do well then they call all their "friends" and run off the other girls so you are left with these mean ROB's . Once the club stops having patronage(when the customers figure out they are all ROB's the gang moves on to different bar.
    If a place may be just having an off night or week I may try again,
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    ratio of 1 dissapointing to 40 good and i've been seriously stripclubbing for nearly five years now. most every visit has been from pleasant to 'off the charts' awesome! most range in the 'nice time' range. all depends on the girls. i have experienced a bad ROB and then an AWESOME girl in the same visit at a club. and most times i hit two or more clubs during the nite. the single most disappointing club i've been to is crazyhorse three in vegas. showroom was entertaining but i had two back to back vips that were disapointing and soooo expensive. some of these girls will promise almost everything to hook you into vip. then not deliver. and about vips... no more vip in vegas or in san diego county. lap dance in showroom only. otherwise way too expensive for what you get.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    This is a great question. I'd say right now my ratio is 75% good. The 25% not so good is usually when I try unknown or new dancer and she's not up to par.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    10 good to 1 bad.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Depends on what town I'm in. Home base Ft. Myers is running good:bad about 3:10. Tampa is 4:1. Miami is 1:1.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    9 good to one bad. When my CF is there it's always really good, and if she's not it's fun to have some variety.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    2 lousy and 1 good. The good one being Follies. They other two were new clubs that some body had to check out. :)
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    After two bad visits in a row, I'm dropping that club.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I'd say only about 10% of my visits are bad - most are good and some are just avg w/ the avg ones being usually b/c I'm hitting a mixed-club that although is a good club there is not enough chocolate for it to be an above avg visit for me.

    w.r.t. how long b/f I drop a club - it depends - if it's a club IDK very well or doesn't visit too often maybe 2 or 3 visits max b/f I feel it's nor worth it - if it's a club I've had a good time at in the past then it may take 4 or 5 bad visits b/f I may give up on it - but IMO there really isn't a specific # one usually plays it by ear.
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    My only bad experience was my last, and really it was 6 great hours that ended with a terrible 5 minute encounter with one dancer; so not really that bad.

    My first ever club experience was 4 hours of lackluster VIP in Las Vegas that cost some $2,000+, but I don't even call that a bad experience, it was just a learning experience as I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I learned fast.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    in regards to dropping a club... it is rare for me to actually drop one. i just might not go back for a long time when there are a number of better clubs (in the area) that i prefer.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I learned a long time ago that when going to a strip club, you can't be looking for girls to give you attention or affirmation. You need to instead look to what attention and affirmation you can give to them.

  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    My ratio of good to bad SC visits is also at least 10 to 1. Maybe I'm just easy to please, but remember:

    "A bad day at the club is better than a good day at work" :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    LOL - good one :)
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Good question indeed.

    I think it depends on what your definition is so I will answer with two ideas in mind

    Number one...going with the expectation of seeing tits, eye candy and enjoying a legal one way contact dance...I would say 80% good and 20% miss

    Idea #2 getting off right now I'm running hot at a 100% last 10 trips but I say overall since I try new clubs and gamble more than others ita closer to 30% good and %70 bust
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    In the last six years, I can only remember two visits that really sucked, and maybe another two that were just so-so. So I guess my ratio would be 30 or 40:1
  • motorhead
    8 years ago

    "After two bad visits in a row, I'm dropping that club"

    +1. Larry. I feel exactly the same way.
    In this case, it's two strikes and you're out
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I mostly go to the same club.for my CF. With her the results are good to great.

    I'd say I run about 50% for "good" vs "mediocre or worse"
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Lately its been going very good with an 85% positive. But there are definitely spurts when it seems that every visit turns to shit. I find that when I hit too many clubs in one day chasing after that perfect lapdance/VIP that things go sour. I gotta learn to be more patient and give that first club a bit longer to thrill me before bailing on it and moving on to another one.
  • Timex345
    8 years ago
    I currently have three clubs I rotate between. I have found that all three clubs have aspects about them I enjoy.
    I would say my visits have for the most part been positivie or I would have stopped this hobby a long time ago. Recently, a long time favorite at one of my clubs has been giving me the whole "since you are going to be here for awhile, do you mind if I dance for this other customer first routine." It has happened more frequently.
    So, apparently I am no longer a priority. It is cool, I just rotate to my next club and spend money there.
    I don't fight with strippers. It isn't worth the aggravation. Another favorite, at the same club, doesn't work
    as frequently. So, off to the next club for this reason too. Having options helps keep things fresh for me.
    The bad part is the last favorite I mentioned gives the best lap dance.

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