Why do Strippers always say there in school or going back to school?

avatar for TippingDollars
One of my pet peeves when I go to a strip club and meet a new girl and ask them what they want to do they tell me that there either in school or going back to school. Than most of them tell me that there only doing this to make money because working at another regular job doesn't pay. One of my favorite responses is that 70 percent of strippers tell me their in school or want to go back to school. But I've actually never met a stripper who told me this and actually graduated. I wish these girls would just tell me that they don't want to work hard and earn money the old fashion way so there stripping. But many of them are afraid to be judged like stripping is a bad occupation. I'm like if you got a bomb ass body and want to show it off than go ahead and get paid. But don't lie to me about this school thing.


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Because they have poor grammar.
Just yesterday I had two strippers tell me they were "dancing" because they needed the extra cash! I prefer that approach to the "going to school" line.
I knew a gal who had a Masters. Some really are going to school.
I know many strippers who are in school. But the reason why some lie is pretty obvious. "I'm in school" sounds a lot better than "I'm a full time sex worker who has no other plans ambitions or prospects in life."
avatar for Dougster
9 years ago
Without hope life would be pretty bleak.
I know a lot of dancers who never finished school...
Ive met some that actually were in school, but a lot are not only telling you that but telling themselves there going back.
1. "I'm in school" translates to "tip me more money for my tuition.

2. Stripping as a living is frowned upon by society, so much even some strippers from upon themselves for doing it. They want to let you know they are planning on moving on to bigger and better things and stripping is just a "detour" in their life. Even if they are full of shit, they still use this plot of anything to make themselves feel better.
I don't understand -- why would I care one fucking bit whether they tell me they're in school or not. No skin off my nose, I'm happy to go along with it if it makes them feel better. Costs me nothing.
I think the OP could use a refresher course in grammar. :) Actually I am hearing that less now than I used to but of the ones that tell me they are in school, most are studying nursing and I know enough about nursing to know if they are telling the truth or not. Either way I don't really care as long as they suck cock.
Maybe they are studying at the School of Hard Knocks.
I'm taking a different tack. I know its Stripper Shit, and so does she unless she really does have a dream she is saving for. They are still selling a fantasy- mind as well as body. So how much does it really matter? Once again, how well does she suck cock? Many older guys (the ones with money) have schoolgirl or co-ed fantasies, so its about packaging yourself in a way to meet the fantasy.

In a perfect world we'd have transparency with people we met, but lets be honest, even the two contenders for the highest office in the land are NOT forthcoming to the voting public about who they are and what interests they represent. Why should I expect strippers not to bullshit me? At the core of it, stripping is a sales job, and don't go telling me all salespersons are honest. I assume that what I learn about a girl in the club is probably a persona unless and until I have a chance to learn otherwise.
Nobody wants the stigma attached to being a lifer. Speaking of transparency, just like how many of us guys goes around telling everyone of our hobbies and that it's just easier to get some of that T & A that way?
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
Most strippers tell me they're in school. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't -- it doesn't matter to me, so I'll play along. It's all part of the fantasy.

OP needs to work on some elementary distinctions: there/their/they're and then/than.

Q: Is it "tell me there in school" or "tell me their in school"?
A: Neither!
It's also just because our society values that, and if they are not in school, they probably do want to be.


Hermeticism and the Seven Hermetic Principles
I am with Shadowcat, as long as she sucks cock.. I don't care I like a little role play to if she wants to call me daddy, have pony tails and be my dirty little school girl, that is fucking great.

Nursing: LOL She knows how to make the swelling go down.

A lot of the dating sites the scammers all seem to be Nurses form South Africa. Must be some hell of a nursing program over there.
I forgot this question is right there a long the lines of asking if a customer is married. Like she is going to leave the table if I am or go home with me if I am not.

LOL Which reminds me of this little hottie that worked at Onxy before the fire. Tattoos on her back on her waist line of two pistols. She called the Bartender a home wrecker. explained it as she was the type of girl you have a 3 some with, then your Girlfriend leaves you for her.
avatar for UKfan
9 years ago
They tell me that a lot too. I only half listen to strippers since I don't believe what they are saying. I enjoy their company, I love chatting with them, but in the end I know they are just after my money and will say anything to get it. However I'm fine with that because if I wasn't then why even go in the first place!
Cause they are like me - took me three tries to get past fourth grade.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I haven't heard going to school in a long time. I think most of the ones who told me that were taking classes. Unfortunately it usually meant upon graduation, they were going to get a job outside stripping. Some quit stripping before they graduated. I remember one dancer was studying to be a veterinarian. I lucked out that I kept running into her. She worked as a waitress temporarily and then ended up as a bartender before finishing her studies. She got a job in her desired profession. I happened to recognize her on the news when someone dragged a dog and took it to the vet. She was the vet and still looked hot. Most people don't see the strippers anymore after they get degrees because they quit stripping. That is among those who told the truth. Some may study but aren't great at whatever and don't succeed and those girls may continue stripping. I have one particular nephew who seems to be always taking classes but he isn't the smartest potato and is lazy. I don't think he wants to work. He's perfecting the title, professional bum.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I did meet one very smart dancer who told me she had a degree. She continued stripping because she was making a lot more money doing that than anything else she could have done. She was one in a million. She was the only one to ever tell me that story. Hopefully she got a job in her career she studied for and hopefully it didn't hurt her too much taking too much time off stripping. I wouldn't think exotic dancer is the kind of job experience employers look for on a resume for a regular job.
Beauty school lol.
In stripper world traffic school counts as school.
Fwiw, the washout rate in college can be depressingly high. If the OP is referring to the under 25 demographic, still clinging to a college dream is not unreasonable for today's generation IMO.
avatar for rl27
9 years ago
I knew of quite a few over the years who actually did start dancing to pay for school, and a few of those actually graduated. One studied to be a fashion designer, and last I knew is designing clothes for Abercrombe. Another graduated as a Dental Hygienist. Another got an MBA.

However, I have met far more who have danced for many years and all the time I knew them were only 6 months away from graduating. The most common areas of study I have heard from dancers are in order. Nursing, Physical Therapist, Social Work, and Teacher. The first, second and fourth are likely used to play to their idea of a customer's fantasy. Social Working likely to sound like she is a caring person.

Least common, but I have heard a few are Criminology or Law Enforcement. At least in that case she was original.
If a guy asks me why I'm a dancer I say it's because I like to fuck strangers all the time and getting paid just makes it better. Also because I'm so good at it that I enjoy the adoration I receive afterwards.
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