
Ever wonder

avatar for bang69
North Carolina

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Ever wonder on how many Female vice cop's work as strippers.


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avatar for vincemichaels
8 yrs ago

None, most likely.

avatar for JuiceBox69
8 yrs ago

Very unlikely

avatar for shadowcat
8 yrs ago

Yeah. None.

avatar for JuiceBox69
8 yrs ago

Plus if they did they would be low mileage dancer's

One more reason to avoid air dancer's

avatar for chessmaster
8 yrs ago

Yeah most likely none.

avatar for chessmaster
8 yrs ago

Why would they bother?

avatar for JuiceBox69
8 yrs ago


avatar for twentyfive
8 yrs ago

Never wondered

avatar for rockstar666
8 yrs ago

Only if they were working a very specific case around a particular suspect. I would say this is more the stuff of movies than reality.

avatar for Subraman
8 yrs ago

Zero. I think it's PL guilt and paranoia and naivete to think a trained female police office will put on (and take off) a g-string and grind on PLs just to try to make a minor misdemeanor bust of a PL.

avatar for Bavarian
8 yrs ago

I would hope the club would screen potential strippers from being vice cops!

AFAIK, In Dallas, strippers must submit to an annual background check that includes finger printing.

avatar for a21985
8 yrs ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 yrs ago


avatar for gawker
8 yrs ago

I'd guess none, however I've read a couple of articles where the author went "undercover" as a stripper to learn what it's like to be nude on stage in front of a roomful of PL's.

avatar for Dominic77
8 yrs ago

Bang69 --> "Ever wonder on how many Female vice cop's work as strippers." --> end quote Bang69

It's not worth the effort to use female vice cops. But they will use male vice cops.

What they typically do in clubs around me is use undercover male vice cops. They get LDs then ticket the dancers for violations (for touching, accidentally bushing up against the cop, solicitation for prostitution), etc. These are $300 tickets. Vice tickets them for 1-way touching (dancer to cop) since that's against local city ordinance. I've never heard of a customer getting a ticket. One cop can write a lot of tickets per night that way.

I believe ticketing the dancers directly (and not the customers) works this way. (1) The dancer to avoid future tickets adjusts her mileage down (or quits ITC extras or OTC) and makes the customers adjust with her. (2) The dancer says fk this and moves on to dance in another city/town nearby. If the dancer either adjusts her mileage or she leaves it causes a market correction in that PLs think the club is no longer worth the $$, so the customers start to leave to spend less, and this puts pressure on the SC owner to either clean-up, sell the business, or close permanently. The city/town is happy with either of the 3 market corrections by the owner. It's mob tactics really.

Rather than ticket the PL, vice cops and city hall would rather you simply stop spending $$ on adult services in the city. They really want you, the club, and the girls GONE. It's total NIMBY ("not in my back yard"). The most efficient way to do that is ticket the girls.

avatar for twentyfive
8 yrs ago

To Dominic. You really thought this one through kinda funny but I do agree with you.

avatar for Subraman
8 yrs ago

Yes, exactly ... having female vice cops as strippers is generally not a thing, but they absolutely send in undercover cops AS CUSTOMERS. In this area, I've heard of them ticketing both strippers and customers (if they observed the customer do something illegal, in plain view). And, of course, the DA takes note of all this if he wants to build a case for the club being a nuisance.

avatar for JuiceBox69
8 yrs ago

Dominic wins

avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
8 yrs ago

I'm thinking the only way they would use female decoys in a strip club is to look for evidence in a narcotics investigation, not part of the vice squad. Dominic nailed it- they usually just have male undercovers pose as customers for a prostitution arrest if they have grounds to believe its happening. They might need evidence of drug use in the locker room and that could bring a female undercover in a deep cover operation, but more likely they would just bring in a K-9 unit and let the real bitches do the dirty work.

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