Is the lap dance really better when the stripper is crying?

layin low but staying high
Here's the song:…
Here's the story
It's my second intimate encounter of the meetup. I don't usually do two sets of extras in one visit. But I don't get to the center of the strip club universe very often. Plus the first one was day shift and now it's 11 pm, so it's sort of like two visits.
We go back and she's very good. She delivers everything just as promised. I'm deep between her legs approaching the evenings climax. I look down at her and there are tears streaming down her face. And her facial expression suggests that this is not her favorite fuck of her short life. It was the exact opposite of a DS encounter. A DS gets off during sex and has learned to enjoy it. Tonight's partner is clearly uncomfortable with the hole thing.
I know what you're thinking. Johns dick is so big that he was hurting the young stripper. And I certainly considered that possibility. But it was pretty clear from the context that her pain was emotional, not physical. My guess is that she was new to being an extras girl. I sensed her inexperience while negotiating, and the tears seem to confirm that.
I seriously considered offering to stop in exchange for a significantly reduced price. But we'd been going for a while and it's hard to stop a freight train when it has accelerated to full speed. I'm about 30 seconds away from completion so there's no turning back now.
Has anyone else ever had a crying stripper? This was a new one to me.
With little context, my first thought is this dancer has dealt with some abuse in the past and this dug some of that shit up. At least that's something I have experienced once before with a civilian encounter where a girl started crying. When I asked what was wrong, she explained how the specific sexual act we were doing at the time (anal) was something she had not done since a particular occurence of abuse, and how she wrongly thought she would finally be able to get over it once and for all by doing it voluntarily with me. Talk about the ultimate mood killer. I felt like shit.
I'm an asshole, but not inhuman, so I would've stopped right then and there even if I was close just because of my past similar experience.
No Sir
When he sees tears does he stop ?
Fuck no
He Goes faster and faster like a train
Then boom !!!
I bet he held her down and learned that bitch how to swallow
Might surprise you, but I wasn't thinking that at all.
I was making love to this girl and she starts crying. I say, 'Are you going to hate yourself in the morning?' She says, 'No, I hate myself now.'
Yet another funny TUSCL spelling error
I know what you're thinking. Johns dick is so big that he was hurting the young stripper.
Yeah, sure. That's exactly what we were thinking.
John, I know that you're trying to be funny and to salvage something humorous from a sad situation, but you should really avoid putting strippers in the position of doing things that make them cry. Boner-killer indeed! I do appreciate your complete openness on this discussion board.
Obviously she was having problems with her decision and I personally couldn't complete a sexual act under these circumstances. My satisfaction becomes secondary.
The thread title and the attempt at humor make it seem as if the OP is bragging about making a woman cry. I hope I am mistaken
Forest Gump
I think that pretty much sums it up right there. Me busting a nut is nowhere near as important than the overt emotional distress of this young woman. Joking aside, I'd imagine that a lot of guys here would stop and quickly, not because the crying was a buzzkill, but because of legitimate concern over the wellbeing of the girl.
If I'm open enough to share stories like this, the rest of you ought to be honest in your responses. I don't believe that all of you, or even most of you, would walk away under the situation I described. You're probably just afraid of what Nina will say.
I like pussy, but as a husband and a father and a man who dealt with a woman crying before and it ended up being related to prior abuse, a woman crying humanizes the situation in a hurry and I'd absolutely walk away. It may shock you, but it doesn't surprise me that many others would do the same.
Yeah I tried that my first year on tuscl. I got made fun of and trolled. It created the juice you know now.
. There's no sign of any problem or issue
Sure. Not what you originally said
Just tell us how you feel
You obviously worship Ricky Boy and his system
Good one
No, John, I am not lying when I say I would have stopped.
I bet you see alot of tears
We need guys like you so by the time I get to her she is good and trained up
What bothers me is you seem to be bragging that you made a woman cry. Are you bragging? Did you really expect virtual high fives from the group?
John, I do think you're the only person that would do something like this.
And Nina probably thinks you're a disgusting pig.
So at least two on tuscl that does such crulaity then brags about it
We got 3 guys on tuscl that loves to break in the new talent lol
I bet shadow has a long history of this kind of behavior
The American culture is still pretty conservative when it comes to sex compared to a lot of Europe for example where there often seems to be more open mindedness w.r.t. casual sex, sex for fun/enjoyment, and even P4P - thus when I read the OP what first came to mind is her thinking of herself as a prostitute and something she thought she would never do (sex for $$$) b/c that is how we are programmed for the most part in the American culture (hence why strip-clubs are seen in such a poor-light by most in our society).
So I assumed she felt bad b/c she somehow felt she violated her own conscience and programmed believes - personally I don't think she herself would blame JS and probably blames herself for making her decision - I also assume she may perhaps not have been too sexually experience b/f stripping and a strip-club is not the best way to become exposed to sex.
JS not finishing would have not changed a thing IMO nor made her feel better - the way I see it she made a decision and regretted it once she engaged in her decision.
As we all know stripping is not for everyone and many a stripper regrets what she's done and many try it and regret it whether intercourse was involved or not - many dancers seem to think stripping, at least in this day and age, is glorified modeling; that all they have to do is let guys look at them b/c they are so hot and they'll make thousands - thus there are many that will try stripping and are then sorta in shock/disbelieve and blown away when a custy just wants to touch them and some/many of these women will decide stripping is not for them.
Are we to assume just b/c the dancer does not cry when they are fucking for $$$ is b/c they are ok w/ it or like it and are not o/w repulsed by it - I would venture to say may of the dancers we fuck may cry w.r.t what they do even if they don't do it in front of us.
Juice cut back on the drugs.
One theory is this girl pushed her limits on her own because she wants to offer what so many other girls offer with little thought inside the same club.
Kinda like how the kids at the pool are doing back flips off the diving board, and you think you can compete, so you try the same move and end up with an epic fail.
JS69s situation is much more serious than my comparison but I don't think there is any eloquent way to handle a situation like that. Most of the time we go back to VIP with a stripper and they bounce on us like a tiger does on a piece of raw meat.
I'm sure this stripper acted fine during the first part of the dance, and somewhere along the ride her "switch got flipped." It's an unfortunate situation and I'm disappointed both parties involved had to be a part of that.
There must be more to this story. What happened after you finished? Did she run off, did she sit there, did she say anything at all? Unless you were the one who ran off to get away from the situation, I'd imagine her ending reaction will give us more insight into her mindset.
I think anyone crying "rape" is grossly confusing how P4P works. The woman does something she doesn't want to do for money. I mean, I do something I don't want to do for money M-F. She consents to the sex in exchange for the cash. She could withdraw that consent, but looking uncomfortable isn't a Red Light. She didn't say stop, didn't push him off. So let's all stop calling it rape.
It might have ruined it for me. It depends how close I was. I mean, if I was 2 or 3 strokes from the finish line, it probably wouldn't stop me. But say a minute away? It probably would throw me off.
I guess it's mostly just sad.
It's amazing what meeting up in person has done for some if you fellow's. Seems to have made some kind of bond aka a brotherhood
I'm looking forward to going to these meeting even more now. Looking forward how it will give me impunity and make me one of the tuscl frat boys
And yes I would feel sorry for me as well
I'm alone and jerk off a lot
I cry as well
I don't think some of you appreciate dark Comedy let alone humour in general
Also, since when are you British/ Canadian, Juice?
Rub that's hit it with my thumb lol
Not that I really give a shit, but that comparison is ridiculous, @James. The minute you get butt-fucked on the job, you can come back and I'll take the comparison seriously. She's crying for Christ's sake; isn't that a red-light?
The title of the thread "Is the lap dance really better when the stripper is crying?" not "here's a difficult situation where I fucked an inexperienced stripper." The tone of the discussion changed only after @Smith got slammed.
The part wear he broke down in tears like a bitch over his loss in capital
I've been choked up all day over this thread
Just a hour ago I cried like a faggots
Personally, I try not to pass judgement, or demean anybody here.
I want people to feel comfortable posting their stories no matter how PLish or assholeish they may seem.
And yeah, women are very emotional. They sometimes cry because they are so mad at us! All I can do is comfort them if they let me. I hate to see a woman cry.
If a girl is crying there is obviously something going on that for me is bigger than busting a nut. A person is obviously in some sort of distress if crying.
As far as stopping right before finishing, I imagine that's like having to pee real bad and trying to stop right after you started. Some may say they can but many can't.
If she was crying due to emotional issues instead of physical pain, I would want to know. Some guys don't care.
Don't agree with this analogy at all comparing having to pee really bad vs. being 30 seconds away from busting a nut. And if you have to pee really bad it doesn't just go away unless you actually pee. If you are horny and worked up, you can stop and the urge subside/go away without any sort of discomfort. Just kind of an "arg" feeling.
Actually, the more I'm thinking about this, the more pathetic it pretty much is. I like strip clubbing every now and then, enjoy reading comments on this website regarding strip clubs, ect, but when one spends 24/7/365 talking about strip clubs then their lives are probably pretty warped. And it shows.
That being said, anyone at all familiar with the term edging knows that the male orgasm, even when right on the cusp, is quite easy to stop without too much thought or effort. In other words, the piss analogy holds very little water (pun intended?).
Everyone has different limits.
When in doubt, don't.
Brilliant! juicebox69 is a sensitive new age guy!
True, but the warped perspective is what makes this board ace! Sort of like juicebox69 joking about using tears for lube!
All of that said, I would have stopped. I think. ;-|
Strippers are crazy and dramatic and have spun stories before.
men will be men
unlike these pussies on tuscl
a lil tear is good for the cum
Almost at 100
I haven't had this happen to me but I think I woulda lost all my mojo if I saw that and would have stopped to ask her what was wrong.
The title of the discussion did indeed come from the song that I provided a link to. I was not suggesting that a stripper crying was a good thing. I was just trying to raise a unique discussion point which is not easy to do on this site.
I was very high. I don't know if she was. I don't know if I would have handled it differently had I been totally sober.
I'm reasonably certain she wasn't in physical pain. She just seemed to be struggling with the fact that she was a prostitute.
Had this happened a minute or two earlier I would have her asked if she wanted me to stop. And I would have stopped if she said yes. I wouldn't have paid full price (which was generous, I usually overpay) but I would have at least paid her the standard price per song up to that point if we had stopped.
Since this happened seconds before completion, discussing it with her seemed a moot point. Some of you understand that and some of you don't. I personally agree with the needing to pee analogy, especially when I'm high.
At any time she could have asked me to stop and I would have stopped. There was no coercion of any type involved, and I'm not the sleepy time rapist. I don't get off on rape, I want a willing partner. Every one of the dozens of stories I've shared about strippers up to this point have always been with a very willing and enthusiastic partner. That's what I want.
My impression was that since she didnt ask me to stop she wanted to earn my money as quickly as she could and have it over with fast. That's what I did. 60 seconds after the first tear she had my money and I was gone. I had no desire to discuss anything, and she apparently didnt either. It was uncomfortable for both of us.
Last point. I treat strippers very well. I tip generously, I don't negotiate them down to what a lot of you pay, I treat them respectfully, I never force anything, and I discuss everything in detail before going back for extras. Did I handle this wrong? Maybe so, maybe not. Nobody else has admitted to facing this situation before which I find a little hard to believe, but so far as I know there is no precedent for something like this. In any event, if it ever happens again maybe I'll handle it in some better way.
If you forgot, here's the link to the discussion:
Also remember, being high means you don't have to worry about common human decency or have q conscience. Those things are boring!
25, much of what many (if not most) of the people on tuscl do is morally ambiguous. So Im not surprised by your viewpoint.. However, if it matters, the girl in this story didn't look or act like a teenager. I'd guess she was early to mid 20s.
By the way, is there an age at which paying a female money for sex is acceptable? Is it different to pay an 18 year old as compared to a 21 year old, 25, 30? I've met older dancers who seem more desperate for money than the teenagers. Probably because they have kids. Video girl, for example, is 23 and she will do just about anything I want for money, including things that 18-19 year olds won't. Is it morally wrong for me to pay a 23 year old for sex because she needs the money to support her kids? Would it be better that her kids go hungry and I refuse to see her?. For that matter, I think most if not all strippers who do extras have a very strong need or desire for money. That would mean that it's morally wrong to pay any stripper for sex because we are taking advantage of their need for money. Of course, they are also taking advantage of our need for sexual pleasure.
For me personally, I don't think age matters as long as she is legally an adult and can legally work as a stripper, and as long as the transaction is fully based upon mutual consent.
I'm sorry that my account got hacked then some one bad a fake account that looks just like mine
Sorry for any confusion
Even though we haven't meet I know your a good guy with a Hart of gold
For the record I am not sure what age is acceptable but I feel that if you described the situation accurately, I have no reason to doubt you have, this particular girl was too young and if you keep looking for the youngest girls in the club, this will happen again, and I don't believe you feel good about yourself because of this, or you wouldn't be defending yourself quite so vociferously.
You did nothing wrong John
Men take it how you want it
I personally believe it's better when they cry from the crack of my wip
But for the record I'm entirely comfortable with who I am and what I do. Defending the accused is just an occupational hazard.