How meticulous a SCer are you ?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Seems a few TUSCLers keep exact records/spreadsheets of their visits including the dancers they've met and how much they've spent.

I don't keep any records and often don't recognize dancers I have met in the past if t's been a while.

Are you a record-keeper or by the seat of your PL-pants SCer?


last comment
avatar for vegaslad
9 years ago
I mean to start a small notebook with info on dancers since I sometimes forget that someone charges extra for 2way touching etc
avatar for mjx01
9 years ago
When I started clubbing and also during the ATF era, I kept track of what I spent and on whom. Now a days, my net SC spending is way down from the peak and no threat to my disposable spending limit. I enter the ATM withdraw in Quicken and with no further breakdown or analysis.
avatar for TravelingGolfer
9 years ago
A little of both. I keep a monthly budget in general and always try to spend less than I made for the month. Based on my ATM withdrawals, since I charge just about all other expenses, I can tell how much I spent at SC's for the month.

Other than that I don't keep any records of names or anything and fly by the seat of my pants. I'm usually really bad when it comes to remembering names in real life, but for some reason I'm like Rain Man when it comes to remembering stripper names, their real names, faces, details about their life, who charges what for different dances, what they like to drink, etc. I'd be good if there was a stripper Jeopardy edition. Maybe I'll add that skill to my LinkedIn profile.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
The only record I keep is the phone number of my favs.
avatar for mjx01
9 years ago
^^ Technically, I do have a 'cheat sheet' of dancer names with a few notes for one club in particular, but it currently is mostly an exercise in futility because I'm not enough of a regular at that club for it to be very helpful.
avatar for a21985
9 years ago
God no. Younger and married, so no obvious detailed paper trail for me if I can help it. Closest thing is I do have a private folder of strippers/conquests that have sent pics to me for reminiscing and the digital spank bank.

Sidenote - my wife kept a very professional looking spreadsheet of all her sexual encounters before we started dating that I made the mistake of laying my eyes on once. It was traumatizing at the time.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I wonder if LDK keeps and LDK record - you would think he'd wanna remember the LDK-capable dancers but maybe he commits it to memory.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
"... my wife kept a very professional looking spreadsheet of all her sexual encounters before we started dating that I made the mistake of laying my eyes on once. It was traumatizing at the time ..."

oh my god - LOL - she was a playa
avatar for Meursault
9 years ago
Sorry to dredge up bad memories @a21985 but....

How detailed was your wife's spreadsheet? Just names, or did it include details? I'm just curious because this seems more like something a dude would do.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
I keep 2 lists on my computer. The first is a list off all of the TUSCL guys that I have met along with their real first name. The second is a list compiled by myself and my closest buddies of the names of proven extras girls at my favorite club. I only share this list with a very select trusted few.
avatar for mjx01
9 years ago
Gee shadow... I though Follies was like shooting fish in a barrel :)
avatar for ButterMan
9 years ago
I do have a little index card with a lot of my faves and Future favs and maybe some prices sometimes
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
shadow tells a PL he's met for the first time - "I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse"
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
"... my wife kept a very professional looking spreadsheet of all her sexual encounters before we started dating that I made the mistake of laying my eyes on once. It was traumatizing at the time ..."

If there was an entry there for a Cuban with a small-dick - I apologize
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
Pretty damn meticulous. I have been keeping a record (in a notebook, in code) for 22 years of every lap dance and VIP room I've ever done, including columns for date, club, stripper name, real name (if known), and . . . result. Yes, my fellow PLs, I have different codes for lapgasm, HJ, BJ, TF, or none of the above. What I don't do is keep track of exact spending. I know approximately how much I spend in the course of a month and choose not to think about annual or career totals :)

This from TravelingGolfer speaks to me: ". . . for some reason I'm like Rain Man when it comes to remembering stripper names, their real names, faces, details about their life, who charges what for different dances, what they like to drink, etc. I'd be good if there was a stripper Jeopardy edition". Yes! I can still picture and remember names of strippers who danced for me 20 years ago -- and there have been hundreds (at least)!
avatar for a21985
9 years ago
@Meaursault - traumatizing for a 21 year old who can easily feel inadequate and knew a lot names on his gf's (of 6 months at the time) list. But it's pretty fucking funny and awesome in retrospect now about 10 years later.

She does/did have the mindset of a guy (when it comes to sex, beer and sports) and the list was pretty damn detailed. Listed the guys full name (if known as there were a couple nonames), and for each guy had the date of first sexual encounter, and each act performed for however many encounters she had with him.
avatar for minnow
9 years ago
On the financial side, not meticulous at all. About 20 years ago, I took to marking down my SC visits on the appropriate dates, abbreviated club names a lot. I then took to rating my visits with arrow system- straight up meant great, straight down meant visit sucked big time, level arrow meant just "OK" visit. I varied the angle of the arrows, depending on how strongly I felt about a good or bad visit. I then started incorporating dancer names, concentrating on the dancers with the best up arrows. Space permitting, I'd list the worst dancers with down arrows. In the past few years, I've taken to writing details on hotel notepads, with general comments on dancers, including a rough roster lineup (Blondes, brunettes, Asians, etc.) Funny thing is, going back over old notes, I've forgotten what many of the dancers looked like.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Yeah - it'd be nice if one had a pic of every dancer to attach to every record - but not really doable.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
I've got a spreadsheet and detailed database that would make the NSA proud.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
lopaw: What makes you think that NSA isn't already aware of your spreadsheet and database? They didn't build that multibillion data center in Utah just for the hell of it :)
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
I kept a fairly detailed list of my SC expenses until the debt collectors started calling
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I write Trip Reports in MS Word. I usually dump the contents of my visit from my brain into a file 24-72 hrs after the visit. I keep thinking SCJ will reboot and maybe I'll publish some of them.
avatar for minnow
9 years ago
Addendum- I should have noted that I jot down the club visits on a wall calendar. I may have to create a NSA-like data base to keep my closet from overflowing.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
I don't keep records. I do have a near-photographic memory for the girls, their names, what they did and what they charged me, and when one of my buddies says "hey, remember that girl from like 2010, the one with the huge nipples", everyone looks at me, because I'll remember her name. Of all the ridiculous talents, that's the one I have.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
I am meticulous in all other aspects of my life (work, home, cars) so strip clubbing is the one place I am not meticulous.

Yeah there are a few girls I have lost track of over the years, but it usually not that hard to find a replacement.
avatar for azdd
9 years ago
I keep a detailed spreadsheet of visit dates, dancers selected, notes on special services, and amount spent. My CFs have separate columns so I can quickly see how often I've seen them. I put notes in my phone in the club, and transfer to the spreadsheet later. It helps me keep a reality check on my, spending, and once in awhile it's a nice trip down memory lane.
avatar for rl27
9 years ago
I keep a spreadsheet of dancer name, club name, approximate age,ratings in both looks and lap dancing, rating and check boxes for various extra's categories. I also include information on whether she is a ROB, her personality. As well as a few notes.
avatar for sflguy123
9 years ago
I create a separate Microsoft Paint file for each stripper I am with.

Here's some of them, let me know if any look familar.
Total slut:…

UHM but not very pretty…


I was drunk when I did this one:…

ATF Selfie:…
avatar for TravelingGolfer
9 years ago
I've seen that ROB before! I'm glad you outed her.
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
not at all.

don't keep records of what i spend. i don't really keep records of the dancers i've met either. many of them i remember from memory, tho.

about the only thing i keep track of is the TUSCLers i've met. its been like 8 or 9
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago

Yeah I recognized the black chick - def high-mileage, I recommend her
avatar for maho
9 years ago
Before heading on a SC trip - such as this Thursday and Friday in Detroit - I have with me what I have to spend for the couple of days. I usually over budget to ensure I will have plenty for my visit. A great thing about Detroit is the nearby casino for which I always make a visit. For me this is fun for the following reasons: 1. The rush of Gambling with a few hundred dollars is fun for me 2. It gives a break from the clubs 3. I have the potential to win back some / all of my strip club spending!

Regarding dancers, if I meet one I really like I am in most cases going to get their number.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
Fuck, if I had a spreadsheet it would go on forever. I think it's a good idea but after 38 years of clubbing, I don't want to know. LOL
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Juice told me he gets a tattoo of every new dancer that becomes a fave - now that's dedication to the game
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Juicy is craaaaaazzzzyyyy
avatar for DandyDan
9 years ago
If I put everything about my visits to strip clubs on a spread sheet, I wouldn't have time to make visits to strip clubs. I generally have a good memory and if a girl is memorable, whether good or bad, I tend to remember her, although some of their specific skills are not automatically recalled. But then some girls, like my old favorite Angel, have a wide spectrum of capabilities and it's hard to remember it all. Generally, I just remember who's good and who's bad.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
At the very least, a customer should keep a database (in if only in memory) of who the ROBs are. Luckily that is a shorter list (for me it is) than who's good.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
What vm said.
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
The only records I have of me visiting the club is my reviews. I'd add the discussion board, but I've posted so many comments and enough discussions to where find discussion records is tedious borderline asinine. I don't need any other reminder that this young buck is paying money to watch women dance. That's embarrassing unto itself.
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
as for money habits, I budget EVERYTHING down to a science. I plan my monthly expenses make sure if I have enough money to even be worth my time for the strip club after what I deem "necessities" is taken care of and if it ain't enough, just move it over to the next month. That sort of habit I do take into daily consideration. Besides I'm sure I need a pretty big budget to get this LDK I've been chasing to come to fruition.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
Good for you, Estafador, a voice of sanity in the wilderness.
avatar for Meursault
9 years ago
I go to strip clubs on disposable income alone, so I don't budget or track it. I'm fairly certain that the lion's share of my personal entertainment budget is spent on strippers but at least some of it is spent on dates and regular bars and hanging out with my kids.

When I get a stripper's number I keep it in my phone as S01,S02,S03 etc. with the abbreviated name of the club as the "Company." The club is usually enough for me to remember who it is, but I have had whole text conversations with S11 (or whatever) and had no idea who it was. There are only two strippers in my phone under their actual names (coincidentally they have almost the same first name and work at the same club).
avatar for maho
9 years ago
When getting a dancers number I just give them my phone and let them enter. Some will type in their stage name, real name, or both. Some will also put after their name the club which is kind of nice. Being single don't have to worry about anyone else seeing my list of contacts, although I will sometimes edit the contact info to make it look like just any other contact just in case, and use some sort of code - P Penthouse or C Coliseum to designate where I know them from.
avatar for jojojo897
9 years ago
Easy enough to remember on my current three month endeavor at the same club I've only been visiting thus far.

Seven dancers. Four phone numbers. Two taken to VIP twice. Two others with decent mileage. I budget about ~$300 for each dancer/visit.
avatar for Dolfan
9 years ago
I don't keep records. If I take a strippers number I'll usually send her a txt right then. The text will say my name, and usually where we met and most likely some sort of indication of what we talked about. For example: "Hey, its Dolfan from Tootsies, lets catch up in the next few days for some drinks" I do mostly the same thing with civis, but I'll usually wait a bit to send the text.

I generally remember strippers I've met, certainly the ones I like. I've had a bunch of strippers I don't know act like they know me, but I'm about 99.9% sure they've all either been full of shit or mistaken themselves.
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
9 years ago
I try to keep track of the very few TUSCL members that I have met. I do keep track of my spending but I don't use a spreadsheet or anything like that. Also, I don't keep track of the various dancers that I come across. I just rely on memory.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I'm either hot or cold when it comes to being detailed - for some things like work, writing reviews ;); I'm extremely if not painfully detailed (leave no stone unturned) - for most other things I'm a by-the-seat-of-my-pants person (not saying that is a good thing).

When it comes to keeping details on former dancers part of the reason I don't it's b/c they are former dancers; i.e. since I'm not into faves and prefer variety and meeting new dancers all the time; I don't really have too much motivation for remembering former dancers (although it is nice to reminisce from time to time and think back on former hotties).

I often have dancers that I don't recognize tell me they know me from b/f (either danced for me or have seen me b/f at a club) - my PL gut-reaction is to usually dismiss this as SS but it's turned out that often times I have met them b/f (I just go thru so many different dancers it is often a blur) - the thing w/ me is that I don't really engage w/ dancers much other than just getting dances from them - I'm also about the bod and not the face - thus usually I'll remember a dancer by the way her bod looks or the way she dances for me b/c that is what I focus on - thus many a time a dancer will come up to me and say we've met b/f and I dismiss it but eventually when she gets to giving me dances and gets nude I'll often remember them when I see them naked or after they've been dancing for me for a bit.

Also - dancers often change their looks - particularly the AA dancers I mostly come into contact w/ many will dramatically change their hair from short to long from straight to curly from light to dark often making them look very different (especially if one has not seen them in a while) - also many a dancer's weight can fluctuate dramatically making them look very different if one has not seen them in a while.
avatar for TxVegas
9 years ago
I don't keep any records. I really wouldn't want to know my lifetime spend.
avatar for VeryBigDawg
9 years ago
When I first started the SC scene, I kept good records to know how much was spent and which girls gave the most mileage. But considering the high turnover in the business it seems to be waste of time. And can remember what my favs deliver.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
This site is my record keeper. Delete all my posts and I will have no records.

I might not even recognize dancers I knew well in years past.
I could disappear easily.

Even now when I search for myself on Facebook or Google, there are a whole bunch of people with my name and I can't find myself.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I do have some pics of naked porn stars sitting on my lap. That might look suspicious especially if they block the view of the shorts I was wearing.
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
I don't keep records of my club visits or my spending habits. That sounds a bit dangerous - if those records were ever found by accident.
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
I don't keep any records either. Dancers themselves I have a good enough memory to remember good bad or only ok.
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