Firstly, upmost respect for you as a SC'er and person who is admirably fighting through some serious shit.
However, serious and purposely confrontational question: what the hell does this article have to do with you not being able to understand a race and generation that has nothing to do with you in the first place? Why the subtle jab in the form of a non-sensical and overly subtle generalization? I don't get it.
I think that is the "Hot" club at the moment in the Hip-hop scene and they are making it rain just to be seen. Add the fact that most of the younger dudes think they should be getting laid for free..... its a way for strippers to get 'paid' and for young bros to make an impression in front of their buddies. In their eyes, p4p is something reserved for 'chumps'. Doesn't mean it has to make sense to us
And of course a small portion of the might be pimps who are spending freely around impressionable young strippers to try and expand their stable.... nobody ever claimed all the strippers are bright!
Well...when middle class white men want to display their success they buy an expensive watch, car, join an exclusive country club (in the south)and move to an expensive zip code. In their social circle this is proof that they are doing very well.
In the lower class AA communities (not middle class, because middle class niggas act just like middle class whites for the most part) they display their success, their non-concern with money by making it rain, ie..."I have so much if this cash, IDGAF about wasting it, nigga I'm paid"
What's not to understand? Different classes same concept, I'm better than you because I can do this or that, live or play here 9r there, but you can't. I'm better.
Even in the most unknown regions of the USA, people play the exclusivicity game. The I'm better game.
GACA explained it perfectly. Every race/social class blow their money in different ways.
Damn Bavarian, have you been living under a rock? T.I. is a well known rapper and actor from Atlanta. He's been around for over a decade. Again I agree with GACA.
"what the hell does this article have to do with you not being able to understand a race and generation that has nothing to do with you in the first place?" ======================
I agree with what GACA said. But I'll be nice and give a pass to Bavarian. I would bet there are a lot of people on this board who don't know who T.I. is. Not everyone on this board listens to rap when they are not in the club and even then would not know who is rapping unless someone told them.
I will happily admit there was nothing overtly racist or malicious in his question. However, subtle rasicm (which comes in the form of internalized racism and racial microagressions and is often not intended to offend) was quite apparent in his post.
There's more than old white men on this board and young black guys don't deserve to be treated as some misunderstood creature incapable of rational, individual thoughtby folks who will never understand them.
Ok, I'm off my soapbox now and will shut up about this topic going forward.
I thought it was a fair question "Why do people make it rain (torrentially)" without the racial element. In the video, the tippers weren't shown, only the money was.
There was recently another discussion from the other perspective "What's up with the guys who tip $1 when others are making it rain" (fortunately, without the racial element):
I had never thought of a tipper as giving a performance to the club, rather just another guy taking his turn. From both discussions, it sounds like that is a thing, though.
I've read that it is better to go to the black clubs during the daytime, if you want to get personal with dancers.
They say that at night time its just big groups of young black guys throwing money at the stage. Sounds like the dancers are mostly just a prop.
Kind of like that in the Sunnyvale Brass Rail too, at nights. Not much throwing money, but the girls are just a symbol, so that groups of guys can go there and get drunk and silly and not be seen as gay.
I always prefer day time at our local strip clubs.
You goofy hairless apes and your concern about skin color. If there were real differences like there are between turkey vultures and black vultures I could understand, but black apes vs pink apes? What's the difference? Squawk!
Seriously, all of you hairless apes are the same in my eyes. You're just a bunch of damn dirty apes. Squawk!
If it wasn't for the sexy female hairless apes that drink my vulture jizz the whole lot of you would be worthless. Squawk!
I still don't know who TI is. Dre, snoop, Macklemore, pit bull, little john, Eminem, Kanye, Drake, Usher, Nikki Minaj, Bey, 50 cent, but no, not TI. And I'm only 40. Then again, there is very little rap or hip hop that I like. Gimme a song or an album.
There's lots of people that are not into sports and don't know of popular athletes that may also be mainstream - so it stands to reason that a person that never listens to rap or care to would not know who TI is - personally I don't think TI is that mainstream outside of the hip-hop umbrella (i.e. to those under the hip-hop umbrella in one way or the other).
Oh and Shadowcat was not being racist, ignorant, or microaggressive (mostly because that is a false concept). He was trying to understand how an entire generation had blindly fallen into a subculture that encourages the wanton waste of money. Comparing it to a luxury car, upscale neighborhood, or GCC membership is foolish, and comparing apples to oranges.
The OP has the same right to state an opinion as everyone else that has posted.
w.r.t. the rain-making:
"... below image (stack of $$$) is a promotional one the club posted .."
"... some 1,600 lovely ladies auditioned for stripper positions. It turns out, they might have a shot at further glory. The audition was filmed for T.I.’s reality show ...'
Makes me wonder if some (or a lot) of the extreme rain-making was cone on purpose by TI's people to sorta hype-up the event and for footage for his reality show?
"Comparing it to a luxury car, upscale neighborhood, or GCC membership is foolish, and comparing apples to oranges"
@gammanu95 actually they are directly comparable, both are gaudy insecure displays of financial success, while you may argue that white own their watch luxury car and can recoup some money on resell, because one culture values money while the other values people is a minor and whimsical detail at best.
Myself and Viking have both met Shadowcat and wouldn't ever accuse him of being racist. While his statement was rife with ethnocentrism, he's a cool dude and highly respected within this community. And even though he know a lot about strip clubbing, there's always a new perspective to be had.
T. I . appeared in the movie "Ant Man" starring Michael Douglas and was filmed at Pinewood Studios just a 10 minute drive from my house and I never heard of him.
For myself as a 46 y/o PL I don't equate rain-making and buying a nice-watch as the same thing - taking a restaurant meal as an example:
one spends money to go and have a fancy meal - I equate rain-making to going to a restaurant - interacting w/ the staff - having the cook prepare an expensive meal - then throw the $200 for the meal up in the air - and leave w/o touching the meal - vs spending the $200 and eating the meal.
Money is a tool to be used to acquire our needs and wants - and although we all choose to spend our $$$ in different ways (vacations, fashion; etc); in no other instance that I can think off does one just throw their $$$ in the air w/o IMO getting anything for it - at least w/ all other expenditures one gets something out of it (although I'm sure there may be examples where this may not be the case but I can't really think of one off the top of my head).
@Papi niggas are getting a whole Lotta props (aka street cred, aka adoratiom) for a that rain. Just like PL's getting to cop a feel or bust a nut. How many people think it's just as ridiculous to spend money on strippers?
I the am emotional aka perceived need is be met. Just like luxury cars are a perceived need.
They don't have specifically Black clubs near me. Used to be some clubs in Oakland, probably black. But not today. JS69 posted an article about how they have outlawed strip clubs in Oakland. But I would not be surprised if there are black hooker bars in Oakland.
Once I was in what I think was the building which would become Pink Diamonds. What I saw was a Transgender Bar, but with also black female hookers and a female hooker striper.
I suspect you will find places like that, maybe not naked on stage, but approaching you while dressed sexy.
"T. I . appeared in the movie "Ant Man" starring Michael Douglas and was filmed at Pinewood Studios just a 10 minute drive from my house and I never heard of him."
I never heard of him either and to me, Pinewood Studios is the famous British Studio where the James Bond movies were filmed.
There's more than old white men on this board and young black guys don't deserve to be treated as some misunderstood creature incapable of rational, individual thoughtby folks who will never understand them.
As a 70 year old white guy, I frankly have had very little contact with AA customers and living in a fairly segregated country, don't cross paths with many young black men. My ATF was banging a black drug dealer for a few months and one night she had passed out drunk and I was watching TV at her house when he showed up. He knew who I was and he and I spent several hours "chilling". He had a delivery of drugs coming to her house after midnight being delivered from the Bronx and I had been working as a consultant at several schools in the Bronx (99% AA) and this became our common ground. We snorted coke together, talked about music ( I dislike rap), women ( I thought he was controlling and mysoginistic) but we agreed that we both loved pussy. We talked about the plight of poorly educated youth trying to break a cycle of poverty. He had several "hos" working for him and wanted to get my ATF in his stable" ( but never did). My point is we came from 2 different worlds and we each had glimpses into the lives of the other, but "a swallow does not a summer make". IMHO we label others as being racist far too quickly. I've never walked in this dude's shoes, nor he in mine. We may have been ignorant, but not necessarily racist.
I've seen vids of those clubs to. Not my cup of tea as its more of a "party" type atmosphere and showing off by making it rain. I'd rather spend quality time doing quality things with a stripper. But to each their own.
As far as TI goes I always think of the Treasure Island casino first which was renamed to that. But I don't follow rap and wouldn't know a TI song if I heard it. But I DO know who he is at least.
Mrrock - It will always be Treasure Island to me. It is one of the few major casinos on the Strip I haven't stayed at yet. Once it left the MGM/Mirage group and went off on it's own, it fell pretty low on my list.
--> QUOTE " T.I. is a southern rapper who used to be known T.I.P, which stands for "Ten Inch Playa". His rap alias was then changed to T.I. (obviously taking of the "P") because his advisors and producers were worried that his current rap alias would be confused with Q-tip, another rapper. "T.I. is the king from the dirty south."
by Lick WHAT! August 19, 2005 " --> END QUOTE
--> QUOTE " T.I. Aka Tip Harris(Clifford Joseph Harris Jr),rap name used to be "TIP" but changed it to T.I. so there was no confusion with him and Q-TIP. Member of PSC(Pimp Squad Click)owns his own label Grand Hustle, the most successful rapper and the best in my opinion, who agrees?
T.I. is from the dirty south.Atlanta,Georgia. *Lookin' at the life through my rearview, all the problems I had Could be seen alot clearer after time had passed Known for livin' so fast, they wonder how he don't crash With 220 on the dash, he constantly mashin' (Why don't he slow down?) They be constantly askin' But me in the fast lane is like metal and magnets Now I ain't tryna say that it's the way of the masses But it, so hard to change, I love this shit with a passion Since me and Sigel cuttin' classes, showin' our ass Shootin' out in broad day in the middle of traffic I remember sellin' crack faster than I could bag it A shame I ain't playin' with you shorty, I ain't braggin' Me and Cap got life, some other folk got blasted Had a partner OD'd and after this all happened It's like the only thing that kept a pimp from cryin' and laughin' And the Lord smiled on me at the end of the madness I never thought that I'd make it this far rappin' For introducin' the youth to what we now call trappin' Considered now a classic, who'da imagined? Me in Milano, gettin' models in next year's fashions So nowadays, they can call me old fashioned But it's way too much cash to see blue lights flashin' So I guess the moral of this here class is Life about who make it now not about who make it the fastest*
TI has won 3 Grammy awards (nominated for 19), has won 11 Billboard Music Awards and 8 ASCAP pop awards... So yeah, his name is pretty mainstream. He has written music for various late night shows (Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon), primetime shows such as Glee and even One Tree Hill. Also, the film Furious 7. He's also had various acting gigs, including Frank Lucas' little cousin or nephew or something in American Gangster. Although I suppose that might be an unfamiliar film, too, to some here.
Maybe I know him and didn't even realize it. I've seen American Gangster several times and loved it.
I read the Wiki article on TI and do feel a bit stupid. I don't think I'm totally oblivious to hip hop music. I probably recognized 90 percent of the names of the other rappers on the article, but I swear to God I've never heard of him. Flew under my radar somehow.
I feel like This was a bait thread. And I just lost a lot of respect for SC of all people to be making such a thread, especially since he hates trolls.
To add insult to injury - if you are black and wanna hit the German FKKs; you may need to choose wisely - from a recent review of Golden Time FKK in NRW region of Germany:
"... GT (Golden Time) has an unwritten rule, no black guys admitted. This causes a lot of grief for black guys which is understandable, there have been cases where they have got in but it's rare. Asians are ok for entry. They are also fussy about the white guys, if you appear slovenly you won't get in no matter what your skin colour is ..."
last commentHe is a old white dude
Just saying
However, serious and purposely confrontational question: what the hell does this article have to do with you not being able to understand a race and generation that has nothing to do with you in the first place? Why the subtle jab in the form of a non-sensical and overly subtle generalization? I don't get it.
And of course a small portion of the might be pimps who are spending freely around impressionable young strippers to try and expand their stable.... nobody ever claimed all the strippers are bright!
In the lower class AA communities (not middle class, because middle class niggas act just like middle class whites for the most part) they display their success, their non-concern with money by making it rain, ie..."I have so much if this cash, IDGAF about wasting it, nigga I'm paid"
What's not to understand? Different classes same concept, I'm better than you because I can do this or that, live or play here 9r there, but you can't. I'm better.
Even in the most unknown regions of the USA, people play the exclusivicity game. The I'm better game.
Damn Bavarian, have you been living under a rock? T.I. is a well known rapper and actor from Atlanta. He's been around for over a decade. Again I agree with GACA.'re kidding......right?
Ok, I'm off my soapbox now and will shut up about this topic going forward.
I still like you though Barvarian because you love Latinas like I do :-)
There was recently another discussion from the other perspective "What's up with the guys who tip $1 when others are making it rain" (fortunately, without the racial element):…
I had never thought of a tipper as giving a performance to the club, rather just another guy taking his turn. From both discussions, it sounds like that is a thing, though.
They say that at night time its just big groups of young black guys throwing money at the stage. Sounds like the dancers are mostly just a prop.
Kind of like that in the Sunnyvale Brass Rail too, at nights. Not much throwing money, but the girls are just a symbol, so that groups of guys can go there and get drunk and silly and not be seen as gay.
I always prefer day time at our local strip clubs.
Seriously, all of you hairless apes are the same in my eyes. You're just a bunch of damn dirty apes. Squawk!
If it wasn't for the sexy female hairless apes that drink my vulture jizz the whole lot of you would be worthless. Squawk!
I like the banjo. I'm a bluegrass vulture. Squawk!
w.r.t. the rain-making:
"... below image (stack of $$$) is a promotional one the club posted .."
"... some 1,600 lovely ladies auditioned for stripper positions. It turns out, they might have a shot at further glory. The audition was filmed for T.I.’s reality show ...'
Makes me wonder if some (or a lot) of the extreme rain-making was cone on purpose by TI's people to sorta hype-up the event and for footage for his reality show?
@gammanu95 actually they are directly comparable, both are gaudy insecure displays of financial success, while you may argue that white own their watch luxury car and can recoup some money on resell, because one culture values money while the other values people is a minor and whimsical detail at best.
For myself as a 46 y/o PL I don't equate rain-making and buying a nice-watch as the same thing - taking a restaurant meal as an example:
one spends money to go and have a fancy meal - I equate rain-making to going to a restaurant - interacting w/ the staff - having the cook prepare an expensive meal - then throw the $200 for the meal up in the air - and leave w/o touching the meal - vs spending the $200 and eating the meal.
Money is a tool to be used to acquire our needs and wants - and although we all choose to spend our $$$ in different ways (vacations, fashion; etc); in no other instance that I can think off does one just throw their $$$ in the air w/o IMO getting anything for it - at least w/ all other expenditures one gets something out of it (although I'm sure there may be examples where this may not be the case but I can't really think of one off the top of my head).
I the am emotional aka perceived need is be met. Just like luxury cars are a perceived need.
Once I was in what I think was the building which would become Pink Diamonds. What I saw was a Transgender Bar, but with also black female hookers and a female hooker striper.
I suspect you will find places like that, maybe not naked on stage, but approaching you while dressed sexy.
Maybe Club Fantasy in Sacramento is Black?
"T. I . appeared in the movie "Ant Man" starring Michael Douglas and was filmed at Pinewood Studios just a 10 minute drive from my house and I never heard of him."
I never heard of him either and to me, Pinewood Studios is the famous British Studio where the James Bond movies were filmed.
They should be out there making it rain
I agree one hundred percent bruh
Some of you are reaching.
Let's all just smoke some weed
My point is we came from 2 different worlds and we each had glimpses into the lives of the other, but "a swallow does not a summer make".
IMHO we label others as being racist far too quickly. I've never walked in this dude's shoes, nor he in mine. We may have been ignorant, but not necessarily racist.
As far as TI goes I always think of the Treasure Island casino first which was renamed to that. But I don't follow rap and wouldn't know a TI song if I heard it. But I DO know who he is at least.
When someone using some jargon socially that you don't understand, try urban dictionary.….…
^Um, no thx. (2, 3, and 6)
T.I. is a southern rapper who used to be known T.I.P, which stands for "Ten Inch Playa". His rap alias was then changed to T.I. (obviously taking of the "P") because his advisors and producers were worried that his current rap alias would be confused with Q-tip, another rapper.
"T.I. is the king from the dirty south."
by Lick WHAT! August 19, 2005
T.I. Aka Tip Harris(Clifford Joseph Harris Jr),rap name used to be "TIP" but changed it to T.I. so there was no confusion with him and Q-TIP. Member of PSC(Pimp Squad Click)owns his own label Grand Hustle, the most successful rapper and the best in my opinion, who agrees?
T.I. is from the dirty south.Atlanta,Georgia.
*Lookin' at the life through my rearview, all the problems I had
Could be seen alot clearer after time had passed
Known for livin' so fast, they wonder how he don't crash
With 220 on the dash, he constantly mashin'
(Why don't he slow down?) They be constantly askin'
But me in the fast lane is like metal and magnets
Now I ain't tryna say that it's the way of the masses
But it, so hard to change, I love this shit with a passion
Since me and Sigel cuttin' classes, showin' our ass
Shootin' out in broad day in the middle of traffic
I remember sellin' crack faster than I could bag it
A shame I ain't playin' with you shorty, I ain't braggin'
Me and Cap got life, some other folk got blasted
Had a partner OD'd and after this all happened
It's like the only thing that kept a pimp from cryin' and laughin'
And the Lord smiled on me at the end of the madness
I never thought that I'd make it this far rappin'
For introducin' the youth to what we now call trappin'
Considered now a classic, who'da imagined?
Me in Milano, gettin' models in next year's fashions
So nowadays, they can call me old fashioned
But it's way too much cash to see blue lights flashin'
So I guess the moral of this here class is
Life about who make it now not about who make it the fastest*
*Drive Slow Remix*
#t.i. #tip #tip harris #king #grand hustle #psc
by JulianP August 19, 2006
I read the Wiki article on TI and do feel a bit stupid. I don't think I'm totally oblivious to hip hop music. I probably recognized 90 percent of the names of the other rappers on the article, but I swear to God I've never heard of him. Flew under my radar somehow.
"I can't vote for the leader of the free world to be a woman"
I dare say my point about the display of financial success was solid and the only thing to argue was TI noteriety :)
"... GT (Golden Time) has an unwritten rule, no black guys admitted. This causes a lot of grief for black guys which is understandable, there have been cases where they have got in but it's rare. Asians are ok for entry. They are also fussy about the white guys, if you appear slovenly you won't get in no matter what your skin colour is ..."…