China and Japan have extremely ethnically homogenous populations and tend to be pretty racist by our standards. Because of global marketing, Japanese corporations have become more sensitive to Western norms, but China is still pretty out there.
Let me understand this. A Chinese woman washes a black man with this detergent, and he emerges as a Chinese man. If the detergent were any good, wouldn't he have emerged as a white man? :-)
Racism is a moving target. I thought it was funny, but I suppose if I were black I might be pretty offended. Certainly the commercial is completely inappropriate for American audiences, but obviously in China they are okay with it. I would think Trump would be okay with it too.
@rockstar666 but they have black citizens in places more than Guangzhou and like many of their other east Asian counterparts, image is everything. So why demonize the people that live there?
@vincemichaels that may be true, but its unreasonable for any Asian community (not counting South Asians) in historical context to dislike black people with such fervor. China dislikes blacks more than they dislike Japan. And if you know your history, you'd know they have a LONG deepseated hatred for one another despite what the media promotes...and it doesn't promote Chinese/Japanese positive relations very well. Africans and African-Americans never had any physical contact with the East Asian community (globally) and yet as soon as they see them, they hate them more than they hate Europeans. I thought the stereotype was asians were smart. To fall for media tactics seems pretty dumb to me.
Motorhead, she's a housewife at home (which makes me ask if the black/Chinese man is her husband, or what??) but I think most people accept a Chinese woman doing her families laundry isn't racist.
^^^^ to Motor-Yes there were Chinese hand laundries all over, at least into the sixties and seventies, but since they have disappeared where do people go now to get their hands laundered ? Maybe Vietnamese nail salons ?
I love racist joke's
Dave Chappell was the king…
"Pretty out there" is an understatement.
The US used to be racist too
So let me get this right...
She wanted a man with a smaller penis?
If an ad in the US showed a black man picking cotton, Al Sharpton would be crapping in his track suit.
At the beginning of the 20th century there were over 3500 Chinese laundries in New York City alone.
One in four Chinese men in America worked in laundries.
I thought the ad was ironic