
Favorite broke my PL heart

Stopped by one of my regular SC’s to spend time with a favorite. This honey and I have known each other for about a year and have spent a lot of time together doing ITC and OTC fun. All p4p of course. We had enough history with each that we knew a lot about each other’s lives and had built a comfort level with each other that comes only with time and experience.

We go back to the quasi VIP area and she is giving me dances. On what I think is the third song (maybe fourth), I ask her what song we are on and she says “five”. Now, I’m pretty sure it was three but could maybe be four but I’m damn sure it was not five.

I just stopped and looked at her straight in the eyes. At that moment we both knew without a doubt she was trying to intentionally up count a song I did not get. She took a breath then said “four”. Flat out destroyed the great party vibe I had going. This was a stark reminder of two things.

One is that many of these honeys are so short sighted that they would risk a very good revenue stream trying to get over on a miniscule amount of money.

Two, that some dancers are kind of like auto mechanics in that an auto mechanic may not try to rip you off on the first three visits but may try to bend you over on the fourth. History does indicate future honesty.

My sc relationship with this dancer will never be the same over one stupid song count.

Have any of you ever had a well known long term favorite unexpectedly try to blatantly rip you off?


  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Ya, totally sucks., `Always wonder what's going through their heads, to what extent it's just enjoying making the guy a sucker, to what extent it's hustle-at-any-price based...

    My CF has been kind of dong the opposite for me. When we had to the VIP, if it's in the middle of a song -- or even just 30 seconds into the song -- usually we just sit around until that song ends, and then she starts her 3-song set. Pretty much expected behavior, right? But recently, she's been starting as soon as we walk in, mid-song ... she finishes dancing that song, and THEN counts 3 more songs. So she's regularly giving me an extra minute up to a full song extra. I'm melting with gratitude, I tip her even though I pretty much NEVER tip, and of course she's bought a ton of loyalty from me. Total genius move on her part, IMO -- the club still only charges her for a single VIP (they have no idea she's basically giving me an extra song), she gets a tip when normally I never tip, and she's locked in my loyalty.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I had a similar situation w/ a dancer that I often get dances from b/c she delivers UHM & even though I take care of her well ($$$) & why she makes a beeline for me as soon as she sees me, a while back she got complaisant & greedy & tried to overcharge me - not wanting to get into-it w/ her over a few bucks I gave her the $$$ & walked off - she immediately knew she had fucked-up & tried to give me the over-count $$$ back but I wouldn't take-it. I put her on probation for a while (no dances) but started getting dances from her again since my mindset these days is to not expect much if anything from dancers that way I won't be disappointed - as long as they perform when I'm paying them then that is all I expect.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Fuck that Bitch
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Thinking one has something "special" w/ a dancer will bite you in the ass sooner or later - if one chooses to dance w/ the devil then one cannot be surprised when they stick their horns into us.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    It's a war of them versus US and we both are trying to extract maximum value from each other
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    In simplified terms

    They want money for doing little to nothing

    We want pussy to cost Lil to nothing

    That is wear the lines of war are crossed

    Battles are won and wars are lost
  • K
    8 years ago
    Has happened to me too ma y times to recall. Anyone in this hobby for more than a couple of years has at least one such story.
  • bubba267
    8 years ago
    Sorry....seems a little over reaction to song over count. We all make mistakes and if it were me I would wait a little then follow up with a conversation about what happened. Her response to that will be more telling than what you may be reading into this....unless of course there is more to the story.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    It's stupid for a dancer to try and over charge a regular. I don't condone over charging anyone - but when over charging a regular - she risks losing a future stream of cash flow.

    The dancer mentioned in the OP fucked up - and she knew it. If it blew the vibe and dance - then I'd pay her only for the actual number of dances - and move on. If I decided to get future dances from her - it wouldn't be the same night.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Yea fuck that bitch
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    I would be burnt out from stripping in about 2 shifts. I try not to get to angry or disappointed from stripper shit, as they have a tough job, which they've chosen. My favorite girls are ones who work part time and keep their hustle low while having fun.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Tell her to pull your finger
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    I had one try to get paid for otc on a friday and say she didnt have time that day after i got there and wanted me to give her money brcause shebhad to get something outnof pawn, then fuck her on sunday. That was the last time i saw her ever. I left with her broke
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    So ya, fuck that bitch
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    I haven't bought a dance in months. I go when it's slow and pay for her drinks, food and tips. I get good attention and she's not getting bored and broke. Win-win.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    WHALES OF THE WORLD UNITE !! It could have been a simple mistake, but your description of the event sounds like a ROB attempt. Sorry to hear it, dude.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    I think it could be habit or even an honest mistake. On the flip side, customers will keep a girl talking through a couple songs negotiating or delaying to the next bc they don't like this song, etc,. meanwhile she might miss out on someone else who moves on bc she's busy.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Agree with Imamutt and bubba that overcounting can be an honest mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, and strippers are very often drunk or stoned ... I could see it happen. So, if an ATF who had treated me great for a long time overcounted once, and I thought it was a mistake, I'd certainly challenge the count but it would also be easy for me to let her months of great service not be erased by one little mistake.

    That said, at least in the context L_W wrote, it sure sounded like it was crystal clear she got caught in a lie (assuming L_W wasn't just exaggerating a bit). And if that's the case, then that's definitely a deal-killer for me. While I realize that we're dealing with strippers, so there are things we put up with (being late, canceling appointments, etc) that we might not put up with in any other context, I do NOT agree with the "well, they're strippers, just expect and take any ol' treatment she dishes out, you shouldn't expect anything else" crowd. Somewhere there should be a line for yourself where you say "this isn't just excusable stripper flakiness, it's inexcusable disrespect or dishonesty or some other behavior that I won't abide from anyone". Trying to rip me off -- if that's really what this was -- is in that category, for me.
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    If a new dancer overcounts, I pay but never get dances from her again. It only happened once.

    My CF might have overcounted on some occasions but I just give her the benefit of the doubt. I only pay for dances. No tips or paying for company.

    LW, if you don't tip on top of the dances, this might be her way of getting tipped.

  • Timex345
    8 years ago
    Last November for me. I haven't seen the young woman since then. I still go to the same club but I avoid
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Fuck that bitch
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Yeah Fuck that bitch
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    When hookers move on, it can really tear your heart out.
  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    she got tips from bitches at stripperweb and lost one great customer.

    I love money-making hustle in a dancer but dishonesty turns me off.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    If she was a favorite of mine I would let it slide once, but after that I'm dropping her.
  • alldaylong
    8 years ago
    W my atf I don't keep track of dances and sometimes she's having fun where she loses track too. Prolly has lead to over counting but I know it has also lead to under. Either way I'm having fun.

    However if it was blatant like how the op describes, id either start telling your new dancers upfront how many to start with or if she's a fave still end it there that night, but tease her about it next time that she's not gonna try it again...
  • Lone_Wolf
    8 years ago
    Yea, this was one of those "had to be there moments" but she was definitely over counting on purpose. This honey is fine and we have a long fun history so it is far from a deal breaker. I'll just keep a closer eye on my wallet when I'm around her. I think some of these honey's up count just from habit regardless of who they are with. Still, it is a brutal reminder of the cut throat nature of this fun. Heck, she probably did me a favor by getting my head straight.
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