
Would you defend a whore?

If a stripper was man handled in front of me, I would interfere. I can't help it. If my sweetie was ever physically harmed, I would fuck that person up one way or another.
I'm no Clint Eastwood, but that's how my feelings go

Will Munny:" You better bury Ned right!... Better not cut up, nor otherwise harm no whores... or I'll come back and kill every one of you sons of bitches".


  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Not a fan of Clint Eastwood, but I'm a huge admirer of Will Munny!


  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Depends on a variety of factors.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I remember the news story about a customer who saw a stripper being abused outside a strip club (I think it was BT's in Dearborn, MI). The customer went to the stripper's aid, and the man and the stripper (the man's girlfriend) both attacked the customer. The customer ran, and the man chased him and fired several shots at him. The customer was lucky to survive.

    Think about that when you feel compelled to rescue a stripper. It is wiser to notify a bouncer inside the club or call 911 outside the club.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    ITC I'd call a bouncer. OTC, if I was carrying, I would likely intervene unless the other guy had a gun visible. If I'm not carrying I'd be a lot more hesitant although even in that circumstance I would probably help a DS.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    JS69, now carrying a gun, is using that to get himself into situations he should not. If he keeps going this way, sooner or later he is going to shoot someone and probably kill them. There are better ways to diffuse the vast majority of problems.

    You'd think a fast car, beautiful women, and marijuana would give him enough ways to get into trouble. But no, he still insists on guns.

    So John, why don't you let us know now, in case it comes to this, do you want an open casket of closed casket funeral?


  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I was taught to step in and always defend a woman when she's in distress. So - I'd step in and stop the harm to the woman.

    However - in clubs it can be a tricky situation. If it's a baby daddy and a stripper going at it - sometimes the baby daddy will get a worse beat down from the stripper!
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Hell no. That person manhandling her is likely her boyfriend. If you try to intervene, the boyfriend just might shoot you in the face. I would call security.
  • londonguy
    8 years ago
    Although my natural instinct would be to get involved I think I'd step back if I was over there and it happened.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    SJ Guy, why are you trolling again? This time it's your self righteous preach to JS69 about his stance on protecting women with a gun, presumably in aa intelligent and lawful manner, since he knows the law.

    All 7,000 comments of yours is proof that you are a useless troll with no positive contribution to these threads. What gives you the right to admonish anyone's second amendment privelege? Troll!
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Depends on the context but likely what js69 said
  • K
    8 years ago
    The title of the discussion uses the word Whore, your scenario is for a stripper. This is not meant as a dig but for clarification. I see them as two different things. Not all strippers are whores and not all whores are strippers.

    Would I defend a whore? Are they somehow less worthy than non whores? I honestly don't see someone that chooses this profession as any less than some one that doesn't.

    I would assess the situation and take appropriate action. get involved, notify the bouncer, call the police, mind my own business. the same as I would for you or any other person. I have not considered it much and have limited experience with such situations so I can't say what circumstances would lead to which response.

  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    It depends what you mean by "defend". I am not going to have special rules for "whore" or anyone else -- she's a person, I act the same way towards all people. But, for example, with any PERSON, whore or not, getting involved in a domestic dispute is risky -- cops say "routine" domestic disputes are some of the most dangerous calls they go on. I'm never going to be reckless, and unless she's in imminent threat of serious injury or death, "defend" means calling the cops and keeping on eye on things. That's the ethical and smart way to handle many situations. All bets are off if she'd under serious threat of bodily harm though
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    I don't know. The only time I ever actually saw a guy being rough with a woman and I was right there was freshman year in college. I was walking in town going to a movie and Joe Fraternity was pushing around his very pretty girlfriend. I was 18 and in the best shape of my life and I still was a pussy.

    So my honest honest is probably not
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    How big is he ? ;)
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Yeah, the word *whore* is harsh. I guess the use of it in the movie quote amused me . After all, a girl is a girl. I just wondered if guys who perceived a girl as one would be hesitant to interfere
  • K
    8 years ago
    You did quote will Munny in your OP. i did not make the connection. i see what you were going for now. Sorry for the misunderstanding
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I'd like to believe that I would, but I can't honestly say. It would probably depend on the guy.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Depends on the circumstances. For one specific one, definitely. For another specific one, probably. For still another, highly likely, but dependent upon circumstances. For most, no.

    Thing is, the first two, and many be even the third, wouldn't need me to. :) Strong, confident women able to take care of themselves turn me on.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Inside the club, of course I would. Us PL's are assholes!
    Outside the club she's on her own, because more than likely it will be deadbeat BF or baby-daddy type drama, and she just brought that shit on herself.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Closed casket. And please bury me with a picture of the DS in my favorite black dress. She knows the one I'm talking about.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    Depends on level me and stripper are on. Otherwise it's no.

    Once in the club stripper had came to sit on me and if I recall correctly a customer walks by and grabs her butt or something. They get into it, just arguing. I thought should I intervene, but eventually the stripper won/settled the dispute.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    I hope I would. I've done it before.

  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    I was in Las Vegas at the Rhino many years ago.... could be close to 10 not sure.

    Anyways... I was in a booth with a few guys with bottle service and the booth next to us was a dancer and a guy. After awhile I could hear the dancer saying... Stop it, NO, STOP IT, STOP IT, and I looked over and I see her throw the guy off her and the guy went right back at her and slapper her. I jumped up grabbed the guy and gave him two quick ones to the face before the bouncers showed up. The bouncers grabbed me and the other guy. The dancer spoke up and said I stopped the guy from hitter her again and the bouncers let me stay in the club. Well lets just say that the dancer and I finished the guys paid for bottle and then we had some fun and it was all a freebie!!! I wish I would have know about this site back then or I wish I would have had more club knowledge because I think I left OTC on the table that day.... I am such an idiot.

    But I would do it again in a heart beat. nobody should ever lay hands on a woman. You can restrain them if they are beating on you. But if you are a real man you sit and take it or walk away.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "Closed casket. And please bury me with a picture of the DS in my favorite black dress. "

    Okay John, will do. Now we just need to set someone up to make sure it happens that way, besides of course your DS.

    Based on the stuff you post, never know when such arrangements might be needed.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Watch out for "san_jose_gay", its just that worthless good for nothing Meat72 / DoctorPhil, always trying to drive me off of this board. He says as much. So please read posts carefully.

    Who's the fella owns this shit hole?



  • CaraLynn87
    8 years ago
    any female should be defended that was being manhandled. i am on the wrong side of feminists on most every issue. this is one.
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