Advice Needed

avatar for jackslash
I met a new dancer named Chastity at a Detroit show club on Monday. She stood out because she was so young and innocent. It turned out that she was only 18 and this was her first night working in a strip club. With her honey-blonde hair and natural C-cups, she was very popular, and customers kept taking her upstairs to the VIP booths.

Being desperate to get some dances from her, I tipped her $50 the next time she came on stage. That caught her attention. However, when we went to VIP I found I had to teach her how to do a lap dance. She sat tentatively on my knees, and she pushed away my hands when they began to roam. When I offered her $300 to feel her tits, she burst into tears. She told me she wasn’t that kind of girl and did not like me making her feel like a prostitute. I felt bad about being so insensitive.

I invited her out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. She was very reluctant, but finally agreed when I said I would pay her $500 for a dinner date.

So last night she met me at Red Lobster. We had a nice conversation over our meal. Chastity told me she liked older men. Young guys, she said, are immature and do not treat girls considerately and respectfully like I did.

Chastity explained to me why she had started dancing. She had graduated from high school and hoped to go on to college, but she had little money. Then her mother had been diagnosed with cancer. Although she was very hesitant, she decided to try dancing in a show club just long enough to pay for her mother’s operation. The operation cost $6000, and she told me that if I could give her $3000 toward the operation, she would be eternally grateful to me.

So I need some advice. Do you think I should give her $3000? Or should I give her the full $6000 to make sure she will like me and become my girlfriend?


last comment
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Are you crazy?
avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
JohnSmith would suggest $12000. I mean, money is really of secondary importance when you're talking about a real 18-yr-old GF.
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
If you balling like a rockstar do it. If you do, let me know which girl it is so I can make sure to avoid her. By paying that huge ass premium you just elevated her ego to a whole new level that us regular "middle-class" folk just cannot compete with.

Realistically, she's trying to play you hard. She doesn't like old men, she probably has people pay premium prices just for roaming and she's probably been on more than one date with a "mature" man before (who incidentally are even less mature than young men because they're own ego is through the roof). You do realize they make payment plans for these sorts of things right? She can also get a loan and pay it off if she really wanted to help her mama on her own. I'm sure she's heard of that.

BUT if you really feel like helping her mother, make sure YOU do it and don't give the money in her hand. If she really needs help she'll allow it otherwise she's, what we call in the urban community, "finessing" you.
avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
I'm pretty sure this is satire people.


avatar for DaOnion
9 years ago
April Fools!
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
Of course the full 6k should be given at the least
avatar for happylap
9 years ago
To quote the tuscl disclaimer: "Eveything you read on this site is a work of fiction."
avatar for happylap
9 years ago
I misquoted. It's "Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction."
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
Yep. :)
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
What, you guys lie sometimes ?? I'm so confused .
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
Haha I think I've heard a similar story before sad part was mine was true. Only difference was it wasn't red lobster and it wasn't in Detroit! Lol
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
I love the details on this April Fool! Like the fact that the dinner date was Red Lobster! Brilliant!
avatar for Rabbit21
9 years ago
You gotta go for the $6000. Also the choice of Red Lobster as a fancy restaurant is absolutely solid.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Nice try Jack!
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Do not give her any money. Just PM me her number and I'll take care of everything.
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
Red Lobster is a fancy restaurant?
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Set up a monthly sugar baby allowance. Whether the relationship is platonic or sexual is up to you two. If she's new, offer $3K/mo and see if she bites ....
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
Your mistake was going to a show club

If you had gone to a dive club, the operation would have only cost $3000
avatar for Eagle1191
9 years ago
Oh I think you should pay it all in cash, this girl seems so real about her troubles, surprised she asked for such a low amount of money.
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
Let's do a three way with her. You fuck her in the ass while she licks my cloaca until I cum in her mouth. I'll also slap her titties around with my wings. That's the ticket! Squawk!
avatar for skibum609
9 years ago
I am hoping for your sake you made this up Jack because it is simply one of the most pathetic things I have ever heard and after 33+ years as a divorce and criminal attorney that is astounding.
avatar for rick33
9 years ago
and because she cant afford gas, you should give her a tesla so she can visit the hospital. Oh, and a house and garage for it.
avatar for warhawks
9 years ago

Strange. I've heard similar stories.

Although the ones I heard were with their car needing a new transmission.

And a boyfriend who killed himself so she needed money for the funeral (no joke I was actually told that).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
With the particular variables involved in this story I feel you would get more-proper advice if you posted your question on StripperWeb – I’m sure the SW ladies would tell you exactly how much is fair to give this poor young girl going thru this unfortunate situation.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I think you should adopt her and help her until she can be independent and on her feet.
avatar for clubdude
9 years ago
This must be an April Fools joke!!
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
-->"This must be an April Fools joke!!"

It definitely is. Jack usually doesn't have this much self control, he'd just front her the entire 6 large
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
Well done! That was nicely thought out - and very funny too! Thanks for the laugh.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
9 years ago
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
Come on, guys -- it's jackslash, veteran strip club hound. Of *course* it's satire!
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
My favorite part is her name is Chastity.
avatar for JohnBuford
9 years ago
Well played. My jaw was dropping and I was mouthing "WTF" until...duh.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
Too funny
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