
I don't like to repeat mistakes

New Jersey
I've been doing this for over 35 years. Most of the time it has been great fun. A few events were unpleasant and a few bad enough to make me change how I do things.

I haven't discussed this hobby of ours with anyone in a few years but years ago I did. It turns out some guys have big mouths when drunk or when the wife is yelling at them they blurt out something, anything to deflect the attack. I decided many years ago to shut up about what I do. Someone can catch me in the club and I will deny it the next day or if forced to admit it at work will stick to the story it was my first time in years. I can discuss things here and on another site leaving out a few key details. Just in case someone here knows me.

I don't use motels for OTC. About 30 years ago, as my companion and I were leaving a room her former dealer saw her and came running over. He had been making a delivery to another room. She owed him money. I stayed nearby not knowing what to do. I thought I could not get more uncomfortable as they argued until i saw a cop pull into the lot. I was partly relieved and partly scared shitless I'd be involved in a drug or prostitution bust. They reached some agreement and she went to her car and I to mine without another word. The cop asked me if everything was OK. i told him I had been sleeping off one too many beers and when I came out I saw those two and decided to wait for them to leave before I went down the stairs to my car. He followed me out of town.

A former coworker that told me of some fun places in Newark, (I miss Al's) had been the victim of an assault when he told a woman what room to come to. This was a woman he had a long term relationship with for services. He does not know why she did it this time but instead of her at the door, it was her and two guys. He gave them the money he had but they still slapped him some. She never answered his pages and he never saw her in her usual clubs again. He believes she went back to Brazil.

I've checked into rooms and when I got to the room it was unusable for one reason or another. It stank. It had single beds. Missing curtains. Going to get that fixed eats into time we have together.

The list is long.

I am interested in any misadventures you've had and how you keep them form happening again.


  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Is this the SJG of the east?
  • K
    9 years ago
    SJG? I just read about him on another thread. He isn't well liked. If I am being compared to him I assume I have over stepped somehow. I apologize.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    You have relevant points to follow. SJG is short on content
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    You'd have to write a whole lot more than that to be truly comparable to one of SJG's posts.

    One of my biggest misadventures was stumbling out of a topless bar in the wee hours of the morning with my no-good friends and having my wife pull into the parking lot just then, looking for me. It did not end well.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    K - I'm a late starter having been at it only 18 or 19 years, but at age 70 I've got lots & lots of stories - some funny, some pathetic, and many where I wish there was a reset button.
    I have always strived to use fairly good hotels - Holiday Inns, Hiltons, & Marriott. I've joined their clubs and collect points with every visit and occasionally get a free night. Security is usually good and if you act as if you're in charge, no one questions what you're doing.
    My biggest mistake has been repeatedly getting too close to a dancer and being drawn into her drama. ( I.e., last week my ATF called me at 8:00 pm and asked me to drive 100 miles to post $2600 bail. Her mother Western Unioned me $2500 and I got a neighbor to be a companion & get my wife with Alzheimer's to bed. Have you ever tried to collect $2500 cash from a WU outlet at 9:00 pm? I got her out of jail and got a wonderful blowjob on the way home, but I never should have let myself get into that situation in the first place).
    Lately I've been seeing two dancers at their homes instead of a hotel. Good news, bad news - one is a 3rd floor walk up with the steepest narrowest staircase I've ever seen. I'm totally winded when I arrive, she smokes weed incessantly. The other is living in a sober rooming house and we have to be very quiet. I never knew how much I groaned & moaned while getting blown.
    Feel free to share your successes, failures, pleasures and conquests. Read JS69's postings if you're worried about bragging. Lol
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    My close calls involve Mother Nature driving back and forth in rural areas. Last year at night, I was driving down a two lane road just a few miles from home about 55 right at the speed limit and suddenly saw a tree down in the wet road. I initially hit my brakes and decided I didn't have time to stop before hitting it but that there might be enough room on the muddy shoulder of the road to get by. I kept two tires on the road hitting the top of the tree while mostly on the shoulder hoping I didn't go flying down into a swamp or get my car all scratched up hitting the tree. Somehow I got through it all without a scratch on my car.

    Other nights deer ran out in front of me. A couple of times, I saw lots of lights. Apparently some people find a way to get into horrendous crashes on a divided highway with almost no traffic late at night at least once every few years. Apparently there are retards, drunks, or idiots who pull out into these quiet roads without bothering to look for traffic. I know because I had to dodge a truck one night when he pulled out almost right in front of me and either didn't look or didn't care to look. A couple seconds later and I would have hit him at about 55 mph.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    "Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes."-- Oscar Wilde
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I've visited many drug dealers. They were the worst neighborhoods I've ever been to in my life. But I never interact with the dealers cause the DS says they will think I'm a cop. She handles everything.

    Nothing has ever happened but I keep a Glock with me in the car just in case. I have often wondered what I'd do if she went in the apartment and didn't come out. I guess I'd have to call the cops cause I'd definitely be killed if I walked in there.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    K, I just meant you were kinda rambling like SJG is known to do.

    I have many misadventures but luckily mine never involved law enforcement - I'll have to think one up for you and post it.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I read K's entire post which I've never managed to do with SJG. BTW, is SJG gone? I haven't been paying much attention here lately.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    Your post was under 5,000 words and relevant.

    Any comparison to SJG is invalid.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    Most of my early misadventures involved me not knowing the difference between being a nice guy/doormat vs. being respectful yet assertive. I fell for a lot of SS.

    Also, I've learned to pay more attention to my Spidey sense rather than my libido (that took a while...).
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