Someone told me the other day that retirement communities and nursing homes are full of people sleeping around. So, if you live past 60 and are in good health, you could be a stud, with all of these Bettie White types chasing you. Kind of like a college dorm, but the women outnumber the men, and everyone is old.
"WHAT is happening in retirement communities, assisted living facilities and nursing homes? You might imagine quiet reading, crossword puzzles, bingo, maybe some shuffleboard. Think again. Think about sex — unsafe sex."
Women outnumber men in retirement homes like 10 to 1 - so it may be wise for you to quit blacking out every night on Joose and stick around for awhile.
Health before age 50 is largely genetics. Health after age 50 is mostly habits.
And the people who join the group I am forming will, besides having a very high level of financial security and life long education so that they don't go senile, they will also get total pussy saturation 365 days per year. So they should have the greatest chance of having a very happy old age. :)
Man, the key is, keep having fun, whatever your age. Life doesn't end at 60 or any other arbitrary age. Quit having fun, and you will die, sooner rather than later.
In your 60s, you can be retired, all the pressures of making a living are gone, and you are free to have fun. Whether your hobby is chasing strippers, or running your boat, or woodworking, or playing championship shuffleboard, just do it.
Lol.. i feel you guys...i doubt i will see much past 65 but that's because i will start taking steroids, viagra and many other drugs just to stay young at the old ages of 50-60...i believe that along with my life time battle with depression will eventually take me out
I'm 56 and play in a rock band, am in a golf league, have adequate sexual exploits, money to live on even if I'm no farmerart, have a book on backwards time travel that I'm writing, and a million other things going on in my life. Age is a number and a state of mind as long as you are healthy. My recent brain tumor made me much less interested in age. Here i am now - carpe diem.
When I was in my 20's, I thought if I ever lived to 50 I would just be willing to die. What would the point be to living after that? But now I've lived past 50 and past 60, and I have no desire to check out. I'm in good health and I'm enjoying life more than ever. Strippers provide me with all the sex I can handle.
Genetics speaking i could live to see 95-100 most of the ppl on my mom and dad side my family all live to those ages regardless how they lived their lives
I just hope if i do i will still be visiting the clubs
Dude, you are selling yourself short! In addition to bedding Bettie White types every night, you could be raking pots off of inexperienced 21 year old poker players. The future is bright.
I'm 61 and ran my first marathon when I was 57. You just start living at 50! The girls at the clubs love us older guys! Stay in half decent shape and it'll be a blast!
I've got a good 15 years before I'm 50 and My goals by then is to have at least a Bachelor's degree and at or damn near six figures so i can see how clubbing will be a blast..hell I've been buying up stock and building a401k and all kinds of shit just for my future self to club i do see the point...hell i still feel like im in my 20s
I'm past 60 actually 62 and I feel like a kid most of the time, I think having good luck is an important part of living well. By that I mean the kind of luck you make for yourself by getting out and doing things, not standing around and waiting for things to happen. One of the most important things for me is having a large group of friends, they help me to keep active, with golf, clubbing, and various other social activities to join into. Expanding on your other thread about materialism, I believe that having nice things and being in a position to help those people that you care for also contributes to your well being and has some bearing on your longevity. After all a little luxury is a way of making yourself feel good, that doesn't mean you need to be wealthy, but rich or poor its always nice to have a few bucks to spend when you want.
"Man, the key is, keep having fun, whatever your age. Life doesn't end at 60 or any other arbitrary age. Quit having fun, and you will die, sooner rather than later."
A fucking men. I agree with this statement so strongly that I just pasted it into my high journal.
The strippers all tell me that you only as old as you act. So I drive a manual 430HP Mustang GT. But aging does come with health problems. Tomorrow I see a specialist at Emory Hospital about the cancerous gum tissue that popped up recently. But Thursday I am entertaining a 21 yo stripper at my house. Can't let the little things bother me. And I don't worry too much about STDs.
Juice, every time you drink a Four Loko it takes 3 months off your life.
50 is not old, I used to think it was but now that I am older I understand. Juice, you and I are about the same age...
I play basketball and the current group I play with are all aged 50-60 with 1 guy in his late 40s and 1 guy over 60. They are more intense than the high school and college guys I used to play with. They may not be as fast or as accurate as the younger guys, but I have never played with anyone that is so intense and passionate. it's fun, but man there are a lot of fouls!!!
When I'm 70+ I will hopefully have grandchildren to come visit me (I don't even have kids yet lol), be retired and rich, still smoke blunts, and live in a beautiful Victorian home in the country with acres of land, sipping spiked lemonade from my wrap-around porch. Life will be fine.
Im actually looking forward to getting older because of having more money and the ability to be more comfortable. I figured 40s - 50s should be fun. It's true due to modern medicine ppl are living much older and staying healthy longer. So maybe i really should be asking now is if 80s and 90s worth it ? Lol
There have been many improvements in quality of life for folks as they age. The 60's can be a very active age for most folks in this country. If you take decent care of your body - you should be just fine.
I think there are a few things that can significantly shorten a life (and contribute to a poor quality of life) - such as smoking every day, drinking several drinks each day, being in a very stressful job, becoming significantly obese, and drug abuse. Family history of disease is not good - but there's little you can do about that.
The best things are laughing, being positive, getting outdoors, and eating a relatively healthy diet.
When we're in our 60's I still fully expect us to be fucking like rabbits. Hell, 70, 80, 90...until one of us is on our deathbed. Mrs sea always says if she goes first she'll be on her death bed and I'm going to try and fuck her one last time.
She's in her 30's and I'm in my 40's. When I was in my 20's I looked at people in their 40's and thought they were OOOOLLLLDDDDD and must be just getting ready to give up and die. Now that I'm in my 40's I see that really I'm in my prime and actually feel like my life is starting. I still feel and do everything like I'm 25. People look at me and always think I'm 10 years younger than I really am. People think she's several years younger than she is as well. I think we keep each other young because we are the opposite of the majority of every other married couple with kids. We're in the best shape we've ever been, healthier than we've ever been and it just keeps getting better.
Unconditional love and daily sex is the fountain of youth.
Whether you or Mrs. Sea die first just leave the other on by the roadside. My buddies and I will enjoy the meal.
I'm also open to a threesome as long as your Mrs. Sea is hot enough and you keep your intromittant organ away from me. I don't do any gay stuff. I'm a heterosexual vulture after all.
Mind you, I'm used to top shelf hairless ape pussy. My lion bud gets the best! That's the ticket!
I'm 70 years old and in the past 9 days have fucked a 23 year old, a 28 year old and a 30 year old. In between I got a BBBJCIM from a 26 year old. Does that answer your question?
Juice !!! WAKE UP !!! You are in a dream state. I just turned 63, yes, I have health issues, but so what ??? I have a vigorous sex life, I live comfortably on my SS retirement plus savings and investment. You are what you make of yourself. Don't sell your self short. On the other hand, this guy with horns I know says he wants to make you an offer. :)
Many recent studies site that many people are happy, or even their happiest, in their 60s (assuming they have decent health).
As others have mentioned; by one’s 60s they are often past many of the pressures of life such as building a career; maintaining a marriage; and rearing kids; often times they have more free-time and enough $$$ to just have fun.
If you're depressed, get out and do some walking or exercise, min 30 minutes if you can handle it. Exercise releases natural endorphins and will make you feel better if you're not about to keel over already. If you need extra motivation, try to find something fun to do like walking in a park with college girls jogging in short shorts or find a buddy to walk with if possible.
The honest to God truth I've found is that the more money I make the less I have to go clubbing. You start having more goals with higher incomes and that comes with a price so you end up saving more. If you're like me who had to grow up busting his ass just to make enough to have a place to sleep and eat some meals, u never take money for granted as you never want to go back to the poor house.
I suspect when Juice gets his Batchelor's degree making 6 figures he will understand the irresponsible choices related to club life and only go for special occasions, like birthdays or holidays and maybe random outings with the guys. I myself can only stand the club environs for brief periods of time due to magnificent amount of fake personalities and immense stupidity from the strippers and wanna be players. I can handle a professional working her craft intelligently, but the old saying "don't bullshit a bullshitter" hits home to me when these girls try giving me lame ass sales pitches. Just because some think they're pretty doesn't give them a pass to say anything they want and do whatever without any recourse.
Save your money until you have the means to not work any more as there will always be cheap whores looking for an easy trick, because these strippers are content knowing there are old perverts desperate for sexual favors. When you're younger you can get civilian ass for free, so I only go clubbing for a few dances for variety in my life.
last comment"WHAT is happening in retirement communities, assisted living facilities and nursing homes? You might imagine quiet reading, crossword puzzles, bingo, maybe some shuffleboard. Think again. Think about sex — unsafe sex."
And the people who join the group I am forming will, besides having a very high level of financial security and life long education so that they don't go senile, they will also get total pussy saturation 365 days per year. So they should have the greatest chance of having a very happy old age. :)
Reasonable Efforts…
In your 60s, you can be retired, all the pressures of making a living are gone, and you are free to have fun. Whether your hobby is chasing strippers, or running your boat, or woodworking, or playing championship shuffleboard, just do it.
I'm 64 and proud of it.
I just hope if i do i will still be visiting the clubs
My goals by then is to have at least a Bachelor's degree and at or damn near six figures so i can see how clubbing will be a blast..hell I've been buying up stock and building a401k and all kinds of shit just for my future self to club i do see the point...hell i still feel like im in my 20s
Just really think alot some times
I'm past 60 actually 62 and I feel like a kid most of the time, I think having good luck is an important part of living well. By that I mean the kind of luck you make for yourself by getting out and doing things, not standing around and waiting for things to happen. One of the most important things for me is having a large group of friends, they help me to keep active, with golf, clubbing, and various other social activities to join into.
Expanding on your other thread about materialism, I believe that having nice things and being in a position to help those people that you care for also contributes to your well being and has some bearing on your longevity.
After all a little luxury is a way of making yourself feel good, that doesn't mean you need to be wealthy, but rich or poor its always nice to have a few bucks to spend when you want.
A fucking men. I agree with this statement so strongly that I just pasted it into my high journal.
50 is not old, I used to think it was but now that I am older I understand. Juice, you and I are about the same age...
I play basketball and the current group I play with are all aged 50-60 with 1 guy in his late 40s and 1 guy over 60. They are more intense than the high school and college guys I used to play with. They may not be as fast or as accurate as the younger guys, but I have never played with anyone that is so intense and passionate. it's fun, but man there are a lot of fouls!!!
As long as you're healthy just keep going! I plan to live a long and brilliant life!
That's the ace way to do thing! ;)
I think there are a few things that can significantly shorten a life (and contribute to a poor quality of life) - such as smoking every day, drinking several drinks each day, being in a very stressful job, becoming significantly obese, and drug abuse. Family history of disease is not good - but there's little you can do about that.
The best things are laughing, being positive, getting outdoors, and eating a relatively healthy diet.
She's in her 30's and I'm in my 40's. When I was in my 20's I looked at people in their 40's and thought they were OOOOLLLLDDDDD and must be just getting ready to give up and die. Now that I'm in my 40's I see that really I'm in my prime and actually feel like my life is starting. I still feel and do everything like I'm 25. People look at me and always think I'm 10 years younger than I really am. People think she's several years younger than she is as well. I think we keep each other young because we are the opposite of the majority of every other married couple with kids. We're in the best shape we've ever been, healthier than we've ever been and it just keeps getting better.
Unconditional love and daily sex is the fountain of youth.
Whether you or Mrs. Sea die first just leave the other on by the roadside. My buddies and I will enjoy the meal.
I'm also open to a threesome as long as your Mrs. Sea is hot enough and you keep your intromittant organ away from me. I don't do any gay stuff. I'm a heterosexual vulture after all.
Mind you, I'm used to top shelf hairless ape pussy. My lion bud gets the best! That's the ticket!
As others have mentioned; by one’s 60s they are often past many of the pressures of life such as building a career; maintaining a marriage; and rearing kids; often times they have more free-time and enough $$$ to just have fun.
I suspect when Juice gets his Batchelor's degree making 6 figures he will understand the irresponsible choices related to club life and only go for special occasions, like birthdays or holidays and maybe random outings with the guys. I myself can only stand the club environs for brief periods of time due to magnificent amount of fake personalities and immense stupidity from the strippers and wanna be players. I can handle a professional working her craft intelligently, but the old saying "don't bullshit a bullshitter" hits home to me when these girls try giving me lame ass sales pitches. Just because some think they're pretty doesn't give them a pass to say anything they want and do whatever without any recourse.
Save your money until you have the means to not work any more as there will always be cheap whores looking for an easy trick, because these strippers are content knowing there are old perverts desperate for sexual favors. When you're younger you can get civilian ass for free, so I only go clubbing for a few dances for variety in my life.