
Attn conservative nuts-give me all your guns. Surrender peacefully.

Can't have you sick fucks with guns when Isis strikes and the thugs invade your homes.


  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    Hmm. Guns help against thugs but against Daesh (fka ISIS aka ISIL) they tend to also use bombings, no? So guns are only half the equation. Luckily no one is outlawing ownership of multiple large dogs. BBDs (big black dogs) are VERY effective against thugs almost moreso than guns. Dogs are also reasonable effective against Daesh. So I vote for more civilian dog ownership.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Gun ownership is a price we pay for freedom, but can't we at least have some stricter background checks?
  • Clubber
    9 years ago

    BAD GUYS DON'T OBEY LAWS!!! And as of now, we can't "label" anyone as a crazy, thanks to the left!
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Clubber, it's not the bad guys that scare me, it's my nutty law abiding neighbors.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I can accept reasonable background checks. I had a background check last month when I bought an AR-15. But I object to the creeping increase of regulations that don't even help to keep guns out of the hands of bad guys. The anti-gun lobby demonizes gun owners and would love to ban guns altogether.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    Rockstar666, I have no problems with reasonable background checks either. I don't have a problem is registration either (although may do have issue with it, some is paranoia and some of it isn't). The claim is criminals don't follow laws, which is only partly true. There are criminals that try the buy guns from legit outlets (stores or gun shows). So not all criminals are buying guys out of the backs of car trunks on the street. Some of the vocal opposition is from gun sellers who feel EVERYONE should buy a gun, even those who would fail a background check (career criminals and felons, mentally unstable persons, etc).

    While I get the whole Second Amendment to be US Constitution thing, some of that is just crazy loony and downright reckless WRT public safety. I mean for fucks sake.

    I am definitely with you on background checks.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    jackslash, under Obama we've had a creeping DECREASE of regulations. Not that I'm giving him credit for that, but it's a fact.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    You can pry my guns from my cold dead fingers
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I'm not interesting in getting off by stroking the metal barrel, or hearing the sound or seeing the muzzle flash. I think that is ridiculous. It is an excuse for effective action, and for real sex.

    I mean if I wanted to train with a gun, there are places where this can be done, and places can be licensed.

    And then keeping one in your home, by about a 4x ratio they are used for bad instead of good. There are other tactics one can learn for dealing with criminals. Guns all around increases the risk of problems. 15k killings per year!. Right now low life criminals have guns because so many people get off on having them around, so guns are everywhere. In places like the UK, criminals with guns are extremely rare.

    If I ever have cause to use a gun, it isn't going to matter if owning guns is legal or not. I wouldn't be a low life criminal, and I wouldn't be a guy who gets off on having gun either. But fantasing about this, getting off on the sound and the flash, is just an escape. It amounts to what people do punching pillows in their psychotherapist's office. I mean really, one guy punches pillows and screams at them, and another guy blasts holes in targets on the pistol range. What is the difference, if that is all they are every going to do? It is a celebration of impotence.

    And then if you are going to do more, then it doesn't matter if guns are legal or not.

    There are serious threats out there, and I deal with them everyday. But a gun would only get me into serious trouble. I deal with operative threats in the political sphere, 365 days per year. Today I am emailing elected office holders and presenting them with an allegation which could be seen as criminal, pertaining to a meeting coming very soon.

    But as far as guns, very hard to convince people to pick up arms when they still have access to courts and the ballot box. So if you use one, you're either just a suicidal lone nut, or your a guy who gets off on the cold metal and is lost in some nutty fantasy.

    You want to know how people use guns when they lose courts and the ballot box, and so it is necessary, watch Blood of Others:

    Those guys who took over the wildlife refuge or whatever in Eastern Oregon? They're just clowns, fighting against a bogus enemy, putting on theatre, because they know that being White they are not likely to get into any trouble.

  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    I wasn't going to respond but I agree with sjg's last paragraph (didn't read all of it, just skimmed through). That thing in Oregon would not have dragged on as long it did if that was minorities. There would have been a shootout a while ago.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    White people with guns is seen as theater. They usually don't get into any trouble, and this is why they do it. They aren't actually protesting against the government, they are protesting that they don't have completely unilateral power.

  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    To Chessmaster Except for there was a shootout a few weeks back and one of the nuts was killed and this morning it was reported that Cliven Bundy was arrested and faces serious charges that could lead to life in prison.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    To sjg Idiot there more guns around than you have any idea, guns are not brandished by normal people, using guns as theatrical props can get you killed regardless of your ethnicity.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Well usually White guys don't get into any trouble over silly posturing with guns. But this is starting to change.

    Here is how people use guns when they really are necessary. And no, it does not make the least bit of difference whether they are legal or not.

    Blood of Others

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Yes, lots and lots of guns around, and this is a big factor in why we have such a high rate of gun violence.

    And yes, lots of people, mostly white people, really get off sexually on fondling their guns.

  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I assume you are a white guy, how about you head to downtown San Jose with a shotgun in your hands we can test your hypothesis.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    ^^^See which happens first you come in your pants, you get arrested, or shot. Do you want to take that bet?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Well in San Jose someone carrying a gun around would run into trouble. One of the reasons for this is the Mulford Act.


    See, there was a time when a group of Blacks decided to carry guns around. That terrified the authorities, and so they passed a restriction. If were only whites, then nothing would have happened.

  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    San Jose is gang infested. Mexicans, Crips, Asians.They have guns. Concentrate on them SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    That is gross exaggeration. I remember when Joseph McNamara was SJPD Chief. He refused even start any anti-gang unit. No reason to pay that sort of homage to gangs.

    San Jose has a very low crime rate compared with other cities of comparable size.

    People of all different races live in harmony.


    I've actually been trying to draw attention to this 1980 document, commissioned by a predecessor to the Re-Development Agency. It is a highly racist document, and it is all about a supposed "gang" problem. It is the blue prints to the "New San Jose", the attempt to turn the city into a theme park.



    AMORC, Vowel Sounds, H. Spencer Lewis, Park and Naglee San Jose, 1939 or earlier
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Looks like sjg is just talking out of his ass as usual if he believed his own statements he would have taken my bet LOL
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I told you, the Black Panthers carried guns around. Whites were terrified, so that was outlawed. Never any issue when Whites were carrying guns around, only Blacks.

    So today there are restrictions in California about guns. But I know for certain that San Jose has a much lower gun violence rate than other cities of comparable size.


    Rosicrucian Mysteries, Max Heindel, Oceanside California
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    I read something yesterday that I can agree with: "If I have 10 guns and the Government demands I turn in 2 of them, how many guns do I have? That's right, 10."
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    Lol @ Covus! Preach!

    Those days are the reason we need 30 round capacity mags.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Silly people, holding onto guns, and for no reason. White men tend to be like this.

    Watch this entire movie, see what guns are used for, and why it makes no difference if they are legal or illegal, or if you started out having any or not.



    Also Rocky Anderson of Salt Lake City

    Discussion of Front Room Makeout Sessions

    Jestrite50 on requirement of front room makeout sessions

    and here:

    Anyone ever seen this? It does not look good.

    Doors - The End
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    9 years ago
    One of the best blogs I've read by a former Marine on Force Recon and avid hunter on how the NRA has blatantly misrepresented the constitutionality of gun laws and gun violence in America:

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