
A draft excerpt from My Life with Strippers

layin low but staying high
I'm writing a book that has the working title My Life With Strippers. You guys are blessed (or cursed if you prefer) by functioning as a sounding board for the stories. This will take me quite a while to write because, believe it or not, I do have a full time job that does not involve writing sex stories. And I've only written for tuscl a small segment of my stories. But when I become famous and am on the talk show circuit, all of you can say that you knew me when I was just a pathetic little protégée of the LapDanceKing walking out of the club each night with sticky pants.

So here is the first draft of the introduction. Any respectful, constructive comments are welcome.

My Life With Strippers


"I met you down at the Seventh Veil. The first night that I got out of jail. Your lips were red and your skin was pale. You were the one that I wanted to nail.

I asked you for a table dance. You came over and put your hand in my pants. I ain't lookin for no wild romance."

Steel Panther, Stripper Girl.

The 19 year old redhead is slowly dancing to some random rap song. Rap crap is what I call it. I despise the music, but it's ok. In exchange for what she's doing for me tonight, I'd listen to Barry Manilow if I had to. She's one of the most gorgeous women that I've ever seen in my entire life. I consume her with my eyes -- her youthful smile, her tremendous breasts, her slender curves. You could cut the eroticism in my hotel room tonight with a knife.

She is wearing almost nothing. And what little bit she is wearing is being quickly removed to reveal the most enticing young female form that I can possibly imagine. This is my girl. Actually she's just one of my many girls. But she's my favorite. And she will do anything that I ask of her tonight. Sexually I mean. She will do everything I can imagine. She will also do some new things to me be with me that I previously couldn't even imagine. Young girls grow up quickly these days.

I remove my pants, and my soldier salutes in appreciation of the glorious sight before me. This is every man's dream. It's like your absolute favorite porn scene. You know, the kind of scene that you keep coming back to because the girl, the setting, the sex acts, are your perfect fantasy. Only for me, this is not just a fantasy. This is very very real. She takes my penis in her hands, slowly, teasingly moving it into to her mouth. She licks, and kisses, and ....

Sorry. I'm getting ahead of the story here. That's where I am today. But every story has a beginning, and this story didn't start out quite so glamorously. It all started for me in a dimly lit bar filled with loud Van Halen music. The place played lots of classic rock to appeal to its mostly middle aged and older male customers. These customers are seated throughout the place at little tables with two chairs. The second chair at some tables is occupied by a barely dressed young woman pretending to be intently interested in what the much older man across from her is saying. At other tables, the second chair is empty, and the the men's eyes stare off into the distance to events taking place in the room.

This place where I started this life could be any one of thousands of bars around America. Except that it has one feature that distinguishes it from most other bars. This place is filled with beautiful, young, naked women. This is a strip club. There's a main stage and two side, or satellite stages, each of which contains a woman who is either naked or in the process of removing her clothes. There are private couches in the corners, as well as more private rooms in the back. These are the places where the dancers will give lap dances to paying customers.

This environment is completely foreign to some people. Many will go through their entire lives and never step foot in such a place. But in this place, and dozens like it, I am completely at ease. I'm at home. I visit strip clubs at least once or twice almost every week. And I've done that for the past twenty years. I've been to all of the best strip clubs in the U.S., and I've also been to many of the not so best clubs.

On any given, I'll meet maybe a dozen or so young women who want to take their clothes off and let me play with their bodies. Unlike most other customers, however, I have gotten to the point where I know many of their real names and much much more about them. I've been to their apartments, I've met their drug dealers and their boyfriends (often the same guy), I've taken them on dates, I've gotten high with them, I've kept their pets while they are out of town, and I've helped them (with advice, money, and my time) to solve the types of problems that only strippers seem to get into. I take my favorite girls on week long trips to fun and exotic locations all over the world. A day never goes by that I don't have some type of interaction or communication with some of my strippers. In a very real sense, I live with strippers.

I've known literally thousands. Kelly, Lucy, Samantha, Alexis, Bambi, Mercedes, Cat, Ginger, Rose, Ivy, Candy, Sarah, etc. etc. The list could go on and on for pages. Some I forget as soon as I leave the club. Others I will remember fondly until I take my last breath. These young women function as my girlfriends. Sexually, in my bed, they are my perfect girlfriends. I've had literally dozens of these young women who will always do absolutely anything and everything that I want. Being with them is exactly like being in the middle of a porn video where I'm the male actor, and I'm also the director. We do everything that I want, however I want it, for as long as I want it. It's the ultimate sexual fantasy because these women are young, fit, gorgeous, and while we are together, they are all mine.

It's quite the understatement to say that I live a non-conventional lifestyle when it comes to sexual relationships. At any given time, I'm regularly having sex with a half dozen or so beautiful women, almost all of whom are significantly less than half my age. I'm always looking for more, and I'm very good at finding them. If I could find the time, I could easily have a dozen, two dozen, or even more regular young sexual partners. Most of my girls are in their late teens or early 20s, although upon occasion a late 20s or early 30s MILF might sneak into my harem. Some come and go quickly, while I remain with others for years. As a practical matter, the supply is endless. I try out new ones all the time but I can afford to be picky so most don't make the cut. I pay most of them, usually though not always in cash. And occasionally I meet one who won't accept payment of any type.

Confused? That's understandable. It can be quite a challenge to keep things straight when a guy who has passed middle age has intense sexual relationships with so many gorgeous young women. Some I see almost every week. Others I might see once every few months. Most live near me but others are scattered all over the country. The effort to maintain these relationships is tiring, and expensive, but the effort is worth it. I've had the most amazing sexual journey. It is light years beyond anything that I ever thought possible. This life just kind of snuck up on me. But I wouldn't trade it for anything.

The women I'm with are not escorts in the traditional sense of the term. I'm not saying that there aren't sometimes escorts working at certain strip clubs. Rather, I'm saying that the girls I date are not the escorts. And they are not the crack/meth/heroin addicted prostitutes who form a segment of many strip clubs. My girls are the girl next door type, usually college students or single moms with one or more young children. They don't advertise sex on the Internet, and they don't have sex with most men who would be willing to pay the going rate. My young women will occasionally have sex for money but most of them are very picky about who they do it with. I am sometimes the first (and occasionally the only) customer that they have sex with. Many have to be convinced that having sex with a customer is a line that they will be willing to cross. And even for those who have crossed that line before they met me, they only have sex with a very small number of customers so I must convince them that I'm the kind of older guy that they would be comfortable doing this with.

You may view strippers as drug addicted whores who sell their bodies because of some horrible abuse in their lives. If that's your view, I won't completely dispute that stereotype. There are some strippers who fit almost perfectly into that description. But those aren't the strippers that I live with. Strip clubs are also full of relatively normal young women who do a difficult job and do it well. At least they are as normal as they can be given that their job is to get naked for a roomful of men every night. They work to support a child, to pay the bills while they pursue some other interests, or to pay tuition. Yes, some strippers really are struggling college students. I know because I've paid their tuition bills and made their student loan payments. These girls aren't prostitutes in the traditional sense of the term. They take their clothes off for money, and they may let customers touch their bodies while they dance for them, but they don't fuck customers. At least they don't fuck most customers. But as you'll see from my story, many of them do fuck me.

Many of the men in a strip club want exactly what I want which is to take on or more of these beautiful women home and have them as their own for the night. But that doesn't happen often. The vast majority of male customers in most strip clubs will leave the club with blue balls. They will take care of this problem themselves at home, or in the car if they can't wait that long. Or some may have an orgasm with their pants on while a stripper grinds them in lap dances. The "lucky" ones may have a wife or girlfriend at home who won't understand why they are so horny but will be willing to help them out. But no matter what you've heard or imagine, most strippers don't have sex with customers. Older customers especially don't usually get to fuck strippers in most clubs.

But I'm not most customers. I never masterbate after visiting these clubs. And I never cum in my pants like some of the other guys. There is simply no need because I get to have what every man here wants. I have the dancers' bodies as my own. Many days I have my choice of several young women at a single club, all of whom are actively vying to be my sexual companion for the evening.

Obviously I'm not the first older guy with the idea of having sex with gorgeous young women like strippers. The Internet is full of advice for men claiming to tell them how to have sex with strippers. And almost universally this advice is worthless crap. Much of the advice comes from guys who once got a date with a stripper and became convinced as a result that they've got the perfect system for bagging strippers. For example, the worst "System" for fucking strippers that I ever read is a guy who was convinced that all he had to do was wear a white three piece suit to a strip club and throw money around like it grew on trees to everyone working in the club. In truth, the only thing such an approach will get most guys is an evening in uncomfortable clothes and an empty wallet.

Although the existing information on how to fuck strippers is mostly worthless, I am not writing this book to correct the existing information on the subject. This is not a "how to" book. While I will certainly discuss some of the mechanics of getting strippers as my sexual companions, I don't want to write a sex guide because what I do can't be reduced to a mechanical formula. Fucking gorgeous young women to the degree that I do is not simply a matter of saying or doing a set list of prescribed actions. It's much more complicated than that. Sure there are things that you should do and not do, and there are things that you should say and not say, but that's only the beginning. What I do is an art form, and art can't simply be learned from a book. Art is learned through experience.

I didn't plan this life. Who would imagine that a guy in his 50s, who maybe looks a little younger than his age but is otherwise fairly average looking, who is well off but not rich, could have a regular, intense, and amazingly satisfying sex life with lots of gorgeous, phenomenally desirable young women aged 18 to 25? For years of visiting strip clubs, I never imagined that such a life was possible. Like most guys, I just went to strip clubs because I wanted to see some naked women in person. And because sex with my wife was a desolate landscape. But strip clubs have now developed into so much more for me than just seeing naked young women.

Maybe you will envy me as a genius who has discovered nirvana. Or maybe my story will convince you that I'm a pathetic looser and a fool. Truth be told, I'm probably some of both. But genius or fool, I spend my life with strippers. And this is my story.

John Smith
Copyright 2016.


  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    But I'm not most customers. I never masterbate after visiting these clubs.

    That's masturbate, JS.

    Are you sure that you're not an SJG alter ego? That was kind of a long chapter!

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    It only looks long in an Internet post. For a book chapter it's a normal length.

    And it turns out my word processing dictionary doesn't include "masturbate." But no matter how you spell it I don't do it.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Aren't you going to make an attorney the hero of the story?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    25 WTF are you talking about. A lawyer is the hero. He's the one who gets all of the girls. But I can't mention that I'm a lawyer up front cause then half the people might just toss the book.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Just asking BTW
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    I think you need to rethink your marketing plan. You say that you're not selling a system, but to sell a book like this, you need to sell it as a system. What would your system look like? "High rolling lawyer turns on the charm and convinces hot young girls to have sex with him by spending lavish amounts of money on them and taking them to exotic places around the world."

    How many potential readers could identify with this system, let alone afford to implement it? Maybe a vanishingly small sample (<10) of people could. How many of these folks would have already tried something similar?

    Now the rickdugan's system may be flawed; it may be ridiculous; we may even find it amusing. Despite all of these issues, his system is far more marketable than yours! Why? It's because there are SO many PLs out there who are willing, nay, anxious to believe that merely buying and donning a white three-piece suit will transform them into Adonis, and by then spreading a little loot will get them laid one time in three. Yeah, I know, not a great average, but to your basic PL, it looks like a home run every time up to the plate. Actually, most major leaguers would kill just to get on base with that average.

    rickdugan's system may be a load of crap, but its an affordable, attainable load of crap, and that is its beauty. Look at all the self help/path to success/negotiate the best deal books out there. They're crap! A lot of them are also best sellers. They all appeal to the 99.9% who desperately desire success and just need the right system. Refocus your efforts on this demographic and you will find success, particularly if you can write with a totally trustworthy English accent, and you may well achieve success and notoriety!

    Wow! That there is some pretty darn good advice. I think I'll write a book about writing successful "be everything you want to be" books. I'll make a fortune!

    Copyright: ATACdawg 2016
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    I think you need to rethink your marketing plan. You say that you're not selling a system, but to sell a book like this, you need to sell it as a system. What would your system look like? "High rolling lawyer turns on the charm and convinces hot young girls to have sex with him by spending lavish amounts of money on them and taking them to exotic places around the world."

    How many potential readers could identify with this system, let alone afford to implement it? Maybe a vanishingly small sample (<10) of people could. How many of these folks would have already tried something similar?

    Now the rickdugan's system may be flawed; it may be ridiculous; we may even find it amusing. Despite all of these issues, his system is far more marketable than yours! Why? It's because there are SO many PLs out there who are willing, nay, anxious to believe that merely buying and donning a white three-piece suit will transform them into Adonis, and by then spreading a little loot will get them laid one time in three. Yeah, I know, not a great average, but to your basic PL, it looks like a home run every time up to the plate. Actually, most major leaguers would kill just to get on base with that average.

    rickdugan's system may be a load of crap, but its an affordable, attainable load of crap, and that is its beauty. Look at all the self help/path to success/negotiate the best deal books out there. They're crap! A lot of them are also best sellers. They all appeal to the 99.9% who desperately desire success and just need the right system. Refocus your efforts on this demographic and you will find success, particularly if you can write with a totally trustworthy English accent, and you may well achieve success and notoriety!

    Wow! That there is some pretty darn good advice. I think I'll write a book about writing successful "be everything you want to be" books. I'll make a fortune!

    Copyright: ATACdawg 2016
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    I think you need to rethink your marketing plan. You say that you're not selling a system, but to sell a book like this, you need to sell it as a system. What would your system look like? "High rolling lawyer turns on the charm and convinces hot young girls to have sex with him by spending lavish amounts of money on them and taking them to exotic places around the world."

    How many potential readers could identify with this system, let alone afford to implement it? Maybe a vanishingly small sample (<10) of people could. How many of these folks would have already tried something similar?

    Now the rickdugan's system may be flawed; it may be ridiculous; we may even find it amusing. Despite all of these issues, his system is far more marketable than yours! Why? It's because there are SO many PLs out there who are willing, nay, anxious to believe that merely buying and donning a white three-piece suit will transform them into Adonis, and by then spreading a little loot will get them laid one time in three. Yeah, I know, not a great average, but to your basic PL, it looks like a home run every time up to the plate. Actually, most major leaguers would kill just to get on base with that average.

    rickdugan's system may be a load of crap, but its an affordable, attainable load of crap, and that is its beauty. Look at all the self help/path to success/negotiate the best deal books out there. They're crap! A lot of them are also best sellers. They all appeal to the 99.9% who desperately desire success and just need the right system. Refocus your efforts on this demographic and you will find success, particularly if you can write with a totally trustworthy English accent, and you may well achieve success and notoriety!

    Wow! That there is some pretty darn good advice. I think I'll write a book about writing successful "be everything you want to be" books. I'll make a fortune!

    Copyright: ATACdawg 2016
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Well, crap. A bunch of very erudite advice just got trashed by the CPU God's! I may try again later if the system cooperates.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I think you've got a nice start there. There are some proofreading issues, but I wouldn't get too bogged down by comma usage yet.

    I agree the length is book chapter appropriate. It actually is short for a proper chapter, but fine for an into.

    I get that you're going for a conversational tone, and that's fine. Just make sure you stick to that tone through the whole thing .

    I'm not sure I'd focus so much on hating rap music so early. You can address that later, but you want to pull your reader in. Focus on what you like at first.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    John, I'll be happy to serve as your editor for this effort. I charge only 5% gross from all proceeds. Either way, I'm looking forward to the book.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    If it goes paperback i will actually buy your book john. And i want an autograph copy!
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Can I illustrate your book?
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Thanks for the advice. It'll probably just be an ebook, and I'm not really looking to make any real money out of it. But you never know.

    sc, I'll read that later when I have time. What is it?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I think JS69 is still trying to play it both ways. On the one hand he's going to bed with dream strippers. But on the other hand he's still rolling in $, professionally licensed, and spitting out conservative political views.

    How about the Mafia John, any contact with them yet? That would make your book more interesting.

    You should have come to the Super Bowl and then gotten to see how La Cosa Nostra has progressed from Carlos Marcelo of New Orleans, to Meyer Lansky, to Edward DeBartolo, and now to the Santa Clara's Mayor and City Council.

    Grand jury probe into Santa Clara Stadium Authority and Santa Clara City Manager Julio Fuentes with allegations of destruction of evidence:

    I know most of you guys didn't get to be at the stadium yesterday. So here's some great video footage I took:


    Jefferson Starship - "Jane" introduced by Father Guido Sarducci and Dawn
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    JS69, I approve the intro. I don't know what you plan for future chapters, but my advice is not to make your Life with Strippers seem too perfect. Perfection is boring. Include the trials and tribulations of hanging with strippers. Humorous incidents would also be good.

    Best of luck.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Theoretically *I* should be the editor. I was copy editor of my school's newspaper and won two awards for news stories I wrote (one was a sports article, the other an opinion piece of course). The lawyer I now work for is very comfortable with me typing all his briefs because I'm efficient, fast typer, and very badass at what I do.

    ^That's all true info btw but I'm sure you are quite capable of finding a qualified editor. Anyway, I didn't even read the thing (I'm sure I eventually will), but I skimmed through and it definitely doesn't seem too long for a chapter.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    What a load of crap. Can't believe I wasted 20 minuted reading this. You're so full of shit. Why have you not mentioned the fact you have to overpay these "dream strippers" to sleep with you? And I don't think anyone is buying how gorgeous these dream strippers are. Any idiot knows "dream strippers" don't put out. The original system is better than this trash any day. Nothing but LIES.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Only way you're banging "dream strippers" is if your in the NBA or a rapper.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    jack thank you, excellent advice. I'll include stripper mom wanting to date me, hotel security catching the DS and I smoking weed, the time the DS and I were so horny that I cut off some of her clothes because I couldn't untie them, the first and only time that I got sick on a DS date (I thought she was going to leave me), the time the DS ran away from me at airport security because she thought they caught me with weed, buying an underage teenager bucket loads of alcohol, midget shot guy, falling asleep at the stage while getting a massage of Mons Venus, mistakes in my porn videos, trying to attend a professional porn shoot, going into the mens room high and thinking I was in the women's room because strippers were hanging out at the urinals, the time I insisted upon paying the one that ended up being free girl, the excitement at my first ITC blow job, the Dses who got away, DS II being terrified that I was a cop on our first date when I asked her to strip, etc. The material is almost endless. But you are right that I need to not emphasis the perfect parts too much because it is definitely a very mixed bag. I may also include a few stores I've heard on here with permission: like the heroin overdose, the motorhome strip club tour, etc. etc.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Nina, you had the job until you admitted that you didn't read it.

    "I think JS69 is still trying to play it both ways. On the one hand he's going to bed with dream strippers. But on the other hand he's still rolling in $, professionally licensed, and spitting out conservative political views."

    I know, I know. I wrote the book on the futility of talking to the gravy sluggard. But apparently I'm too high to take my own advice.

    SJG, that makes absolutely no sense. How is fucking barely legal teenage strippers inconsistent with having a job and recognizing, as all conservatives do, that HIllary Clinton is a frigid, heartless, dishonest bitchy liberal who couldn't suck my dick if she paid me $10,000 for the privilege. My sexual practices with strippers, and my job and my conservative political views, have no connection and are in no way inconsistent with one another. Conservative lawyers can fuck beautiful young women. That's why they work so hard at their jobs.
  • HungryGiraffe
    9 years ago
    Cool start to what's sure to be a great read! Best advice so far was from jackslash -- keep it real.

    There are many ways to enjoy an unconventional "lifestyle" of fucking young chicks. One of the keys is disposable entertainment income. Interesting how lots of women get the "natural" idea that if a man can "afford" more than one woman, there's nothing wrong with it. Monogamy has its place, and its limits.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69 presents himself one way in his professional sphere and in front of his clients, and he lives a conservative life, at least when it comes to the priority he places on accumulating money.

    But the women he sticks his dick into live entirely different. More likely than not, their views are not well developed.

    A young man who wanted to live that way might be someone like J. Tony Serra.


  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    JS69: Though you're [allegedly] neither a masturbator nor a loser, you really need to learn how to spell these words. The verb "lose", in particular, is your bête noire. That being said, I enjoyed reading this excerpt and would read the whole book.

    SJG's post has even less relevance than usual, if that's possible.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69 is not all there. In particular he has just gone thru a divorce. He has just started on marijuana, and he is engagaging in heavy womanizing. He hasn't thought it through, he hasn't dealt with the pain, he isn't being open about what he believes in.

    He has a long journey before him, but he has not even started.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Deuce, I do most of my typing these days on a phone, or occasionally an iPad. The word processing and spell check functions are limited, as is my ability to proofread on the small screen. Long before I published anything, I would edit and closely proof the text on a laptop.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    SJG, if she knew the facts my wife would agree with you. That's clear proof that you're wrong again.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    John, it is unlikely that your ex-wife is that malicious or nutty. Rather it looks that way only because there is other stuff going on.

  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Good job.
    Obviously John is not pitching the book as a system. It's just a narrative of his experiences with strippers. As long as it's entertaining to read, that's all that matters.
  • RandomMember
    9 years ago
    Please change the title to

    "I'm a Lonely Aging Neurotic Mess"
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    John, I'm sorry to say that RandomMember is right on.

    Think what you want, but John you are not all there.

    I say eliminate the marijuana and get serious in thinking about how your marriage fizzled, and no it is not all because of your ex, and then think seriously about the remaining years of your life. And this can't be all about fucking strippers.

  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    Up front i'll say I don't have the time or desire to read all of that and I just skimmed through the replies.
    But, John I'm still kind of new here and I don't really know your history here and correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you fairly new to the strip club scene? Like just a few years as opposed to guys that have been clubbing for 20-30 years or more? No offense intended but no matter how much you've clubbed and spent in the past few years, if it's only been a few years I think a title of 'My Life With Strippers" is a bit disingenuous.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Random, thanks. That will make a good subtitle.

    SJG, you convinced me. I will stop smoking weed. Just as soon as Dougster sucks Rick's dick.

    OSU, I've been strip clubbing for 20 years. Well over 1/3 of my lfe.
  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    Thanks John, I stand corrected.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I thought about it last night. This song really fits the way JS69 is living right now.


    He isn't going to change until he is forced to because something happens and his money runs out.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I'm learning to fuck MILFS just in case the money runs dry.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^ A smart move and one of the more encouraging things I heard from you in many months.

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