
The "other " man

Older than dirt
So my ATF has never been my GF and has always been very up front with me about the other guys she's been boffing. There's one regular who has been seeing her almost as long as I (6 years). A couple of months ago we met due to his profession. It was clear he knew about me and I knew him.
A month passed and he called me to ask me to buy the ATF something on-line saying he doesn't "do computers". He gave me his credit card # and code. A few days ago he and I texted back & forth regarding her and also clarifying some lies she told us both. Well, this has continued and we've decided to meet for a drink. I don't know what to expect and yet it's a unique opportunity. Any thoughts on whether this is a stupid fucked up situation or not?


  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    yes, stupid fucked up.

    But hey, that's nothing new.

  • RTP
    9 years ago
    I don't think anything good can come from this, although you have already crossed that line.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    I wouldn't do it. Too much risk of drama.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    From the point of view of a tuscl reader: I am pretty sure there will be an awesome story arising from this epic meeting, and I unconditionally support it :)

    In all seriousness, though, I am the type who would consider the meeting just out of curiosity as to where it would lead -- knowing full well that doing so might be a fuckup. I believe some fun practical jokes on your shared ATF could be in the works as well. Then again, I'm the type who sometimes goes on a date with a woman who is showing some stop signs, just for the fun of it.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Eh, if you like information go for it. He obviously trusts you enough to let you use his credit card so I wouldn't sweat it. At the end of the day though, she's a hoe, you pay her for sex, don't be TOO shocked by what you hear. Seriously.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I think you will be fine, you're both older guys and I'm sure you and him can keep your cool. Obviously he trusts you enough to give out a CC number.

    One heads up, you both will be disappointed in the ATF when you figure out all the combined lies, and I certainly would advise both of you guys to not let the ATF know about the details of your conversation.

    Think of it this way - you may make a new buddy who is as adventurous as you are when it comes to women and clubbing.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Sounds like an interesting screen play.

    Insane he gave you his CC!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    There are often other, if not many other, guys, when it comes to dancers – even if some choose/think to believe they are thee one special custy w.r.t. a particular dancer.
    [just a general comment not meant at the OP]
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    Insane-yes. Stupid too.

    I'm looking forward to hearing how this turns out.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I think one often learns a lot from “networking” - IMO most-likely he's just a regular-guy like you that likes pussy and is willing to pay for it.

    You may have similar personalities/interests and you may click and if you don't then don't meet him again but perhaps you can meet a new buddy w/ similar interests w/ whom you can swap intel.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Yeah, I'm not against meeting in public for a drink
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Gawker I can always count on you and your ATF to make my relationship with DS I and II just a little less fucked up than it is. Thank you for that.

    This is truly a bizarre situation, right up there with video girl's mom wanting to date me. Objectively speaking, I think it's probably a bad idea. However, I suspect that DS I may have one other sugar daddy that she doesn't want me to know about. If I had the chance to meet him I could not resist doing so despite the drama risks.

    So go for it. And please tell us how it goes. The topics for discussion seem endless.

    Also, does she know about this. If not my guess is she shits her pants when she finds out. The DS certainly would.

  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I wouldn't be surprised if this other guy has an ulterior motive. Not sure what that is yet. Do let us know how it goes.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I think, you deal with this other guy, then it is just more of the same, triangulating around the girl. So there are you, this other guy, the BF, and the mother, and all are triangulating to try and compensate for what the girl does, instead of dealing with her directly.

  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    You must be pretty bored to sit around with another guy to talk about the same girl .Even if your're old. Even if she's a *provider*
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Sounds like the start of true bromance.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Are you ever gonna let her go?
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Sounds like the making of another incredible story that most of us could never dream up in our wildest days.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    The CC info he gave you was surely a prepaid card. At least I would think so.

    As for meeting with him, didn't you say you have already met him for work? What the hell, meet up with him and swap stories.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Go for it man, you guys are milk brothers.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Since I wrote this he texted that he has pictures to share. This is even more insane than you could make up. Now, there's a dancer at our favorite club that he was drooling over and she completely told him to fuck off and quit being a dickhead ( or so she told me). I just happen to have a full frontal completely naked shot of her taken in her bedroom ( clearly not a hotel). I think I'll let him just get a glimpse of it before showing him one taken off the ATF sucking my dick ( taken at an angle which makes my package look enormous).
    Seriously, this guy has deep pockets and the credit card was not a prepaid card. I needed to use it for an emergency at 3:00 am the next morning for another $800 on top of the $400 originally used. I texted him the next day saying if it was a problem, I pay him back and he said don't worry about it. Then a week later he wanted me to buy 2 tickets to a sold out concert (Imagine Dragons) for the ATF and her BF. I spent another $450 and he didn't bat an eyelash. I've now destroyed the card number & code ( I think).
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Meanwhile the ATF is back in rehab. I saw her on Saturday afternoon and the "other man" drove her to rehab on Sat. Night. On Sunday her BF hit me up for $20 for gas money to go into rehab at the same facility. She's able to make outgoing calls from the counselor's office and I expect she'll call me tomorrow. I fully expect her to go apeshit when she finds out we're meeting.
    During my last convo with him I suggested that he consider hiring a lawyer for her. She's currently under a one year "good behavior" continuance for 2 drug possession cases, is in default on 3 charges of driving without a license, 1 DUI, and one judgement to pay $4000 after an uninsured accident. He had recently bought her a $3000 car which she registered in a friend's name. Last week she went through a stop sign, t-boned another car, got out, packed up her belongings and walked away, called her friend and had him report the car stolen. I think she'll need a lawyer.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Lol, what the hell. Buying tickets for the boyfriend too? I guess you all have to be nice to him since he is sharing his girlfriend. You guys are too nice.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    What a train wreck! It would be so funny if you guys and the boyfriend took turns for conjugal visits.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    How cute! Your dating your ex strippers other boyfriend. Now you can cry on each others shoulders
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    She doesn't need to know you guys are meeting-up - you can agree to not tell-her.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    His ATF's pussy must be made out of gold for him to put up with everything she's put him through.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Estafador - "She's just a hoe" what a shitty attitude." Hoe lives matter" - don't you know? Seriously, 90% of the guys who write here pay for sex. Doesn't that put us on the same footing as those selling? We're no better than they are.
    Shadowcat - "Are you ever gunna let her go?" - probably when I'm on the other side of the grass unless I find another honey who orally pleases me the way she does. I love fucking but my real love is a wonderful blowjob. I'm sure Sigmund Freud has theories on why, but I just know my reality. I've found the perfect BJ ( for me) and I don't want to stop.
    Corvus - he's in a medical profession and I brought another stripper to him for a procedure ( he gave me a radically reduced rate for her work, too)
    Jackslash - I doubt if a "bromance" will arise , but who knows? What a 3-way that'd be!
    Mikey - you get into your 70's you've got to find your fun where you can. Yes. I am bored silly.
    SJG - your pessimism overflows. What makes you think we're "compensating" for what the ATF does? I'm not sure what that means, but it doesn't include starting a cult or having concubines serving our needs.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Walk on the Wild Side
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ Listen I never pay for sex, Crazyjoe & Motorhead foot my bills.

    Your stories never disappoint but I am sitting here reading this and thinking, wow - it takes two PLs to keep tabs on this girl and to attempt to keep her out of jail. That must be one amazing piece of ass that you guys are willing to combine your funds for her, and also willing to share her.
    I know your personal situation is unique, I wonder what his situation is and why he is willing to put up with this amount of bullshit as well?

    I'm not knocking you at all, you just always have some very interesting situations that 90% of the guys here don't have the balls, blood pressure or patience to deal with.

    BTW - all the amateurs would obviously think of a pre-paid card. C'mon ladies, a guy that 'doesn't do computers' isn't going to know the first thing about a pre-paid card, nor throwing the amount of money Gawker has mentioned... would have a care either.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Are you sure this guy and his stripper associates are not all colluding to bullshit you? And the credit card is not stolen?
  • Bigtallbonerboy
    9 years ago
    I know I said I would stop trolling and I will, but this gawker guy is just a little pussy man. Holy shit some people cry a lot.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    I bet gawker and his boyfriend make a cute couple...
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    I bet gawker and his boyfriend make a cute couple...
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I bauchi - read the fine print - I said PROFESSIONAL. He's got at least 21 years of education and I've got a couple of masters degrees. That doesn't make us smart - it makes us educated. I've been to his office; I've known of this guy for years. He has a long history of v, shall I say, unusual behavior.
    About 5 years ago my ATF found that someone had broken into her locker at the club and stolen several thousand dollars worth of costumes, shoes, etc. another dancer had been fired that night for using heroin at the club. Several months later my ATF was talking with this gent and mentioned the missing clothes and the prime subject. He said, why don't you come to my house, she's living with me and my wife. She did and recovered the purloined panties. This is no scam. We go to a gentlemen's club, not a dive.
    Now any guy who can co-exist with a stripper fave living with him & his wife is either psychotic or clever as hell or both. He had a favorite that he showered money on while sending the ATF $200 a week just to help her out. They'd go out to dinner occasionally but he wasn't having sex with her for about 18 months. His dancer broke up with him about 6 months ago and he started seeing my ATF pretty regularly, bought her a car ( her BF had totaled the car I bought her). I've had dalliances with his former friend and she's attractive and a real tight spinner. She told me he's crazy and obsessive but one never knows when you're on the outside looking in.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    gawker should have his own reality show depicting his "relationship" w/ his fave and other dancers.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    This guy sounds like he "IS" what JS69 aspires to be.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    "I bet gawker and his boyfriend make a cute couple..."

  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Gawker, I am always impressed by your stories.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    "This guy sounds like he "IS" what JS69 aspires to be."

    Absolutely. Gawker I so admire your incredible devotion to a stripper who so rocks your sexual world. Your haters and mine have either never had a woman like that so they can't possibly understand what it's like, or they are little pussies who run at the first sign of trouble. Gawker had a DS before any of us knew what that term truly meant.

    I am sorry about the rehab. Not surprised of course although the optimist in me did hold out some hope that this time could be different.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Getting cozy with the "other John?" Fuck that. Not only would I not meet him, but I'd ditch her ass too. The fact that you two even know about each other means that she has been horribly indiscreet.

    Of course, if good sense hasn't already led you to ditch this train wreck of a chick by now, then I don't expect that this will be the trigger. I'm guessing that you still enjoy the drama. Perhaps you also want the loss of the better part of your retirement savings to mean something. I really don't know, bot two old dudes meeting to share war stories about the SB who uses their money to support herself AND her boyfriend would feel kinda' weird to me.

    In any event, good luck.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    Really? Asking us for advice? Put on the big boy pants and deal with it! Any situation you're in, you created, so again, deal with it!
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    "Getting cozy with the "other John?" Fuck that. Not only would I not meet him, but I'd ditch her ass too. The fact that you two even know about each other means that she has been horribly indiscreet."

    Ricky - gawkie loves the drama so just let him go, and after he's done just enjoy the story, because it's going to be a fucked up one. When most of us see something weird or out of place we close the door, gawker kicks down that door and jumps right in.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    gawker: damn, I hope this thread doesn't discourage you from continuing to share. I fucking love the story and hope it's actually true, looking forward to chapter 2. And like I said, there's a decent chance I'd go meet the guy ... again, just for the story. You've pulled yourself together a fun little distraction, thanks again for sharing
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Ricky is critical of you doing this. That's your clearest indication yet that you should definitely meet the guy.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I mean cmon - the guy he a stripper living with him and his wife! Isn't that ever PLs dream?

    Gawker - set up an account for this guy on here so we can Q & A him! Lol
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    I love these stories too.

    They either are true, or this guy has one incredible ability to make up the craziest stories about strippers that I've heard.
  • ime
    9 years ago
    All other stuff aside, how does her boyfriend have the balls to ask you for gas money?

    Gawker your stories are horrifying and amazing at the same time.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ oh trust me there is not shame in the boyfriends game. gawker has it, and the boyfriend doesn't, so I'm his mind it's justified.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Gawker, I'm not saying that you have to cut this girl off. But you do have to draw lines with her. You can't tell her how she has to live, or even that she has to keep living. But you need to be straight and clear with her.

    If you want her to be your hooker, then pay her a reasonable hourly rate, and no more. And keep the sessions moderate in duration.

    Do not be involved in her affairs or with the other people she knows, until when and if she decides to straighten up.

    People who want to can do incredible things, like stay up for 3 days in a row. So the bodily pains caused by withdrawal are quite livable, for one who wants to get clean.

    I have found that the strongest desire to get off of alcohol, drugs, born again Christianity, and psychiatric medication is found amongst those who decide that they want to educate themselves.

    Educating one's self is a way of refusing the lot in life one has been handed. It is a way of showing that one values one's self and so they are not going to be passive.

    If you want a mistress, then at least until when and if this old ATF decides to clean up, you need to find another one.


    Gimme Shelter
  • rockie
    9 years ago
    "The fact that you two even know about each other means that she has been horribly indiscreet."

    Any strip club that I've been in that has a plethora of regulars or where you're a regular has too many people (customers, bouncers,managers, bartenders, and dancers) knowing way to much about the participants and their interactions. If they aren't paying attention to where the "good money" comes from - they are not good at their job. Use a credit card - they've got your name. In their down time they chat amongst themselves, speculate about their common customers, google for the missing snippets of information, and interrogate the customer on the next go round. The OP and the dancer's "Other Significant Benefactor" do happen to be "high lighted" customers at his club, along with at least 100 more peers. And yeah, women talk and how dare you say that any woman has ever been indiscreet!!! Ha, Ha! It's what they live for in my experience, except when they are the subject of indiscretion that the conversation centers on.

    Rick: I'm betting that the "beautiful rubes" that entertain you regularly in your Southern spot of choice have a playbook on you too. Your "southern club" dossier may not include all of the intricacies that are listed in the "Book of Gawker" and his Northern Neighborhood peer group, but they know more than you'd like them to know. I'm a minnow in the whales world and they track me too! I don't offer as much info freely as others, but I've been probed by the 'dabbling detective dancers" at a couple of clubs too. I am not concerned about what they specifically know about me and have not has someone show up at my residence uninvited. I've had that happen more than once with acquaintances in the workplace, which is why I'm not too forthcoming with the finer details in the hobby. Gawker's club of choice and Club Desire Providence are amazing in the in house institutional knowledge of the known "player's" at those 2 clubs, The open discussion about "player"- dancer interactions that are commonly discussed and speculated about in the bartender/customer interaction at both of those clubs are off the charts.
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