
Strip Club Hypothetical

Tuesday, January 12, 2016 7:53 AM
Say you walk into a strip club and you see someone you know outside the club dancing. Not a family member or anything like that. More like a fellow co worker, but she doesn't do what you do. For example it would be like both of you worked at the same hospital, but she works in the cafeteria, and you work as a nurse or something. You're friendly with her at work. Recently though she quit her job and doesn't work at the hospital anymore.

Back to the strip club. She is looking hot as fuck in the strip club, probably like a 8.5.

Would you ask her for a dance? Would it take you being drunk to have the balls to ask her for a dance? Or would you not even try to ask her for a dance?


PS: This is just a hypothetical, I haven't been in this situation :):):):):)


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Why the fuck not?
  • SmithWV
    9 years ago
    I'd talk with her first, but would need a small buzz to actually ask her. Unless she asks first, then play ball!
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @shadow- I don't know, maybe it'd be a little awkward.

    @smith- I agree I would need a buzz to ask her.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    It wouldn't affect my decision either way and if I did or didn't I would act like we had never met at the club when I saw her at work.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @London- in the hypothetical she recently quit her job, so you don't work with her anymore.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I wouldn't buy dances with anyone just because I knew them. She'd have to pass my audition process just like any of my non-regulars do.
  • etsutwigg222
    9 years ago
    Break out the VIP. If she was hot, then she is fair game. The fact you knew he outside the club just means no stripper crap pre LDK discussions.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    If she's that hot, I would certainly get a dance--and hopefully more.
  • Meursault
    9 years ago
    Get a dance. I'm not sure why you wouldn't given that you do not even work together anymore and you don't have any friendship outside of work. By the way, this seems way to specific to be entirely hypothetical.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    You're both in your mid to late 20's. You have some mutual friends. You have her number, but have never hung out with her outside the club.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Say this person has dated strippers before, and he doesn't want to do it again. Too much drama! He is just sticking to dating civilians, and keeping the strip club thing ITC.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    If your friendly, I wouldn't even give her a dime. I'd be too awkward to do so. I'd feel better if I hit on her for a date rather than a dance. Just the feeling of acquaintanceship I suppose.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I think the GENERAL case here is: we worked in different parts of the same company, now she doesn't even work there anymore and is stripping. If she's attractive, this is a no-brainer, get dances.

    The worst case, I suppose is: we may have worked in different departments at the same company, but she's still in touch with everyone from that department, and different departments do work together and talk frequently. Plus, there's reason to believe she's just stripping until she gets a different job, and might end up at a company that is a partner, supplier, or customer of my own -- in other words, she may continue moving in the same business circles as me. Moreover, every stripper at that particular club knows that I have a fetish for navel lint, plus I like it when the strippers dress me up in lingerie and call me Sally. In that case, I'll slowly back out of the club :) Ok, that's a particularly bad case, but the point is, I'd do a quick assessment on whether I think info will get back to my co-workers ... I have no interest in them knowing that I go to strip clubs, or what I do there.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    Clakport, apologies for not reading it correctly. Same answer though, it wouldn't bother me or sway my decision.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    If it's a former coworker and there wasn't a high level of familiarity (such as friends in common or knowing family via real world or social media) then *maybe*.

    But probably not.

    Assuming that there's at least enough familiarity for her to recognize that you worked in the same place, it means you're making your hobby activities vulnerable to someone who knows where you work, who you work with, and who you work for. That's a helluva risk unless you're pretty open about your SC activities outside the clubs.

    Strippers that are complete strangers have enough drama and complexity baked into them by default. I'd have to have a serious hard-on (literal or figurative) for a dancer to open myself up to those worst-case scenarios.

    But by all means, go for it. I'll pop the popcorn.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    I have been there. It wasn't a co-worker but rather a former classmate from 7-12th grade, just a few months after we had graduated HS. She was a legit 8.5/10, if not 9/10 ITC. Perhaps that is close enough for this thread?

    It was a nude dive club, no LDs, just a pole and stage setup. She was a mix of Italian and some North African country (Algeria?), so she was very olive skin toned, with long and very dark hair, what you might call exotic looking. She came out in 7 inch white stiletto Pleasers, a white bra and thong with a white (very) shear camisole thing. It looked fantastic under the black light ITC. The contrast between the white and her skin tone was mmm mmm. At first I was like, is that her? Can it be? Sure enough it was her.

    The encounter didn't end well for the dancer. I wasn't disrespectful or anything. She started her stage set, slinked down in front of me, knelt down on both knees, and teased with the camisole, started her strip tease, when she finally recognized me. "Dominic??!?" Then tears started, as she shuffled off, sobbing from the stage. It was the saddest thing.

    I went back the next day. I thought I might see if I could apologize or somehow "make it right." But the staff said she had quit.

    Normally I would be right there with you guys, and would have said, "Sure I would get dances or even spring for a VIP/CR!" But after an encounter like that, I am fairly sure if I were to recognize a dancer before she recognizes me, I would quietly and discretely leave, out of respect.

    My 2¢.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Dominic: well, that may be the second epiphanous posts I've read here on tuscl. The first was about the bathroom attendants, who I used to treat with disdain, but tuscl has given me a "there but for the grace of God" view on those guys now, I'll say a few words and leave him a dollar, and not resenting his presence actually makes me happier in the club, once less thing to annoy me.

    Anyway, in retrospect it should be obvious -- she might not necessarily be proud of her choice to strip, or even really feel like she had a choice, and both the fact that someone who she thought formerly respected her sees her there, and the fact that she knows you could go telling everyone about the position she's in .... well, it's at least worth a thought. That said, many (most?) of the strippers I know have stories about meeting current or former friends/coworkers/schoolmates/relatives in the club, it's something that they have to deal with, and given that, maybe the BEST thing that could have happened to the stripper in your above story is that you're the one she met, assuming you treated the run-in with sensitivity and discretion, rather than blabbing to all your ex high school classmates about it. Maybe you were the safest person she could meet to decide whether she could handle this part of the job or not.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @Dominic77- thanks for sharing. It's hard to tell, but the girl in your avatar looks pretty damn good.

    As most of you can see this situation happened to me. She definitely saw me, and we talked for a little bit ITC, we both tried to make it not awkward. I didn't ask or get a dance from her. But damn she was looking so good. I'm thinking of going back to her club, getting a buzz going, and then asking for her a dance. I wonder if it would likely be an air dance?
  • WetWilly
    9 years ago
    Identical thing happened to me, with two different women.

    # 1. Work associate in a financial institution told me about her moving to another city, and her new job.

    The difference between your scenario and my reality was that I did not consider her an 8.5, likely a 6. I love slim bodies, she was curvy but in my opinion too heavy, so I declined.

    # 2:

    Friend daughter. She was a 7, not an 8.5, so I declined. I also didn't tell her father, ever.

    Had either been 8.5 or above, I honestly don't know what I would have done.

  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    Walking out discreetly as Dominic suggests is probably the class move, but…

    If she decides to dance in a club that is so close to where she works/lives/grew up then she is accepting the risk that someone she knows might see her dancing there. I wouldn’t feel any responsibility to change my behavior at the club unless I was concerned about someone seeing me. But I too am accepting that risk when I frequent a club.

    In this situation, I would not approach her but would be happy if she came to chat with me. I would then read the situation and partake of LDs if it seemed comfortable.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago

    Agreed RE: bathroom attendants. I tip them $1 or at least 50¢. If he hold my drink; $2.

    You guys (TUSCL) are the first people I have told other than my wife (of 10+ years). So the dancer's secret is safe and I will take it to the grave. To frame it: I was the valedictorian / class president / merit scholar and she was occassionally honor roll / cheerleader / choir girl etc., who would never give me the time of day. No doubt it was painful for her because it was me, of all people. I can only imagine what went through her mind. I hope she was not ashamed. I am worried the pain may have been too assymmetrically tilted in her direction. I would not have been judgemental nor disappointed in her. I would have chatted her up, given the opportunity.

    My take-away is the encounter was it was a learning experience for the both of us. The universe has this unfortunately law that the better your the education is, the more it costs. I think we both paid dearly that day for that learning experience.


    She is.

    Here is the full-resolution version:


    The SC was literally on the border of the next town both to where we grew up and where we went to school in the mid '90s. It wasn't a club I normally went to. It was really dive-y / urban. I'm normally a mid-range club guy. But something brought me there that day. You're right, she was risking a lot by dancing so close to home.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    ... I have to proofread these messages. Ugh. Can't I edit a message to correct spelling here?
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago

    I'm not sure if you guys like tatted women (many don't seem to) but I do. The woman is my avatar is.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    No. No ability to edit posts.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    flagooner-->"If she decides to dance in a club that is so close to where she works/lives/grew up then she is accepting the risk that someone she knows might see her dancing there."

    Can't argue that point. In fact, the more I think about it the more I feel that you might as well just sit tight. She's either accepted the obvious risk, and you two might have a great time. Or, she's going to be traumatized by you being there -- but the fact is, if she's so close to where she works and lives, it is INEVITABLE that that she'll run into someone she knows anyway, and if you're the kind of guy who will treat this information with sensitivity and discretion, then better she runs into you than some gossiping bimboy who will tell everyone.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    The only reason knowing the girl outside would influence me was if I needed to keep a wall between my outside life and my strip club life.

    When I was married, this was true. It still is true, though for other reasons.

    But soon, strippers and massage girls will be my outside life. So that I knew her elsewhere and am now finding her in a strip club would be a pleasant surprise.


    Magic Carpet Ride
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    There was this one girl I knew from outside the SC world that I then saw dancing at the local club. We tried hanging out after the revelation of her job and my hobby... as friends. I knew her well enough before seeing her working at the club the knew I wasn't that interested in getting involved with her. Too much drama. This was before I got seriously into TUSCL. Knowing what I know now, I should have played the angle of her helping me get in the know with other dancers. Of course, they are all probably as f-ed up as this chick, so probably dogged a bullet.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Wait, you're a nurse? I thought you were a rapper... Hypothetically!
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I'm a rapper at night time, I have a normal day time job. I don't work in a hospital, I was just making a example. You get the picture though, we both worked at the same place doing different things.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I think you misspelled that, do you mean "wrapper" like you wrap all the leftovers for customers in the kitchen at a restaurant, so they can take them home?

    Or do you "wrap" all those pallets of toilet paper with stretchy plastic in a warehouse then ship them out to all of the Costcos across the USA?

    Are you the guy that "wraps" the tacos in the taco assembly line at Taco Bell?

    lmao - I'm just fuckin' wit ya!
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    ^^^you're hurting my feelings, I'm a janitor and I make minimum wage!
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    man after posting that image of a Taco Bell kitchen now I'm craving a Doritos Locos Taco for some reason.
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    Mmmmmm tacos
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    at my age running into a dancer that i would know would be almost impossible... she would have to be my youngest daughters age of 35 and more than likely my granddaughters age. and as for coworkers... there is only one out of many hundreds that might possibly dance.
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    I'd play it cool. Make eye contact and let her decide if she wants to come over. And if she does, address her as friendly face gauging and making her as comfortable as possible. Depending on how she acts is how I'd move forward.
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