Favorite Republican candidate?

avatar for MrDeuce
To those on the conservative side of the political spectrum: Whom do you favor for the Republican nomination. To provide some structure, I'll steal Larry Sabato's recent classification into three categories (see http://www.centerforpolitics.org/crystal…):

1st Tier: Yin and Yang Frontrunners -- Trump, Carson
2nd TIer: Most Plausible, Semi-Traditional Candidates -- Senators Cruz & Rubio; Governors Bush & Kasich; Fiorina
3rd TIer: Daydream Believers -- Senators Paul, Graham; & Santorum; Governors Christie, Huckabee, Jindal, Pataki, & Gilmore

I'll start: I *love* Carson and *loathe* Trump and Christie. In my heart I'm a Rand Paul fan, but he has run a very disappointing, low-energy campaign and won't last much longer. I'm hoping that Cruz or Rubio will win the nomination. However, I think the GOP's strongest ticket would be Kasich-Rubio: the boring but respectable old guy who was re-elected governor of Ohio in 2012, winning all but 2 counties while Obama carried the state, and the articulate, telegenic young Latino with a fascinating life story.

One more thing: I find it fascinating that JS69. our own insatiable pothead and stripper hound, is a Carson fan. John, you should start your own PAC: "Pot-Smoking Stripper-Fuckers for the Seventh-Day Adventist Guy" Only in America :)

Talk amongst yourselves.


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avatar for clubdude
9 years ago
I actually like Christie, but as they say, he has a snowballs chance in hell. Trump and Carson have really screwed up the Republican Party.
avatar for ATACdawg
9 years ago
Jeb Bush. He's bright, honest and can carry the Latino vote - he's married to a Latina. Unfortunately, he suffers from being Ws brother.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Kasich or Rubio are your best bets to actually win in November 2016.

So therefore I like Carson, Trump and Cruz. All would be Tampa Bay Buccaneers to beat.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Bush suffers from a lack of energy. I don't feel like he actually cares if he wins. I think Rubio, Trump, Fiorina, and Cruz all really want to be president. I think Carson wants to sell books and be a FOX commentator. Same with Huckabee.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
I think I would vote for anyone on tier 2. I like some aspects of Trump and some of Carson. Carson seems like a class act, and being a minority would help steal some votes from the left. He's too conservative though, coming out against gay marriage and abortion (I think) really hurts ANY candidate no matter what political affiliation. If Carson can polish up a bit (in his interviews) I think he would have a legitimate shot, but a year from now I see someone from tier 2 nabbing the nomination. Trump reminds me of how the Tea Party was so popular a few years ago. People just want change, they don't care what type of change or where it comes from - as long as it's something different, and Trump is something different. I think him "allegedly" using his own money goes a long way with republican voters, truly un-politician-like.

Sadly Bush doesn't have a shot in hell and so far he appears the brightest of all the Bush family.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
I'm pretty sure every republican candidate opposes gay marriage and abortion.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
^^^ you're probably right, even if they do, if they want votes these days - they need to keep their fucking mouths shut when it comes to that issue.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
I'm not a conservative but I predict Rubio will get the nomination because he's the least crazy. A lot of regular Republicans are very worried about most of the field, but Rubio seems like an adult at least.
avatar for IronFox22
9 years ago
Carson seems like a nice guy, but his views on science are--to put it nicely--crazy. He "doesn't know how old the Earth is" (his words), thinks the Big Bang theory is false, and thinks that evolution is a lie and that Darwin wrote "Origin of the Species" under the influence of Satan.
avatar for jester214
9 years ago
I like Rubio and I also think he has a much better chance of beating Hillary than anyone else.

Trump is a clown, I don't think he even wanted to be President until he realized he actually had a chance. Carson is too conservative and doesn't have the experience.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
Well, since Trump is just an everyday, run of the mill nut job, and not a *religious* nut job, I'd have to say him.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
What IronFox said.

I like some of Carson's ideas. But he lost me with his views on science. I'm not voting for anyone who thinks the earth is 6000 years old - though he seems to be backtracking on saying that exactly.
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
Not really satisfied with any of them although i would choose any of them over the other side's choices. I like bits and pieces of some of them, Paul, Rubio, Cruz, and lesser bits of some of the others. There is no complete candidate ATM but hopefully that will change over time.
Although I'm thinking that nobody can fix our problems, 4 or more years of another dem could be the final nail in our coffin.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I haven't decided 100% yet. I think Trump must have a deal with the Clintons. heads he wins it all, an extreme long shot, tails he gets the repub nomination and dooms the nation to another democrat but he gets political favors by and handing over the election by already angering large voting blocks and knows he doesn't have a chance of getting elected president. I like Ben Carson. I never thought a smart guy would rise in the polls so much. I thought he lacked energy and political experience thus could not go all the way against Hillary. I did not know he didn't know jack about science. Leaning towards Ribio or however you spell his name. I haven't seen any debate or read hardly anything about anyone yet. Thought it was mostly a waste of time this early. Rubio and Nicky Haley as VP on a ticket I think I could vote for. A vote for the democrats is a vote for more taxes for everyone in my opinion. Although it wouldn't bother me one bit if the social security cap on income was removed so that those who make a lot more continue paying social security taxes on all their income like all the poorer folks do. I consider social security a tax I pay that I will likely never get back. I do not see why the much better compensated should get exempted. Our government has raided the SS trust fund and used it so in effect, it's just another tax and part of the 98 trillion in liabilities the US owes and will likely never pay back.
I believe all the republican candidates understand the spending problem better than any of the socialist candidates do. It is likely a big joke for all politicians if they talk about what you will get from the government. They have to take or steal from someone everything they give.

so Mario Rubio leaning towards at the moment.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I meant I think SS is a tax I pay that I will never get back in full.
avatar for Dougster
9 years ago
Rubio is the only one who is even moderately sane. The rest are all bonkers.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
^^^ that kinda sucks doesn't it!
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
None their all asshats!
avatar for hiroaki
9 years ago
I'll never vote Bush just on the strength of his planned foreign policy team being pretty much composed of his brother's guys, and that all worked out fucking great.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
None of them.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
I find it telling this right leaning board spends more energy in the other thread bashing hillary rather than this thread pumping their favorite candidate.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I think it's best to judge a presidential candidate, where possible, upon their performance before rather than during the campaign. This is because the media distorts everything that happens in a campaign. This is why I like Carson. I heard him give a speech a few years back which I still remember. How many speeches do you remember an hour after they were over? I thought he was one of the most brilliant men I'd ever heard give a public speech, and as a lawyer I'm very critical of public speaking. I thought at the time that he ought to run for president.

I agree that's not the biggest endorsement a candidate could get. I could've written a short book about why Reagan should be elected when he was running. But in this election that's what I've got.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
I find it telling that the left totally ignores Hillary's lies about her server and Benghazi. It's all there on tape.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
W lied about WMD's. Reagan lied about selling arms to Iran. Johnson lied about Vietnam.

One still must make choices, and I for one make mine based on broad policy positions.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Yeah, but you're voting for Hillary. Wait til she's president
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
Oh Mikeyya02: Reagan was going to start WW III, Obama was going to make us a Communist Country...there is SO bullshit when it comes to people's fears. Hillary will be fine. Or not. But if Reagan didn't start WW III and Obama didn't socialize our entire economy, Hillary isn't going to turn the rich into poor or take away your guns. Relax.
avatar for Dancer_
9 years ago
I like Cruz a lot. Actually, I don't really condone any of current republican candidates.

Speaking of Reagan, it's a pity that nowadays we don't have anyone even resembling him. What a great man he was. :(
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